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Checker Software Order Form

Use the following order form to order Checker via email. We will send you a copy of Checker via email within 48 hours of receiving your order. If you would prefer to mail your check to use via snail mail, please click here.

You can order online by using the information from a personal or business check for payment. After your payment information is received, we will create a one-time bank draft (check) for the amount you authorize in this order. It will be just as if we had received a check from you in the mail. Make sure to enter this check number, payee and amount in your check register. PLEASE VOID THE ACTUAL CHECK.

Yes! I want to be able to accept checks by email, phone or fax. Please rush me by email, the download URL for the Checker Software Program. Here is my payment of $14.95

Please provide the following information. (Note: All fields MUST be filled in to process your order.)

Personal Information (Enter this info. exactly as it appears on your checks)

Full Name (or Business Name):

Email Address:


City, State & Zip Code:

Phone Number (w/ Area Code):

Please use the following diagram to help you identify the requested informaation on your check.

Bank Information (Enter this info. exactly as it appears on your checks.)

Bank Name:

Bank Address:

Bank City, State & Zip Code:

Bank Phone (if on checks):

Check Information (Enter this info. exactly as it appears on your checks.)

Check Date:

Check Number:

Check Amount:

Transit Code:

9 Digit Bank Routing Number:

Bank Account Number:

By choosing "submit order", you authorize Pegasus Systems/Stonegate International to draft your bank account for the "check amount" shown on this form in return for the selected product above. You acknoledge that you are the owner or authorized signer on the account information entered on this form. Your order will be processed through your local bank as a normal check, and your account will never be accessed electronically. After you have enter the information, there is no need to send the check. Simply write the information in your checkbook just as if you had sent it to us.

NOTE: Due to any returned checks (drafts) because of NSF, stop payment (fraud), false information or any other acts deemed intentional by the customer, said customer may be assessed a $25 fee per incident. By authorizing this order, customer agrees Pegasus Systems/Stonegate International can generate an electronic draft (check) for these fees that may be due without further notice.

Please type "I Agree" in this box before submitting your order. Orders that do not arrive with "I Agree" typed in, will not be processed.