Ortho Mattress / Bedtime Stores : Adjustable Beds and More

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Adjustable Beds

Sleep. It's the natural way the body renews itself after the cares and struggles of the day. We spend a third of our lives pursuing it. And, when we don't find it, we pay the price.

The way we sleep affects the quality of our lives when we are awake. All of us need the proper rest if we want the energy and drive necessary to face the challenges the next day always brings. To help you find the rest you need at a remarkably affordable price, we are pleased to present the adjustable bed. . . a whole new concept in comfort.

At your command is a wide range of custom comfort positions for the best possible sleep, plus an incredible variable intensity, therapeutic massage system for melting away everyday tensions. And, the adjustable bed can be used with your existing headboard and is available in a variety of sizes.

While the adjustable bed looks like any other bed, it truly isn't. It gives you what no ordinary flat bed can - support in any position and gentle massage for restful sleep or relaxation - daytime, night-time, anytime.

No words or pictures can do this remarkable adjustable bed the justice it deserves. In order to understand how incredibly comfortable it really is, you must experience it for yourself.

Go to the nearest Ortho store to see one. Find out for yourself what the bed feels like in every position. Turn on the massage system and experience relief from tension and stress in an instant. Come in anytime it's convenient and we'll give you a free demonstration of this greatest of all "sleep systems." you will see why no other bed in the world can be as comfortable.

Read in bed. When you want to read, you no longer need to go though the whole "pillow piling and punching" routine. At the touch of a button, you can elevate the head position to exactly where you like it best... and keep it there.

Relax Just the touch of a button and the adjustable bed will put you in the comfort position you want. The luxurious mattress gives you overall support, helps soothe tension, aching muscles or sore, tired feet.

Watch TV
Watch TV from bed. Couches are great for watching TV, but
they never seem to be the right size.
With an adjustable bed, you're already
in the perfect position.... Even elevate
your feet a little for improved
circulation and comfort.

Lay your bed flat (if you wish) to sleep. You'll get the most restful sleep in your life because, finally, you'll be able to find that "maximum comfort zone" that's exactly right for you. An incredible variety of bed positions are yours at the touch of a button.

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Email: Blade Berg: Manager of our website.