Not to get off on a rant, but...
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Not to get off on a rant, but...

This section is all about me rambling on about things that bug me. Or as some ppl like to say, things that IRK me (lol). ANYWAY, what i'm trying to say is that you probably won't agree with everything i say. Or maybe you won't agree with anything i say. Regardless, this is my opinion and i'd like you to respect it, even if it's morally wrong or whatever. No copying my opinions, no emailing me with hate letters because i said something that you don't agree with and ESPECIALLY no reading this page if you don't like me to begin with and you know you're not going to like reading this (yes, you). Now, I'm warning you, so if you click on the below link, it will lead you to my rants...if you click on THIS LINK it will bring you back to where you came from. The choice is yours....don't say i didn't warn you...

Click hereto go to my rant section...