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You have taken the first step into the World Wide Web and you want you're own part. You are no dofferent than most people. You have your own life and don't want to learn HTML (the language that powers the Internet), so you come to us here at Lantern's Light Enterprises. Good choice, but before I tell you what we have to offer, let's look at our history...

What is Lantern's Light Enterprises

Lantern's Light Enterprises (LLE) started as the brainchild of CEO and all around nice guy Dustin Watson. Dustin decided to one day put his adoration of the DC Comics character Green Lantern(*), into his own fan site. This required hours upon hours of study into HyperText Markup Language (HTML), after a few months of a successful site, people asked Dustin to start building them pages. This was the beginning of LLE, you are the next step!!

What do I get out of LLE?

Let's cut the sales pitch for a moment and talk truth. We here at LLE are the new kids on the Internet block. What you get from LLE is a quality product for a near UNBEATABLE price. We don't guarantee you to be the next**), but we guarantee that we will give you six free months of maintenence if traffic to you're site is null or just plain not coming. The bottom line is this: There are more experienced Consultants out there, but will they give you the great service and high quality for our low price.

What are the base costs to me? (On Average)

That all depends on what type of page you want. If you want a very grapically intense page, like the Home of the Last Green Lantern(*), then the cost can vary from $200.00-$500.00 initially and $75.00-$150.00 per month Maintenence fee. For a less graphical page, like the Cajun Thief's Hideout, the cost can range from $150.00-$300.00 initially and $50.00-$100.00 maintenence fee per month. Our Examples and Templates can show you more specific prices and designs.

I understand the initial fee, but what am I getting out of the maintenence fee?

For the Maintenence fee, Our staff sets you up with a unique E-Mail address for your site that we check for you. Also, we check on your site weekly, making sure that no outside forces (commomly called "Hackers") alter the information on your site. Also, of you have a change to be made that isn't too large, we will change it using your Maintenence fee.

How do I get

That is handled by an international business called Internic, they regulate the Domain Names that people have. They charge $75.00 per year. The only way around that is to post your site at a free server (Geocities, Angelfire, etc.)

This sounds great. How do I start you guys (and gals) working on my site?

Just mail LLE at with your name, phone number, and type of site wanted. This is also where you send questions to be answered. Please expect a two week delay in response. With all of the work we are doing, responses will take time but WE WILL RESPOND TO YOU with 100% of our attention.

Legal Stuff
*=Green Lantern, DC Comics and all images and characters therein, are property of Warner Brothers Inc.
** is a trademark of All Rights Reserved