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I know who I am, but who are you?

"Breaking the law, breaking the law..."

What could possible be said to explain the way I am?
Not alot I'm sure. ;) I'm just your basic, energetic, outgoing,
obnoxious 20 year old, who loves people and loves to entertain!
Let's see if I can give you a brief overview of my life as I know it...

My name is Libby...well, technically it's Elizabeth Rose Brawley.
I have graced this earth with my presence for 20 years now,
as of January 20th. =) I'm from a small town in Arkansas
and I proudly state that I am not a redneck nor an inbred! :)
I go to college in Mississippi, which of all places,
I have grown to love.

[I'm really not good at writing in paragraph about myself, so
I will write out whatever comes to my no particular format,
so English majors bear with me, it's one of my weaknesses.]

I would consider myself friendly as I tend to make friends
easily and have no problem talking to random strangers. I am
very diverse in my area of interests...I like theatre; movies/film; all
kinds of music (I'm actually in a country band called "Sweet
Addiction") - I play guitar and a little piano and try not to sing,
ha!; I have a black belt in taekwondo; I'm really into the old
classic era - 20's/30's/40's - and I LOVE old movies and musicals;
I'm an avid Judy Garland fan; it is under debate that I am a bit of
a nerd as I like to make webpages and tinker around on the
computer entirely too much! hehe; I also enjoy poetry; reading;
drawing; and just being with my friends. I'd like to think of
myself as adventurous and am open for new ideas and anything
dangerously fun - well within limits of course; I'm not much of an
outdoorsy person b/c my phobia of bugs and bees and just nasty
stuff gets the better of me...but I will say, my good friend Jesi has
managed to get me to go fox and coon hunting with her a coupla
times, so ya can't say I don't try anyway! ;) Hmm what else?...
I'm an idealist and believe that daydreaming and spontaneaty
make life worth the living...or at least more interesting anyway.

Well I think that about covers it. For the most part anyway.
That's me in a nutshell...a rather large one. ;)

"There's no place like HOME"