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Hello World! My name is John Harris, but most people I know call me Johnny H, or 'Chopper'. I’m 55, widowed; and, when I'm not in Court, I work from home (providing freelance legal services for solicitors) in Covent Garden, London. I have two daughters (30 & 19) and 2 sons (28 & 22).

[Note 19 May 2006: I am having another fight with cancer. This time, a couple of weeks ago, surgeons removed my right parotoid (saliva) gland, complete with massive carcinoma and 24 lymph nodes in my neck to which the cancer had spread. Because I was so physically fit, they let me go home only 4 days later! The cancer is a very aggressive but rare one, and I begin a radical course of radio-therapy (to both sides of my face & neck) and chemo on 1 June 2006. Meanwhile, I have to go back into hospital on Monday to have a 'peg' fitted, so that I will be able to inject food directly into my stomach. I am not sure what the future holds but if I should fail to contact any of my friends, please understand it is not a case of not wanting to but of incapacity. God bless you all! - Johnny].

St. George's 

Flag (ENGLAND) Click here for a map of Covent Garden St. George's 


My special interests are diverse, perhaps a bit peculiar, except for the fact that all of my family staunchly support the Arsenal soccer team, albeit from the comfort of the TV nowadays rather than the terraces.





I enjoy singing, as a hobby. I took lessons for 7 years. Singing is a marvellous stress- buster though. I enjoy most pop, rock, and motown, old and new. When plied with enough scotch and dry (hint, hint) I'm even known to get up and do some karaoke, so bring along the ear plugs, lol.

Oh, and I enjoy reading, and playing chess.

Suppose I’d better mention the craziest bit. I’m also a spiritualist. Spooky, huh? I got involved in it in 1980 after one of our sons passed over. I have received quite a lot of messages from him, and (more recently) from my late wife. Yeah, well, either you’ll believe me or you won’t - and I can’t help it if you are not as spiritually evolved as me (neither can you for that matter, lol)! I still haven’t quite figured out why the spirit guides allowed me into a physical circle - these are extremely rare, and I am kinda known for letting the odd four letter expletive drop from my rather limited vocabulary. Actually, I don't go anymore, except to give a lift to a nice old lady (medium) to our local spiritualist church when she gives a demonstration of her clairvoyance. It was something that I found very reassuring when I needed it; although,nowadays, I prefer to concentrate on this life!


Institute of Legal Executives The Association of Law Costs Draftsmen
I am a Fellow of The Institute of Legal Executives, and founding Member of the Committee of its Central London Branch, as well as the latter's webmaster (see link below), and am authorised to act as a Commissioner for Oaths. I am also a Fellow of the Association of Law Costs Draftsmen. I trade under the style "Chopper on Costs", not, I regret to say, because of any anatomical similarity, but because my style of practising law has been compared to the style of the former Chelsea' soccer hardman, Ron "Chopper" Harris. How ironic for a gooner like me, lol.

Check out my other pages:-

Curriculum Vitae
Recent Pics of Me & My Family
Some more of my (older) Pics
My Late Wife & Baby's Pic
Chopper on Costs
Jerry's Two Choices in Life
The (True) Story of Fleming
Faith (and The Sign of The Cross)
Smiles are Infectious
Central London Branch of Institute of Legal Executives