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Our Best Friends Memorial Page

Crawford Thirds Times A Charm
July 17, 1997 to Dec. 9, 1998


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colours.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,
hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.

The nose twitches! The ears are up!
The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group!

You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again,
and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together,
never again to be separated.

-author unknown

If you wish to have your pet placed on this page, just email me.

September 2, 1995 to December 21, 2009

Cindy-lou was a product of my first litter I had with Melissa who was my first golden retriever. Cindy-lou was incredible. As a little girl, she made sure she was noticed. She would crawl and wiggle under her litter mates and pop up in my face as I sat with them all. Cindy-lou picked me for her mom. Like her mother, she was bossy and demanding. I loved her for it, what a personality. She is my "Woo Woo" girl as this is the sound she would make to get my attention. I loved to sing her a silly song, Cindy-lou, my're the prettiest girl in the world... Cindy-lou had a few litters of pups and what a mother she was. She was perfect and I enjoyed every second of her. What a gift from God I am ever so thankful for. At this moment I write this, I don't believe it really has sunk in that she is gone. It will be difficult adjusting to her presence being gone. Cindy-lou required a lot of attention and I was more than willing to provide it to her. I loved every second of it. There will never be one like her again; unique, wonderful and the love of my life.

May 12, 1997 to December 17, 2008

My dear Taylor, was a product of my Cindy-lou and Arthur's first litter and first born. What a great gal she was. Taylor was so sweet and endearing. Her eyes expressed love for you that made me melt. It all happened so fast. Apparently and seemingly fine one day, then not so good for the last three. An examination by a veternarian proved dire and I had to say good-bye. I love you Taylor very much and you are deeply and sadly missed by all.

1995 to October 19, 2004

Oh, what a sad day. With Gladys just passing two weeks ago, Tuffy was called. Tuffy was an awesome cat. The moment I set eyes on him, I was in love. Tuffy was given to me and boy did these people loose out on a wonderful cat. So affectionate and amusing, I enjoyed every single minute I had with him. Such a stern look for a really sweet heart. In his case, looks were deceiving. We love you Tuffy, forever.

Spring 1997 to September 29, 2004

My finnacky princess. Gladys always preferred her own company over others. Content to curl up on the sofa or under the bed was her preferrance. Gladys was diagnosed with liver disease too late; subsequently passing this September 29, 2004. A very sad day for all of us. Gladys will be missed by all.

Melissa Marie
July 12, 1993 to December 22, 2001

My matriarch of De Winton Golden Retrievers was laid to rest December 22, 2001.
Melissa Marie was my first golden. She had three beautiful litters of pups and was an excellent mother to them all. She loved to swim up at the lake with her daughter Cindy-lou and Arthur; always ready to chase a stick into the water and bring it back. She was a lil devil at times; always stealing your socks or shoes plus no kleenex was safe. She LOVED to chew and tear paper. Melissa was a large part of my life and it will be hard to adjust without her here with me. I love you Melissa. Until I see you again.

October 20, 1996 to June 18, 1999

Spring 1997 to February 2, 2000

Spring 1999 to June 18, 2000
Spring 1999 to February 9, 2000
Both were siblings

Caillie and Durin
Passed away within two weeks of each other this January, 2000.