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Heat on WGCB-TV 49 of Red Lion
March 31 at 2:30pm!


 Booster Club Banquet
March 25, 2001

View of the buffet with Ian Carter checking out
his favorite area!

And Mrs Carter following in her hubby's footsteps.

A view of the banquet.

Coach Chinapoo got a response from everyone!
(When he turned off the Kixx-Blast game beside him.)

Bernie after receiving his "Most Improved Player"
Booster Club Award.

And Kyle Swords after receiving his
"Most Improved Player" Award

David Bascome receiving
"Offensive Player of the Year" award!

Chris Mormon after receiving his
"Defenseman of the Year" Award.

Doug Petras also tied as
"Defenseman of the Year"!

David & Bernie celebrate as it has just been
announced that the Heat are
American Conference Champions!

The celebration continues as the players begin
to rise and congratulate one another
among friends and family!

It was only fitting that the MVP Award
for the 10th Anniversary Season,
should go to the last remaining player from
the original Heat lineup, on the night the
Conference Championship was clinched,
to a standing ovation....David Bascome!

Back to sharing good times with good friends.

Of course some still had to keep talking
about the playoffs.

That's Gino on the left, organizing the
annual team photo.
(And with everybody so loose celebrating a championship,
no one was taking the time to stand still and smile for the camera.)

A lucky photo of everyone standing still for .35 of a second!

2001 American Conference Champions
(As you can see, Gino is now organizing--altering--the picture on the left!)

2001 American Conference Champions!

What opponents see when they go up against Chris Mormon!

See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil,
but what fun they've provided us this season!
(Otherwise known as Lester, Wendall and Meshach)

And then the dancing began...

...and some even got to dance with their favorite players!