*~*Gotta Love Dem Boys!*~*

Wow....I really suck at updating don't I?? It's summer now though so I'll have a lot of time on my hands. WARNING: This is a humor site. If you don't have a sense humor, leave. Don't send me hate mail because I don't care.

*Updated April 25th 12:45am*

"Signs to take to a Britney Spears concert" NEW!-
* "Random Thoughts"
* "The new 98* Video"

Proud member of A.B.S.: Against Britney Spears Join NOW!


My Daily Thoughts
My hate for Britney Spears
The Girls
Things I would LOVE to see...
What the F*ck?!?
The Top 10 Lists
The whole BSB VS. N'Sync thing
BSB Hate Lists
The Links
Holy Hell...
Mr. God Spent a hell of a lot of Time on Me Timberlake
Signs to take to a Britney Spears concert
The new 98* Video

Email: bsblondie5@yahoo.com