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Flash Freddy's Free Games

These are Flash Freddy's favourite game links and he has even put some of his own in too.

Over 34,000 Software Titles - The Largest Internet-Based Electronic Software Superstore, with more than 34,000 software titles, including over 3,000 available for immediate download, all at great prices. Brown by Category or Search by Title. Don't miss the Internet Product Center!

Blast-off with Astro-Mania , astronomy shareware for win95 - Blast off to learning excitement with Astro-Mania, a software game that makes astronomy fun. Eight levels and captivating graphics will keep you entertained for hours. For all ages, win95/98.

WWF Champion Cheat Cartridge for Nintendo 64 - Ultimate Cheat Cartridge for WWF Warzone on Nintendo 64. Gain extra characters, access advanced options in the Custom Fighter Editor and more! Only $19.88

Flash's Games Pages

Flash will put some more links in very soon.

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