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For two years running Three Rivers Adoption Agency has invited us to participate in their annual summer activities. The atmosphere is always filled with lots of fun and laughter as the kids and adults love the color that characters create with Michele's facepainting.

The Board of Education held an event in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh, PA. Over 200 people attended this fun filled fair. The parents were stunned at the art work diplayed on the faces of the youngsters. Also, how patient and durable Michele showed herself to be throughout the 4 hour event.

The Frick Historical Society, located in Point Breeze, Pittsburgh, PA. showed off it's Estate during one of the many openings it has during the summer. Along with other talented guests our facepainter treated the crowds with her snazzy paintings.

Festivals are always so much fun to do. The Hurombee, E.Liberty, and Kingsley festivals have also become annual affairs in which we participate.

We have appeared at some area church picnics. Pittsburgh Christian Fellowship invited us to their summer picnics where much intrest was generated. Many adults also requested personal favorites. Whether face, arm, hand or leg everyone got what they asked for.

Many area Birthday Party celebrations are apart of what we do. From private in-home parties to birthday party picnics to parties held at your favorite resturaunt. . . been there! done that! Other activities include. . . breakfast with Santa, held in Monroeville PA. and Christmas party at the Hillhouse Association.

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