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<BGSOUND SRC="/biz2/earthsweat/images/earthair.wav" LOOP=8>
Product List - New
Aromatic Herbal Packs
Aromatic Massage Oils
Basic Soaps
Bath Bag
Bath Brew
Bath Salts
Candle Holders
Cloth Pouches
Dream Pillows
Gift Baskets
Incense Holders
Leather Pieced Pouches
Magickal Soaps
Rune Stones
Talking Sticks
Tone Box
ESE Home Page

Earth Sweat Endeavors is an earth-based company created in 1997ce by Alex and Gretchen Comer, organic herbal farmers. Find out more about them and Earth Sweat Endeavors.
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This site is always under construction. Please send any constructive suggestions you have to the Webmaster. Thank You! (10Jul99 RS)
Red Sequoia