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Episode 54, "Soul"

This episode deals with radical heart transplants, a procedure that saves over 2,000 people a year, as well as medical “brain death.” Some foreign terminology might be used. Click on the links for further information. Thanks to Heart Center Online and Dr. Larry W. Stephenson, as well as for information and insight on the actual procedures involved.

Previously, on Friends and Foes:
Alex had sustained a possibly fatal wound to the heart. Devin, a wound to the brain. Posing as next of kin, Taylor discovered from Doctor David Marchese that Devin is brain dead. Taylor's wife Amber ran into Kathleen, an old friend of Devin's, who questioned her emotional investment, accusing Amber of being relieved that her child had not been sacrificed in the hostage situation. Shaken, Amber returned to find comfort in her friend, Candice. While the doctors continued to operate on Alex, Taylor demanded to see Devin's vegetative body.


Taylor looks up suddenly. “I want to see him.”

Dr. Marchese is given pause. Jesus Christ. This kid doesn't know pain. “Taylor, I have to warn you. Most people aren't emotionally ready to-”

“Cut the bullshit, please!” Taylor cries. “I have to see it for myself.”

He doesn't understand, Marchese thinks. One look at that boy and Taylor is going to lose it. Devin is merely a vegetable. A motionless, cold body mass being kept alive through artificial equipment.

“Doc?” Taylor interrupts David's train of thought.

Dammit. I've let it get to me. All these years and it has finally got to me. “Alright, Taylor. We can go see him. I just want you to know that it's not Devin anymore, it's just a body, and often times it's difficult for people to understand that the Devin you know is legally deceased.”

Taylor swiftly throws back his chair and stands up in awe. “How can you say that? He's breathing isn't he? His heart is still beating, isn't it? How can you sit there and tell me that he's dead? So his brain doesn't work anymore, goddammit! But he is still ALIVE! He's a living person! He just can't control his body on his own!”

David sighs uncomfortably. Here we go. Without another word, frustrated, he throws on his coat and motions for Taylor to follow him.

Taylor continues. “I want to see him. Now!”


"Damn!" A surgeon cries, as a group of doctors and nurses loom over Alex's body. He throws his scalpel down onto a metal plate and gawks for a moment at Alex's body. His chest is split open, and what seems to be left of his cavity is a pit of blood and unrecognizable organs.

"Doctor?" A nurse pleads.

"His heart is completely inoperable. This heart is permanently damaged. Let's continue to monitor the heart and lets get a Swan-Ganz catheter in here to try and keep it beating for the time being while we explore an alternative."

Alex remains unconscious, a drop of blood splatter across his chin.


Taylor walks in cautiously, as David holds the door open for him. Taylor can see Devin in clear view, lying in his bed so silent. For a moment, Taylor almost misses the large bandage around his head. It's to hide the truth, he thinks for a second. Beneath that fabric is what killed him. A violent shot to the head. Taylor can almost feel the vomit rising as the thought of his friend gone forever begins to become a reality.

But he's not dead. There he is. So peaceful. He's sleeping. Outside, the sun begins to rise. What a long night. It's not over. A speck of light peeks past the curtains of the hospital room and splashes onto Devin's face. He looks angelic.

The deep, mechanic sounds of the artificial lungs slowly invade Taylor's senses. He glances at Devin's chest, watching it rise and fall with the deep inhales and exhales of the machine. Like music, gentle beeping blends into the mix, the sound of Devin's heart being kept alive. The sounds dance together rhythmically, like a song.

Dr. Marchese shuts the door and keeps his distance, watching sympathetically as Taylor slowly inches toward the bed. Is he in denial? Is he coping, or letting it all sink in?

As Taylor steps closer to Devin's body, he holds out his hand, as if preparing for the inevitable. He gently touches Devin's face, almost prodding, checking to see if he responds. In. Out. In. Out.

“He's breathing.” Taylor says, fighting back tears. His whole body begins to tremble...his face, his lips, his hands even. “He's breathing doc.”

Taylor falls to his knees and holds Devin's hand in his, rocking softly back and forth. His tears spill from his eyes and fall to Devin's hand, rolling sadly off the tips of his fingers and quietly hitting the floor. “He's just sleeping, thats all. Do you hear that? His heart is beating, doc. He's just sleeping. He's napping is all.”

Taylor.” David whispers, inaudibly. He wants to say, it's not real! Don't let it fool you, you poor son of a bitch. None of it's real! Say good-bye to him and don't do this to yourself. Don't do it, goddamn you. He clears his throat. “Taylor-”

“Yea, doc?”

“He's gone.”


Amber turns a corner and returns to the chair where Candice is slumped forward with a cup of coffee. Amber takes a seat next to her and they share a moment of silence before Amber clears her throat.

“There's bad news. About Alex.”

Candice nervously takes a sip of her coffee. “The sun's coming up you know. I can't believe it's morning already, I guess time flies when you're-”

“Candice,” Amber interrupts, “Please. Don't make this harder for me than it already is.”

Candice nods and stares at her cup, the white creamer swirling in pretty patterns as it dissolves away into the brown caffeine killer. “Okay.”

“Alex's heart is inoperable. It's damaged beyond repair at this point. The doctors are going to try and keep him alive for as long as possible while they look for an alternative, but they say that its way too last second for a donor.”

Candice shakes her head. “Fight, Alex. Fight.”

Amber slumps back. “Are you going to be okay?”

“It's not over till it's over.” Candice says bravely. “Alex taught me that. He's a fighter. Always has been, always will be. I have to believe now that he will fight for his life. I have to put my trust in him, believe in him. Just like he always asked of me. What I couldn't give him then, I have to give him now.”

Amber frowns, and takes Candice's hand. “Want to pray?”

Candice looks into her eyes deeply, quizzically. What a beautiful gesture. “I haven't prayed in years.”

“Never too late, I guess.”

They look at each other a moment more, before bowing their heads.


“Gone?” Taylor asks, knowing the answer.

“I'm so sorry for your loss, but like I said before, in California a person declared brain dead is considered legally deceased.”

Taylor stands up, turning to face the Doctor. “Sure, Doc. California law says this and that. You doctors run in and out of here day in, and day out, and you see this stuff and it becomes second nature to you. That's fine. I get it. I get it now that I am supposed to walk away and pull the plug on him because he's dead anyway.”

“You can do whatever you want, the decision is up to you.”

Taylor ignores him. “The thing is, Doc... I look at him, and I see that chest being pumped full of air, and I hear his heart beating, and I think that he is alive. My best friend, my brother, he is alive. Maybe he will never be able to do the things he used to, maybe I should pull the plug on him. No matter what though, his soul is still inside that body. “

Taylor looks back at Devin again. “His soul is still alive. My buddy.”

Doctor Marchese comfortingly throws his arm around Taylor, against his better judgment, and leads Taylor out of the room. Taylor looks back and catches a brief glance at Devin's face one last time as Doctor Marchese gently shuts the door behind them.


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