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Episode 49, "Turmoil"


* Ross, gay, made sexual advances towards Alex, who was baby sitting for Taylor and Amber. Offended, Alex dismissed Ross, who becomes violent and threatens to rape Alex.

* Candice turns to prostitution to make money for an operation for her dying mother in Oklahoma.

* Taylor and Amber, unable to contact Alex, call Devin frantically, who is writing a check to help Candice's condition. No one knows where he is.


In quiet desperation, Candice blindly feels around the dark motel room in search of her clothes. She cries quietly as the man smokes his cigar, his naked body sprawled across the bed. He grunts and scratches his stomach, satisfied.

"Don't let him know you're upset." Candice thinks, horrified at herself. She wipes away some tears and pulls up her underwear, holding her arm against her chest to cover her exposed breasts. Ashamed. She can still feel him inside her...insensitive and violent, invading her, filling her with his repulsive venom.

"Not so fast." The man says. The sight of him rises the vomit in Candice's throat. Fat and unattractive, in his forties. Pathetic and vile. "My hour isn't up yet."

Candice closes her eyes. He had finished very had only taken him a minute to lose control inside her. She fights back tears. She would have to endure more.

"What...what do you want me to do?"

The man thinks for a moment, then Candice watches in horror as he begins to touch himself. "Get on your knees."


Alex's body is frozen. He lays there quietly as Ross begins to take Alex's clothes off. This can't be really happening. It's too surreal. He can feel the gun shaking in Ross' hands.

"Listen, Ross... I doesn't need to be like this. I really enjoy your company and I think you are a great guy and I think we can be friends, but... Not like this. Please!"

There is a moment of intense silence. Suddenly, the door opens and Taylor and Amber rush into the apartment. Immediately, Ross swings around and points the gun at them. Amber screams.

"Don't move!" Ross shouts, the gun quivering in his hands.

"Oh my God!" Amber cries, taking a hold of Taylor's arm. Taylor is frozen now, his body paralyzed with fear and disbelief. Would it ever end? Would this madness ever cease to haunt him? In an instant, a world of suffering and turmoil flashes before Taylor's eyes, floods his thoughts...the violence and anger would never end. It would seek him out forever, and try again and again, everytime harder and more viciously...he is cursed till death.

"What do you want?" Taylor stutters. He looks at Alex, trembling and almost naked on the floor. Ross stares right into Taylor's eyes. He is speechless.

"Get out." Ross says. Taylor is stunned. For a moment, neither him nor Amber moves. "Didn't you hear what I said? Get out!"

"But, this is my apartment, and Alex--"

"Get out!" Ross screams violently, standing up and edging towards the couple. Amber bursts into tears and darts toward the baby stroller where the baby hasn't stopped crying. Infuriated, Ross points the gun towards the wall and fires the gun. Amber falls to the floor in horror and instinctively, Taylor runs to her.

Amber reaches for the baby again but Ross points the gun at them and approaches them threateningly. "I said get out! This is between Alex and me now!"

Terrified, Taylor drags Amber out of the apartment kicking desperately, sobbing, "My baby! Please God, my BABY!!"

Ross turns back to Alex.


The dirty man arches his back as he releases into her again. She lays there, silent and limp, letting him use and fill her body. His large body crushes her, she can hardly breathe beneath his weight. A tear falls to her cheek and rolls onto the pillow beneath her. The pain is beyond words now, it shoots inside and throughout her, stabbing at her insides like a thousand knives. He kisses her, rolls off her and sits up, starting to put his clothes on.

"Can I have my money now?" Candice says, choking in barely a whisper. She feels defiled and disgusting.

He chuckles. "You whores never cease to amaze me." He takes a hundred dollar bill out of his pocket and throws it onto the bed. "Enjoy your heroine."

The man stands up, pulling his pants up and buckling his belt. Candice gasps. "It...It's not for drugs. My mother...she needs an operation."

"Whatever." The man rolls his eyes, he throws his coat on and walks out of the motel room. "Tell Mommy I said HI."

He slams the door shut and Candice begins to sob. Her cries are loud and gut-wrenching, and she curls up beneath the dirty sheets, holding herself.

A minute passes, and she knows she must compose herself. She sits up, wipes the running mascara from beneath her eyes, and begins to get dressed. She knows. She knows what she has to be done. She gets off the bed and leaves the hotel room.

The night isn't over yet. Not nearly.


Taylor and Amber hold eachother, the parade of police officers and SWAT units too insane to comprehend. Confused and scared neighbors look on from the sidewalks, and the midnight air is alive with controversy.

A car pulls up and Devin jumps out. He runs to Amber and Taylor and hugs, them, frantic. "What the hell is going on?"

Amber holds him close to her, crying. "I don't know...I don't know what's going on. There is someone in there and he has Alex and our baby, and he has a gun!"

Devin is shocked. "What? Oh my God." He looks at Taylor, who is still silent and comatose. "What are the police going to do?"

Amber shakes her head, unable to speak. Grief consumes her. A negotiator approaches them and begins asking Taylor and Amber questions, but Devin drowns them out. All his focus is on the apartment now. And Alex. And the baby.

Out of nowhere, the loud sound of a gunshot breaks Devin's concentration.


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