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Episode 44, "Devin's Return"


* The gang dealt with the repercussions of the bomb.

* Taylor knew that Amber was in critical condition, but was horrified to discover she was in a coma.

* Lyndsay was killed in the far she is the only casualty.

* Amanda, through with the bizarre antics of her L.A. friends, wrote a good-bye note to Alex and ran away.


Taylor wipes a bead of sweat that has fallen to his nose. He is dirty, sweaty, and tired, the boxes in his hands dragging him down like heavy weights.

He sighs and places the boxes down for a brief rest. "Moving sucks."

Alex walks into the room. "Yeah, it does. I'm going to miss you around here."

There is an awkward silence. The two friends look at eachother...their eyes are jaded and tired, and they both seem to share a common cool, as if any event like the wedding could happen and they would overcome it. Alex and Taylor both smile, as they bend down and pick up the boxes again.

"Alex, I'm really worried about Amber." Taylor moans, as he walks down the stairs of the dorm complex.

"That's completely normal. She's your wife now and she's in the're allowed to worry."

"What if she...God, what if she dies Alex?"

Alex stops in his tracks. It hits him like a sudden blast, if Amber dies this boy will be alone with a child. And all he has worked for, everything he has done...gone to school, worked a job, married the woman of his would be ruined.


As Taylor and Alex are helping Taylor move out, Candice is beginning to settle down and move in her things. She places a few outfits into the closet, then decides she needs a drink.

She walks towards the kitchen and is about to grab a cup when something in the corner catches her eye. Curiously, she walks over to the corner and picks up what seems to be a's Amanda's!

~~ Dear Alex~~

We have definitely gone through some good times together, and although I regret having to write you this letter, I think it’s the best way at this time. IN spite of recent events, I still love you dearly as a friend, and leaving Los Angeles is very hard for me.

But its proved to be too hard for me to handle. Please, Alex, forgive me. And take care. I will try and keep in contact as much as I can.

~~Sincerely, Amanda~~

Candice reads it and smiles victoriously. Almost evilly, she pirouettes to the fireplace, turns it on, and tosses the note into the fire.


Alex walks in empty handed, having just finished moving Taylor's stuff out, as the telephone rings. He casually picks up the phone, but is rather weary.


"Hey Alex! It's Devin!"

Taylor walks in, and sees that Alex has a glowing smile creeping across his face. Taylor knows almost immediately who it is.

"What's going on?!" Taylor asks.


Taylor, Alex, and Devin are sitting around a coffee table, the three of them finally reunited after so long. They seem to be catching up, engaging in conversations that highlight their heroic and exciting adventures tracking the past 2 years.

"So Jeff is OK?" Alex asks.

"He's doing fine. He'll probably travel down here in a few weeks. For now he's hanging out with his parents and making up with them." Devin explains.

"Wow," Taylor frowns, "Some friends we are, huh? Alex and I didn't even know about Jeff or what had happened to him."

"Yeah...and I didn't even know about the trial and what was going on with YOU GUYS either!" Devin responds.

Alex smiles, and extends his arm to the center of the table. "That's all behind us. Listen, the point is, we're all together again and lets keep it that way. No more splitting up and let's always stick together no matter what. I missed having all three of us around and being HAPPY! Friends again?"

Devin and Taylor throw their hands into the center of the table to. "Totally."

Taylor looks at Devin. "But that means you should move to L.A....come to USC with us, Devin! Forget San Diego!"

Alex smiles. "Perfect! You have to Devin, c'mon!"

Devin hesitates...then slowly a laugh builds up within him and he exclaims, "You're on!"


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