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Episode 40, "The Wedding Part I"

The Season Finale

Previously on Friends and Foes,

  • Taylor and Amber got back together, now engaged to be wed.
  • Lyndsay was very emotionally distraught, and learned from her doctor that she had cancer.
  • Alex persuaded Amanda to stay, and Candice took advantage of the moment and stole Amanda’s diary. After reading it, she found out that Amanda had "been a naughty girl".
  • Kortni tapped Sullivan’s office in the continuing search for Jeff.


    "Oh my GOD, yes!" Brandi says, stuffing her mouth full of food. Her voice is muffled behind the burger and fries in her mouth.

    Kortni cringes. "That’s disgusting."

    "Gimme a break."

    Kortni’s eyes go wide suddenly, and she hushes Devin and Brandi, who follow her stare.

    Less than 50 feet away, Sullivan crosses the parking lot, Armani clad and cell-phone toting.

    "Oh my God...there he is!" Kortni says, stunned. After months of investigation and searching, she had finally seen him in person. "He’s on his cell phone. I’m going to try and avert the radio waves to the head phones!"

    Kortni turns a nob on the control panel, and after a series of static, a voice emerges. It’s Sullivan’s:

    "I’ll be there in 25 minutes. Yeah...yes I’ll visit before I go home. Just keep him locked up, I don’t want him escaping. Tomorrow, we’ll kill him, I promise. Of course. Alright, bye-bye."

    He hangs up the phone, and the sound of his laughter resounds throughout the parking lot. Kortni cringes in disgust, and Devin and Brandi look on in awe, their jaws to the floor. Sullivan gets in his car, and peels out of the garage.

    Kortni is fast to turn on the car and pull out of her parking space, speeding towards the exit of the parking lot.

    "What are you doing?" Devin yells, horrified.

    "We’re going after him. Tonight is the night we save Jeff Moore."

    ROLL OPENING CREDITS, "Stronger" Britney Spears


    Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

    Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

    Jennifer Love Hewitt as Lyndsay Schofield

    Britney Spears as Candice Rogers

    Gillian Anderson as Kortni Hope

    Christina Aguilera as Amanda Friedman

    Guest Starring:

    Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

    Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi Vandal

    Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell


    Lyndsay’s eyes become welled with tears, as she clasps her hand over her mouth. "Oh my God... I mean how is this possible?"


    "What have I done to deserve this? What did I ever do to Taylor or Amber, or to you? Why did Josie have to die when she did? I am so damned forgiving all the time that I always let people step the hell all over me!"

    Lyndsay furiously wipes the tears from her face and stands up from her seat, sticking her forefinger into Dr. Palmer’s chest.

    "I forgive Amanda for killing my best friend! I forgive Taylor for breaking my heart! I even let that b**ch Amber off the hook after she stole the only man I’ve ever loved! Well not any more, dammit! I’ll be damned if I let Taylor or Amanda or any of those other b@st@rds ruin my life!"

    "Lyndsay, when people first learn that they have cancer, most of the time their reactions can be very hostile. I would really like you to calm down and..."

    "Shut up!" Lyndsay says. She rips off her hospital gown. "Dr. Palmer, just tell me, right I going to die?!"


    "Answer me!!"

    "Lyndsay, the cancer is growing and its very probable that it could be terminal."

    Lyndsay laughs, almost hysterically, throwing her head into the air. "Then I know what I have to do."

    "Please LYNDSAY! Don’t do anything irrational!"

    But its too late. Lyndsay storms out of the office and Dr. Palmer looks incredibly worried.


    Amber and Candice stand next to each other, Amber dressed in a beautiful and very sheik white wedding dress, and Candice clad in a lavender maid of honor dress.

    "Listen, Candice, I want to thank you again for being my maid of honor so last minute. I’m afraid you’re the best friend I have right now!"

    "No problem, honey, my pleasure. Let’s just hope little miss Amanda doesn’t get in my way tonight."

    The women giggle.

    "So," Candice asks, "what’s planned for after the ceremonies? Anything fancy? A honeymoon somewhere nice."

    "Well, I wanted to go to Hawaii but I was told not to mention that with Taylor. I guess Hawaii is not his favorite place."

    Candice nods. "You can say THAT again."

    Amber looks confused. "But anyway, Taylor’s foster parents have a bunch of money that they sent us from Colorado. They couldn’t make it, but we already rented a car out front that we’re going to drive up to Santa Barbara. We’ll spend a good week or so at this private resort up there."

    "Santa Barbara, wow!" Candice says, "I hear it’s really beautiful up there."

    "And Alex offered to take care of Alex Jr. for awhile, so I guess you’re going to be a parent for a week or so!"

    "Joy!" Candice smiles.


    Alex and Taylor stand together in the dressing room, clad in tuxedos, and Taylor looks incredibly nervous about the upcoming wedding.

    "Nervous?" Alex says, a smile on his face.

    "Yes." Taylor replies. He wipes the sweat from the palms of his hands on his pants. "But this is what I want. I have cold feet, but it means nothing. I love her and I want to marry her, for her, me, and our child."

    Alex chuckles. "So how is little Alex Jr.?"

    Taylor sighs. "He’s the most amazing little boy. A year old and this kid, you can tell, will be genius! I really love him, Alex."

    "Good for you."

    "I feel like this is the happiest day of my life. Much happier than the last few months! And to have my best friend and best man by my side, this is great!"

    Alex suddenly recalls something. "I just wish Devin and Jeff were here to enjoy this day."

    Taylor nods in their remembrance. "I miss those guys. I wonder where they are?"


    Devin and Brandi are both on edge as they watch Kortni exit off the freeway and follow Sullivan’s car down a dark street, with only a few street-lights flashing on and off.

    "Keep your distance!" Devin whispers. "This street is pretty empty and he might notice us! And turn off your headlights."

    Kortni does so. They slowly follow Sullivan’s car as he makes a turn into a dirt road that goes down a field of crops...what appears to be corn and wheat.

    "Where is he going? This is nothing but farm land for miles." Brandi says.

    "He’s taking us to Jeff! I wouldn’t be surprised if this ‘wherehouse’ was in the middle of nowhere. If you’re going to kidnap someone, you’re going to want them to never be found."

    She continues to follow him, until about three miles into the field, the three notice a large structure.

    "My God. It’s an actual wherehouse." eerie silence that lasts too long as the car remains at a stand still, it’s occupants in complete awe of what stands tall before them. Chills run down Kortni’s spine as she thinks of what poor Jeff must be going through.

    "We better get out here and walk the rest of the way." Kortni says. She shoves a hand gun in her stocking and hands one to Devin, but doesn't trust Brandi with any equipment. "I will understand if you don't want to go in..."

    "No," Devin says, searching for vindication, "I've been waiting for this."

    Kortni pulls a cell-phone out of her pocket and tosses it to Brandi. "You stay about 15 behind us...if something happens, you use that phone and you call the police and let them know this location, ok? If anything goes wrong, you're our last hope."

    Brandi nods as Kortni and Devin progress towards the wherehouse...



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