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Episode 4, "Trials and Tribulations"

Previously, on Friends and Foes:

Brandi is caught for the bombing and attempted murder of Alex

Devin, Taylor, and Alex are unaware that Jeff is dead

Jeff is alive! But why is he letting everyone think he’s dead?

Demented Brandi walks out of her cell as the guards escort her through the halls of bars. The officers unlock a couple sets of barred doors, then proceed to enter an enormous court room. Brandi walks down an isle of seats to the front row, where she takes a seat. She appears to be slightly embarrassed of her predicament. The judge walks in to the court room from his private quarters.

"Please rise." A nameless officer commands as the screen fades to black.


ROLL OPENING CREDITS, "One Week", Bare-Naked Ladies


Nicholas Brendon as Alex

James van Der Beek as Jeff

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin

Guest Starring:

Sara Michelle Gellar as Brandi

Jared Leto as Tristan

Coming Soon:

Amy Jo Johnson

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Claire Danes


Alex rolls his wheel chair down a hospital lobby to the front desk. He approaches the receptionist.

"Excuse me, can I have the status of Jeffery Paul Moore?" The woman smiles and nods graciously as she types quickly and then says,

"He is deceased, sir." The nurse answers, and she turns back to her other work. Alex is shocked, and stunned at this disturbing news. He pats his hand on his head, trying to control the tears from coming, trying to grasp the huge size of the news that was just thrown at him. (Superior Acting: Nicholas Brendon)

Devin and Taylor are seen walking toward him with serious expressions on their faces. They know.


Tristan is sitting in the court room, listening to Brandi testify. Alex, Taylor, and Devin take a seat next to him.

"I just found out that my best friend is dead." Alex gets right to the point to Tristan.

"I’m sorry." Tristan replies. "But you and me, we’ll be friends forever, don’t worry about it." Alex and Tristan nod in agreement.

Tristan smiles and thinks to himself, "Yeah right! You’re gonna die next, Alex!"


Brandi is sitting at the bench, when the judge, who is interrogating her, gets restless and stares at Brandi.

"Did you blow up the bus on that day, or did you not?" The judge asks. Brandi sits there, silent. The judge skips the question.

"Did you try to kill Alex Harrison yesterday?" the judge asks again. But Brandi remains silent, but nods.

"Why would you try to kill him?" The judge asks.

"There’s this man, he’s inside my head! And… and, he tells me what to do! I can’t stop him! I can’t kill him!" Brandi tries to explain, when she has a sudden change. A change into Zaltar. (Superior Acting: Sarah Michelle Gellar)

"You will all die! I am Zaltar, Lord of Evil, Master of Torment! Feel my wrath!" Brandi says with a deep, aggressive voice as she stands up and knocks her seat down swiftly. She throws down the table in front of her and attacks the judge. She grabs the judges neck and strangles him, as security guards struggle to pull her away. As Brandi strangles the judge, tears stream down her face, and she whispers, "I’m sorry! It’s not me! It’s Zaltar."

With that final word, the judges chokes, tumbles over his stand, and lays motionless on the floor. The whole courtroom is about, with gasps and commotion. The guards tear Brandi away from the judge and drag her away.

"He made me do it! He made me!" Brandi screams violently as she pleads her case and the officers drags her away.


Alex, Devin, Taylor, and Tristan are sitting in the lobby of the courtroom, waiting. A man pops out of the courtroom and yells,

"The verdict is in!"

Alex, Taylor, Devin, and Tristan go toward the courtroom when they hear a deep moaning.

"Help me! Help me!" Alex, Taylor, Devin, and Tristan turn to see a mutilated Jeff crawling into the lobby, trying desperately to maintain stability of his mind.



Next Week, on Friends and Foes:

Jeff is alive, with a deadly disease

Tristan’s evil plot is explained

What will happen in the matter of Brandi’s verdict?

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