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Episode 22


"Devin Barbieri?" FBI Agent Kortni Hope says, still holding the gun at Devin with valor.

Devin’s voice escapes him as almost a whisper, his hands and body trembling in fear. "Yes, ma’am."

Kortni puts down the gun. Obviously, its not Devin she is after. "Devin, I’m going to have to ask you some questions about Jeffrey Paul Moore."

"Ok." Devin says. He takes a moment to gather himself, stand up, and meet Kortni face to face.

"As you know, last year, he joined a cult called the Carter-Way that got him in some serious trouble. It resulted in the death of Max Cudich, and since then, we at the bureau have been unable to track down the cult. They continuously migrate to initiate a fresh flow of members...we’re suspecting that they are involved in Jeffrey’s kidnapping."

"Wait, wait, wait...Jeff’s been kidnapped?" Devin says, his eyes wide in astonishment. It was almost too good to be true. For a year he had been out of Pine Valley and Colorado, and he thought that trouble had stayed there, but apparently it had followed him to San Diego, lurking, waiting for a good time to jump in and emotionally destroy Devin again. Now was the time.

"For God’s Sake, don’t you know? Jeff’s been missing for nearly 10 months." Kortni says, amazed that Devin has not received this crucial information.

"Oh My God!" Devin says, as he sits down on his couch, trying to piece together the information that Kortni has thrown at him.

"We are conducting a nation-wide search for him as we speak. Now, please answer as best you can. Anything you say could be vital to finding Jeff."

"Sure, I’ll do whatever it takes."

Kortni pulls a tape recorder from her jacket and presses the record button.


Lyndsay Schofield, the resident advisor, sits before Taylor in the living room, explaining the dorm utilities. She is stunningly beautiful, her auburn hair flowing past her shoulders. Her deep, brown eyes are alive and energetic, and her presence alone brings life and personality to the room which minutes ago seemed so dull to Taylor. Taylor watches her with a grin on his face.

"Yes, you guys can apply to leave the dorms and find your own place, but you have to fill out some stuff first but it’s pretty much really easy."

"Thanks, that’s pretty much all we needed to know." Taylor says, still grinning at the abundance of beauty residing in Lyndsay.

"Oh, it’s no problem, I’m glad I could help, and I hope you two stay with the dorm. I would hate to lose you."

Lyndsay smiles, and Taylor’s heart melts. This was his first love interest ever since the untimely end of his relationship with Amber, and he has just met her. But all thoughts of Amber have fully cleared his mind.

"Should I ask her out," Taylor thinks to himself as Lyndsay gets up to leave the room, "No, no, it’s to soon. I would come off like an idiot. Another time."

"Ok, I have to head out now, Taylor. It was really great meeting you!" Lyndsay says, still smiling that bright smile, a smile that could pierce Cupid’s arrow into any man’s heart.

"Oh, definitely, you too." Taylor says, out loud this time. "Hopefully, we’ll see each other again."

Lyndsay bites her lip with a smile at the flirtatious comment. She’s not too excited, but she’s not turned off at all. With that, she walks out of the dorm room with a wide grin painted onto her face.


Lyndsay walks into her room, CD player at her waist and head-phones around her neck, throwing some books onto a dining table while heading to the kitchen to grab some food. She takes a beer from the fridge and pops the top as her roommate walks into the living room.

"Hey Lins!" The girls says as she collapses onto the couch and switches the television on.

"Hi, Josie. You want one?" Lyndsay says, signaling the beer.

"Yes, PLEASE!" Josie replies, her eyes weary with exhaustion. The girl looks young, but is ahead of her time. She is wise, yet she is easily distracted. Josie is a cunning and beautiful young woman, who has her priorities straight and her life on track, but she doesn’t forget how to have fun.

Lyndsay takes off her head-phones and dismantles her CD player, then plops down on the couch and joins Josie in taking a great chug of her beer. After the drink, the girls glimpse at each other, smiling, and start to giggle.

"Isn’t college great?" Lyndsay says, laughing at the situation.

"Oh yes. Beer and Television. Life at it’s best!" Josie giggles, switching through some more channels and drinking more beer.

"And they say women don’t know how to have fun!" The girls sigh from the giggle fit and relax in front of the television.

"So how was your day?" Josie inquires passively.

"It was ok. I did some R.A stuff, and met this guy."

"God, who is it now?" Josie blurts, rolling her eyes.

"He’s really nice. His name’s Taylor. Taylor Brookdale. He’s a cutie." Lyndsay says, smiling. "He’s got kind of blondish hair, these beautiful hazel eyes ... he’s kind of short for me though ... Don’t get me wrong he’s really nice and sweet. From the second I met him I felt this sort of connection, you know?"

"Lyndsay! Did you forget that you have a boyfriend? If Brandon finds out about your little sexcapades..."

"For God’s sake, Josie, the man lives in Florida. He is all the way on the other side of the country! I think it’s time I started to live a little."

"You little slut," Josie giggles jokingly, "Poor Brandon!"

"Shut up!" Lynday smiles as she nudges Josie with her arm. "Your making it worse than it is. You know as well as I do that Brandon and me are pretty much through. He hasn’t called for over 2 weeks, and I really don’t have feelings for him anymore. Long distance relationships just do NOT work!"

"What are you talking about? If my memory serves me correctly, I have a long-distance boyfriend, too!" Josie says, mockingly looking into Lyndsay’s eyes.

"Robert lives in Orange County. That’s like 45 minutes away. It’s a big difference, sweetie."

"Same difference." Josie rolls her eyes at the bold fact, defeated. "Do whatever you want, but I’m telling you, someone is going to get hurt."

"Yeah, YOU!" Lyndsay says as she tackles Josie and playfully beats her with a pillow as she pleads for mercy.


Alex runs through the door, frantic that he is late to his psychology class. His eyes are wide and his chest is heaving as he takes a second then proceeds to take a seat. The professor ignores the tardy and continues to preach the lesson.

Alex conveniently finds a seat next to Candice, who smiles at Alex’s confused and weary expression. "NO W who’s late?" She whispers.

Alex laughs and rolls his eyes. "Funny meeting you here."

"Ain’t it a coin-ki-dink?" Candice giggles. "What’s your excuse?"

"Sex. When you’re having fun, time flies." Alex says. There is an uneasy pause, then, "I was just kidding."

"Oh!" Candice says, laughing, grasping her hand in front of her mouth to remain silent. She tries to keep her laughing quiet as she whispers, "That was a good one!"

Candice gasps for air between fits of laughing to get out a few words, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

She bursts out laughing again. Alex starts to chuckle.

A few minutes later, the two simmer down from the senseless giggle fit, taking a deep breathe.

"So...when can I see you again?" Alex asks, suddenly serious, looking into Candice’s eyes.

"Are you asking me out?" Candice says, smiling, her face turning a bright shade of red.

"Maybe," Alex teases, "Depends how you answer the question."

"I answer, when and where?"

Alex smiles, "Great."


Candice walks into the little restaurant and approaches a man who is sitting at a round café table.

He is a dark and mysterious man, his black hair and prowling brown eyes reflected from the bright light, but his personality and intentions are nestled comfortably in the shadows of uncertainty.

"Hey Kaveh." Candice says as she takes a seat.

"Hi, Candice. Where have you been, you’re half an hour late." Kaveh says, looking deeply into her eyes, trying to tell from her expression what she was doing.

"I was talking to a friend." Candice says. "Now, do you have it?"

"Yes." Kaveh says, as he hands a white business envelope to Candice, who takes it, and in return, hands Kaveh a bundle of cash. "Is this the full 2,000 dollars?"

"Yes." Candice says as she slips the envelope into her purse.

"Be careful with that. It can do a lot of damage." Kaveh says.

"That’s what I intend to use it for." Candice says evilly, as she withdraws from Kaveh and exits the restaurant.

On January 26, 2000: Episode 23 of Friends and Foes

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