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Episode 2, "E.R."

Previously, on Friends and Foes:

Brandi has an agenda against Alex

She reveals her insanity and blows up the school bus Alex was on

Jeff was affected badly in an explosion

The bus flew off a cliff

The bus soars straight down and crashes into hundreds of pieces on the rocky beach. A guy is surfing and sees this. He collapses of his surfboard in shock. With a continuing surge of shock and fear, he runs out of the water. The camera shot goes slowly from his head to his feet, revealing Tristan (Jared Leto).




Nicholas Brendon as Alex

James Van Der Beek as Jeff

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor

Guest Starring:

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi

Jared Leto as Tristan

Coming Soon:

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie

Jennifer Love Hewitt as Christina

Claire Danes as Meredith


Somehow, Tristan has managed to get an ambulance to the scene, where bodies are scattered around, with chunks of twisted metal either crushing them, or a part of them. The debris is making it difficult to find people. The waves that are crashing into the wreckage don’t help the search party either. Tristan talks to some police officers and investigators about what happened as the ambulance drives off.

Demented Brandi is in shock, unable to believe that she just killed 42 people. She seems to be paranoid; she is worried if they will find any evidence against her. Suddenly, she has an odd mood change.

"Why won’t you leave me alone! Look what you did! You killed my classmates!" She pauses, grunting uncomfortably, as tears parade down her face uncontrollably. Brandi falls to her knee’s, sobbing in solitude. (Superior Acting: Sarah Michelle Gellar)

"Why me? Why are you torturing me, Zaltar? Why are you torturing me?!!!" Brandi yells out, her tears smothering her voice as they elude her mouth and throat. In the next moment, Brandi’s tears have ceased, and she is cackling evilly. Her voice is clear and aggressive as she changes back into Zaltar.

"Silence! You have done well! You have killed your enemies! Now, you must make sure they are dead, or you will be condemned! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!"


Parents are impatiently waiting for the results of their children’s state in the hospital’s lobby. Alex’s mom, Sara, (guest star Joan Collins) bursts through the hospital doors and comes running in. Sara bumps into Jeff’s mom, Judy (guest star Kathy Baker) and Jeff’s dad, Frank, (guest star Tom Skeritt).

"Judy, Frank. Hi." Sara says nervously. They all share a heart-felt embrace and wish each other the best as a doctor approaches the large crowd of anxious adults. The doctor does not mention Jeff, but Alex is mentioned.

"Alex Harrison has been diagnosed with a case of inactivity in a portion of the frontal right temporal lobe of the brain, resulting in paralysis of the legs."

"Oh no…." Sara weeps in complete horror.


Taylor (Jonathon Taylor Thomas) and Devin (Leonardo DiCaprio) walk into the room Alex is resting in. Sara, who was already with Alex, looks over at them.

"You’re back! Thank goodness, come in, Alex needs you right now."

Alex looks at his friends. He isn’t in the mood to say hi or smile.

"It’s OK." Says Taylor, catching the drift.

"Yeah, we understand." Says his friend Devin. They have obviously been friends for quite a while. They all sit around Alex.


Judy and Frank approach the Chief of Staff, Dr. Hibbert (guest star George Clooney), who announced the children’s status.

"Dr., you never gave regards to our son. What has happened to him?" Frank asks desperately.

"Are you the parents of Jeffery Paul Moore?" Dr. Hibbert asks for a reply.

"Yes, we are."

"Mr. And Mrs. Moore," Dr. Hibbert continues, "Apparently, we did not recover Jeffery from the wreckage. I’m very sorry, but Jeff is the only reported fatality."

Judy becomes very frantic. Her worry deafens her to the initial statement. "Are you saying my son is missing? Well, then find him!"

"Mrs. Moore, please, you’re making this harder than it needs to be. If Jeff wasn’t killed in the accident, then he drowned in the ocean. Jeff is dead."

Judy and Frank are in shock.



Next Week, on Friends and Foes:

Jeff is dead

Alex tries to walk, only to be attacked

Devin and Taylor explain their return.

Tristan reveals a shocking secret

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