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Photo by Stephanie McGaha

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Labrador image by Mike Sibley Fine Art
Labrador © by Mike Sibley Fine Art

Note: This magnificent Labrador head study was drawn by Mike Sibley, and is used here with his permission. Click on the image to visit his web site. I have no doubt you will be as impressed as I was!

If you have a dog, you need this book! Throughout this page you'll find "Buy Now" buttons that will let you place a secure order through PayPal. If you'd prefer to order by e-mail, there's a link at the bottom of the page.

Dogspeak is my unique and original concept in dog training. I've spent the last 20 years or so developing and refining my methods, and have used them to successfully train hundreds of dogs - dogs of all ages, all breeds, and all temperaments. Dogspeak teaches you to train your dog in an easy, natural way - so natural, in fact, YOUR DOG ALREADY UNDERSTANDS IT. But don't worry; you won't have to get down on all fours and bark like a dog!

I'll show you how to use your body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions to earn your dog's trust, respect and obedience.

You'll learn why your dog gives you that "Huh?" expression no matter how hard you try to explain to him what you want. AND - more importantly, I'll guide you across the human-canine communication barrier.

I'll show you how to select, fit and use the training equipment in the most humane and effective way. If you follow my suggestions, not only will your dog not try to avoid the collar and leash, he'll practically BEG you to put it on him!

It's NATURAL! It's FAST! It's EASY! It's FUN for both you and your dog. And it WORKS!

When you tell your dog to "sit" and he gives you that blank look, it doesn't mean he's ignoring you or trying to make you mad. It doesn't mean he's stupid or stubborn, distracted or "not in the mood" to obey. It certainly doesn't mean he lacks a "desire to please." It simply means HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND your language!

You can receive your own copy of "Dogspeak" for only $24.95 + $4.95 s/h.
(Yes, we accept PayPal!) To order now, click

Dogspeak is NATURAL

Think about this: If your dog walked up to you and said, "Woof! Woof, woof, woof. Bow wow. Woof!" Would you have any idea what he was saying? He could be asking about the status of your financial portfolio, or making a comment about the weather.

Well, if you don't understand HIS language, how on earth can you expect him to learn yours?

Of the two of you, which is more likely to become bilingual? That's right - YOU are! After all, dogs (poor things) only have ONE WORD in their natural vocabulary: "Woof!" Depending on how they "say" it, it could mean anything from "Call 911! There's a burglar in the garage!" to "I've missed you SOOO much, I'm so glad you're home!"

By learning to imitate your dog's NATURAL communication, you'll be amazed at how quickly he learns, understands, and obeys!

Dogspeak is FAST

Have you ever said, "I'd train my dog if I just had the TIME"? Well, I've got GREAT news for you! You don't need to spend hours with your dog to communicate with him - you just need to know HOW to communicate with him. I'll teach you how to make sure your dog understands exactly what you want, and ENJOYS doing it - promptly, accurately, and on A SINGLE COMMAND. That's right, you don't need to repeat commands, speak louder, or jump up and down. You don't need to threaten or bribe. Using my manual, you will learn how to make the best use of what little time you can spend with your dog. In just minutes a day, as little as three times a week, you can teach your dog to Heel, Sit, Down, Stay, Come and more!
Dogspeak is EASY

These methods are so easy, a child can learn them! My manual includes almost 100 simple, accurate line drawings showing you exactly what to do with your left foot, right hand, even your face! It shows you how to put the collar on correctly, and how to hold the leash properly. (Click HERE for examples!)

Dogspeak is FUN!

Walking your dog can be a real drag - whether he's dragging you, or you're dragging him! Nobody's idea of a good time. With my methods, your dog will be prancing along beside you on a slack leash - that's right, WITHOUT PULLING - in just a few minutes! He'll come when you call - first time, every time. When you say "Sit," he'll park it. You'll learn how to get him to stay EVEN WHEN HE CAN'T SEE YOU! With strangers, he'll sit to be petted, rather than jumping all over them. And of course, he won't jump up on YOU any more, either! What could be more fun than a happy, obedient, dependable dog that's a good citizen anywhere?

I'll teach you some training games like "Red Light, Green Light," to let your dog know when he's doing the right thing, and when he needs to try something different.

You'll learn to do the "Hokey-Pokey" and the "Two-Step" to teach your dog to stay. And there's so much more!

To order now, click
Best of all, Dogspeak WORKS

Once your dog learns these simple lessons, he'll know them for life. Amy, one of my former students, told me that her Pit Bull, Percy, was in her front yard with the gate closed when a neighbor's dog ran up, hit the gate with its front feet, and ran off - having bounced the gate open! As my client watched in horror, the neighbor's dog ran off with Percy in hot pursuit. "I didn't know what to do," she told me. "It had been at least two years since I'd worked with Percy on any kind of obedience, and I didn't know if he would listen. But I couldn't think what else to do, so I hollered, 'Percy! Come!'"

To Amy's joyful amazement, Percy instantly put the brakes on. He skidded to a halt, turned around and returned to Amy - yes, on a single command. In hot pursuit of another dog. Two years after his last time on a leash. And this is just one of several stories I could share about the effectiveness of this training.

This book shows you how to overcome that human-canine language barrier. It presents all-natural, totally humane, fun, fast and effective methods to train your dog IN JUST MINUTES A DAY, a few times a week!

I have compiled these methods into a training manual, called "Dogspeak." It's available to you (in the Continental US) for only $24.95 plus $4.95 shipping & handling. The manual is divided into eight sections. Click HERE to see what's in each section of Dogspeak.

To order now, click

You can also order by e-mail! Just click on the little flashing envelope below. (I promise the puppy won't bite!) Please put "Dogspeak Manual" in the subject line and include shipping information: your name and address, including ZIP, and how many copies you need. Price: $24.95 plus $4.95 s/h. I'll reply by e-mail, telling you how to make your payment. Thanks!

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Happy Heeling!

Copyright 1998, The Un-Kennel Club of America. All rights reserved.

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