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TMP have sought to reduce the psychic ability in everyone - your life depends upon how much you have.

If you have seen the 'Matrix' movie starring Keano Reeves - that's real! Life is a real virtual reality game.

There are people who think using ouija boards is a good way to contact spirits. This is dangerous! There are negative entities out there!

Princess Diana has contacted various psychics. One is called Michael Joseph who has a book about it called 'Love from Diana'. She says her death was murder - but there is to be no blame for that. She is a very loving entity living in a realm of forgiveness! In the book she answers various questions like how prayers are answered.

There is a book by Michael Talbot called 'The Holographic Universe' in which he says that his dad called a hypnotist round to a birthday party. The hypnotist hypnotized a man named Tom, & got him to do all the usual tricks stage hypnotists do, like eating a potato thinking it was an apple, which Tom did. Tom's daughter is there too. Tom is put under again, & the hypnotist tells him "when I wake you up, your daughter will no longer be in the room". Tom is woken up, his daughter is there in the room, the hypnotist asks Tom if he can see his daughter. No. His daughter now stands in front of Tom. The hypnotist goes behind her & holds a watch behind her, so Tom can't see it. He asks Tom "what am I holding?". Tom looks bemused. He says "a watch". He's still thinking his daughter isn't in the room! The hypnotist asks if he can read the writing on the watch. Tom then reads the writing on the watch!

We're more like nothingness, like ghosts, with no physical body, but we've been manipulated to think we have these 5 physical senses. Practice thinking you're nothingness, as if the person you think you are is someone else.

There is also a big difference between choosing to believe in synchronicity & not choosing so. If you choose to believe it, your life will flow more easily. If you don't your life will crash out of control! Positive people do believe in it, as the universe is infinite.

There are beings who exist in higher dimensions - which psychic people can interact with.

I would recommend visiting your local spiritualist church (see your Yellow Pages). This is not the same as an ordinary church. My local one has services at weekends where the public come along to sing & hear from the psychic medium who's visiting that weekend. This medium is able to interact with people in the spirit realm, which include deceased loved ones. On Tuesdays the church has spiritual healing free of charge. I have been to these & have noticed its beneficial effects on me, since I am that sensitive. I have been going every week now. Spiritual healers are connected to realms of infinite love, which is where all healing comes from.

Everyone has angels who guide us through life. There are many now books written by psychics who interact with them. I would strongly recommend reading these. I have been able to interact with them, both in my waking life but mainly in dreams & after I wake up. A book I recommend is "Healing With The Angels" by Doreen Virtue
Added 16 March 06: Another author I recommend is Denise Brown who has a book called ''A Comprehensive Guide to Angel Therapy" (in the U.S. try Also "Angelspeake" by Barbara Mark, & "Angels around the world" by Brad Steiger.
Another site I recommend is

Various people have said that they constantly see numbers like 111 or 1111 or 222 or 333 etc. turning up in their life/dreams. There is a book which explains the meanings of these numbers by Doreen Virtue called 'Angel Numbers'. It lists meanings for the numbers 0 up to 999, with 4, 5 & 6 digit numbers being made up as 2 pairs.

Everyone also has a spirit guide who guide us through life too. These could include deceased loved ones, Native Americans, monks. Much regular meditation is needed to meet these guides. See

There are people who can channel spirits from the spirit realm. Some of these people need to be careful about spirits who claim they are ascended masters. They could be TMP pretending! Always check the beings who make these claims.

Go to to learn about out-of-body experiences & defending against psychic attacks.

Jani King however is a psychic who can channel an entity named P'taah. Her website is P'taah is a loving being from a higher dimension who is able to speak through Jani, by using her voice. Being from a higher dimension P'taah isn't prone to human failings/hatred. P'taah's teachings have been published in books, which can be bought online ('Act of Faith' is one). Years ago I borrowed one of these books from my local library. I was amazed when I read it. The words coming from this being were so beautiful & loving. No ordinary person could ever have said these. I visited her website & found that she was visiting my country. I then went to see her. She allowed P'taah to speak through her & the audience was able to ask them questions. I then went home, had something to eat then went to sleep. To my surprise, P'taah greeted me in my dream! The love coming from this being was amazing!

P'taah is fully aware of TMP. P'taah says that when TMP have complete control of the world's supply of money, that's when the point of harmony occurs! In another dream, I came across P'taah again who said that beings like him had incorporated TMP into their plans, so everything was under control!

If you're interested in consulting psychics/oracles for your everyday life problems, there are 2 products I recommend. One is a book called 'The I-Ching Made Easy' by Roderic Sorrell. It's one of the best I-Ching books I've seen. It gives over 100 example readings too, & is easy to understand & use. The other product is the 'Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards' by Doreen Virtue. It has 44 luxurious cards which are beautiful in design. Each card has a simple meaning written on it, so you don't need to be an expert in tarot to use it. There is a booklet which teaches you how to use it. Both products I have found give accurate readings.

Added 5 April 06: Another very useful aid to life is using numerology, which uses patterns in numbers & letters to synchronistically read the universe & the future. Easy to learn, there are many authors on this subject like Norman Shine & Hans Decoz which takes you to a page that uses numerology to help you find lost objects.

If you do meditate, visualize white light surrounding you, as well as our Earth - which needs it desperately. Sit in a chair supporting your back upright. You can do as little as 10 minutes, but the longer the better.

Another great book is "Essential Psychic Healing" by Diane Stein.

Added 13 June 06: Crystals are so important for spiritual, physical & emotional health. I have found them to be the cheapest, most effective form of healing/health treatment available. Of course almost everyone in the world has been brainwashed/manipulated by TMP. Crystals are like sacred super-beings who have never been brainwashed/manipulated, thus you get healing transferred from them to you. For a list of diseases/problems treated by crystals see Also see For example, Botswana Agate treats brain damage & removes toxins. Amazonite treats tooth decay, lung problems, removes toxins & I have found helps repair the brain/aura from mercury poisoning. Mookaite helps repair wounds, & the brain from mercury poisoning(put in mouth). Fluorite deals with tooth pain & repairs DNA. Selenite removes mercury from the mouth & repairs DNA(get at least 2 "selenite wands"). Wands are crystals shaped like thick pencils. Rutilated Quartz mends damaged body tissues, removes heavy metals like mercury(tape under left armpit when sleeping) & slows down ageing. Snowflake Obsidian helps with physical pain & hex/curse removal. Blue Lace Agate treats malaria. Lithium Quartz purifies tap water - leave for 20 minutes in a jar. 'Ruby in Zoistite' ensures you are never without money!(see Orbicular Jasper if you tape under your feet when you sleep removes body odour(deodorants have aluminium, which is toxic). The best way of cleansing crystals is to use a bell. It's also an idea to bath with them & put them into your drinking water overnight. The best books about crystals are 'The Crystal Bible' & 'Crystal Prescriptions' by Judy Hall. It is also a good idea to hold a pure quartz crystal 3 inches above the head as this is where the higher crown chakra is.

"Crystal Healing (The Illustrated Elements of)" by Simon Lilly is a great book which goes into detail how to heal people.

See here for crystals for mercury.

See here for info about quartz crystals.

If you're clairvoyant, an essential book is 'A Handbook For Light Workers' by David Cousins. It's 400 pages & has many astral exercises for cleansing (including that of electrical equipment), chakras, as well as information about the 4th dimension. I would also recommend it for those interested in spiritual healing or studying ghosts.

Added 5 April 06: A useful thing to do is to build a sacred altar on a table in your home. See

Another fantastic book is 'The Journey Home' by Lee Carroll. The story of a man who has a coma, is visited by an angel who says he can return to heaven. He then wakes up in hospital, then goes back home, packs his belongings & is then met again by the same angel. He then enters a higher dimension, & enters a land with 7 houses, each with an angel who has valuable life lessons to teach him.
The story was told by an angel called Kryon. has a lot of wonderful information for us human beings about life.

Previous edit: 13 June 06
Current edit: 30 Nov 06

Added 30 Nov 06
If you want to see a stunning picture of crystals, see this!

Please visit another website I wrote about the psychic realm at

Time goes round in a loop. Time goes round in a loop. Time goes round in a loop. We all go round in a loop. We all go round in a loop...

We all create our own reality..

Added 30 May 07
Each time we incarnate, we go through school etc. TMP are in power the whole time.

Robert Hopcke has a book called "There Are No Accidents" about synchronicity. Hans Moolenburgh wrote a great book too named "As Chance Would Have It".

Athena Hamilton "The teachings of the masters" is an amazing book, with information from angels & ascended masters like Quan Yin & Sanat Kumara.

I mentioned "The Wiccan Handbook" by Susan Bowes. In it she talks about the witch hunts where many people were burned or hanged in many countries. Guess who was involved? TMP assumed many different forms, which included kings & queens(England). King James I went to a trial & accused those on trial of being guilty. Of course witches were people who knew about ways of using nature for health, freedom, healing & nourishment, which is why TMP persecuted them, to pave the way for the dental/medical professions which they rule & have public credibility(bullsht)!! What about the food additives & pesticides TMP put in people's food?

TMP are trying to ban a film called Tron which came out about 1980. The film is about a group of people who work in a company. Each person has a counterpart of themselves in a virtual reality world. In this world, they are put into prisons, which are guarded. Every so often, one of them is required to play a computer game of life and death. 2 of them escape. They meet with a wise man who sits like a sphinx at the top of a pyramid. Both the company & its virtual reality world are controlled by the one in charge. One of those who escaped throws a disc at him, but it rebounds. I don't remember what happens next. The film is so like real life I wondered when TMP would try to ban it.

Logan's Run is another film where people live in a dictatorship. They have to die when they reach 30. 2 escape & get chased by a guard. They escape into the world outside & find an old man. Others escape & see him too. If we lived forever TMP would try to stop that.

There was an episode of Star Trek(Voyager) where the ship's first officer finds himself on a planet in a village. The people greet him. The people fight an enemy & he gets roped in & fights alongside them. At the end he leaves. Another man comes into the village. The same people who greeted the first officer greet him. The people fight an enemy & all those who were killed are now alive & he gets roped in & fights alongside them...... It was just a virtual reality game. The war wasn't real. Just like a game of chess where the pieces get put back to start another game.

Imagine each person on the planet as being inside a rubber duck. TMP are not inside one. They can pretend to look like one.

See here for information about good luck.

More health information at

I have a page about my dreams of TMP at

Added 5 Aug 07I heard a story where a baby turned a tennis ball inside out. It didn't know that this was supposed to be impossible! Someone said that in Tibet they saw water running uphill. Another person said they saw a man boiling water by pointing his fingers at it!

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