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The Medicine Wheel

The Sun Wheel (Medicine Wheel), which exists all over the Earth, presents insights into the evolution and history of mankind through a better understanding of the cycles of nature. It is a very important part of our ongoingness. In the study of nature and its many patterns, the Medicine Wheel is duplicated in everything. It is constructed with stones, each one representing a part of the universe.

This pattern is symbolized by a circle or wheel, with directional spokes. The spokes demonstrate the natural progression of the stages of life as it spins in a full cycle. The pattern of the wheel can be applied in all our life situations where cyclical movements exist. Each spoke of the wheel tells us exactly where we are, both psychologically and physiologically, from where we have just come, and to where we will go next.

The word "medicine" means "sacred wisdom that represents the totality of the universe, all of the patterns of creation.” The circle becomes a Medicine Wheel when it is used for a specific purpose or focus. As human beings, we have a specific purpose.

The wheel teaches us to be respectful of all life and emphasizes that each step we take on our beloved Earth Mother, must always be a prayer.

The wheel teaches us that all aspects of the wheel intricately interact with all other aspects of the wheel. We are not alone but are part of the whole.

The wheel teaches us to break the illusion of separateness and to see ourselves as necessary parts of the whole. No one cell is any less important than the next, for it takes all cells to create the whole. You cannot have a forest without the trees. This does not take away from the uniqueness of the individual; rather, it allows the individual access to the strength and resiliency found only in the whole.

Life is a cycle, a cycle is a circle, and in a circle, all things return to where they began.

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The Medicine Wheel is an archaic system of Earth Astrology. Each point on the wheel depicts a different stage of life, and is represented by a color, a creature, a direction and Spirit. Medicine Wheels have been found all over the world, they are not exclusive to North America. Stonehenge the monolithic temple in England which is said to date back to 2,000 BC, is in actual fact a form of Medicine Wheel.

The Medicine Wheel is an ancient religious symbol. The wheel is divided into four sections representing the four cardinal directions and all of creation that dwells in those regions. The west represents danger, the north life, the east knowledge, the south quiet. The hoop represents the never-ending circle of life.


Lakota medicine wheel colors are

Red, North - North Earth
Yellow, East - East Air
White, South - South Water
Black, West - West Fire


"The medicine wheel is responsible for healing. Each stone in the circle represents a certain totem, or an animal, which is what we call our guide, or our spirit. And this spirit that we revere, we give this spirit the kind of credit that no white man has ever done.

"The animal is also part of God's creation. And the animal is very sensitive and he will pick up all of your emotions.

"In the medicine wheel each stone will represent a certain healing which each animal represents; whether it be a mental healing; or whether it is going to be a physical healing and sometimes in our case a spiritual healing. It brings your consciousness back into the strong awareness."


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Check This Out!
Neat walk of the wheel!

Check This Out!
This is the coolest thing I have ever seen!

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