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This is description of my products and goods

Rucna etiketirka za kvadratne i okrugla boce sastoji se iz:
- kucišta na kojem se nalazi pregrada za nanošenje ljepila, 
- pregrada za postavljanje etikete 
- cetke za fino peglanje etikete.
Pregrada za postavljanje etikete je promjenjiva i izvedena je na dva nacina:
- sa postoljem za okrugle boce 
- sa postoljem za kvadratne boce. 
Spuzva za nanošenje ljepila takoder ja promjenjiva što ovisi o obliku boce.
Postupak etiketiranja izvodi se na slijedeci nacin: 
- na spuzvu u prvoj pregradi nanesemo odredenu kolicinu tekuceg ljepila, a zatim na tu podlogu prislonimo bocu. 
- bocu sa nanešenim ljepilom prenosimo na srednju pregradu gdje se na bocu zalijepi etiketa. 
- bocu sa etiketom provlacimo kroz trecu pregradu, izmedu cetki za peglanje, koje etiketu potpuno pritisnu uz bocu. 
Granicnici na prvoj i drugoj pregradi osiguravaju da se etiketa postavi tocno na zeljeno mjesto. Posebno postolje
sa magnetima na drugoj pregradi omogucava da se etiketa lako postavlja na kvadratne boce.
	Sada na trzištu postoje rucne etiketirke za okrugle boce. Nije poznato da je netko uspješno riješio problem
ljepljenja etiketa na kvadratne boce. Suština izuma je u tome da autor postojecoj rucnoj etiketirki za okrugle boce
dodaje posebno izvedeno postolje sa magnetima koji omogucavaju tocno postavljanje etikete na kvadratnu bocu.
Rucna etiketirka namijenjena je malim i srednjim zadruznim i obiteljskim vinarskim podrumima i uljarama.

Manual labelling machine for round and square bottles consists of :
- a housing with compartment for applying glue
- a compartment for labelling
- brushes for smoothing a label
The compartment for labelling is changeabl and it is constructed in two ways :
- with a base for round bottles
- with a base for square bottles
The sponge for applaying glue is also changeabl, depennding on the shape of the
The labelling procedure is done as follows :
- some amount of liquid glue is applied on the sponge in the first compartment,
after that, a bottle is leaned against that surface.
- the bottle with applied glue is brought over to the middle compartment where we
glue a label on the bottle
- the bottle, with the label on it, is pulled throught the third compartment, between
the brushes which press the label against the bottle, applying it completely and

The borders on the first and the second compartment assure that label is applied
precisely on the desired spot. A special base with magnets, on the second
compartment, enables easy labelling on square and round bottles.

There are manual labelling machine for round bottles on market. It is not knownthat some one has successfully solved the problem of labelling square bottles so far.
The essence of this invention lies in the fact that the author adds a specially made base
with magnets to the existing manual labelling machine for round bottles, which
enable precise labelling on square bottles.

Manual labelling machine is designed for small companies and family Wine-cellars
and oil-refineries.

Author : Rudolf Baldasar ing.

The labelling machine for now cost as seen bellow:


Price DEM(EX V.A.T.)

Discount %

1 machine



2 machines



3 machines




