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Chatroom Rules


Warning: This chatroom is a high level Java Applet. It best runs with a DSL Connection or Higher. If you are using Dial-Up (14.4, 28.8, 56K Modems), please be patient, the Program will Load, however, it may take awhile.

The following are the rules of the chatline. Although these are enforced, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is used in any case. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, please feel free to email us at

1. Remember that this is a Christian Chatroom. Chatroom Moderators will be monitoring the Chat Dialog

2. Any Profanity or other forms of verbal abuse will not be tolerated

3. Music may be discussed in this room, however, if one person is offended by the topic, the topic must stop. If there are any problems, please email us at

4. Do not ask to be a chat moderator. You will be recommended based on your conduct

5. Please respect other people's cultures in this chatline

6. Depending on the severity of the infraction, the Chatroom Moderators hold the right to use any means to their ability to handle the situation, and that includes, but is not limited to, Banning, Kicking, Escorting, DeVoicing Ect.

7. The decision of a chat moderator in any matter is final.

8. Bashing of any other Christian Chatroom is not permitted

9. Please have fun, and feel free to voice your opinion or any questions to any of the moderators. We are there to help.

10. Lindsay is the head moderator of this room. If you have a problem with a decision made by any Moderator, and wish to contest it, please contact her at, and she will investigate it. Please keep in mind that she will investigate fairly. Her decision is final.

11. The Chatroom Moderators are always in constant contact with each other. If you wish to speak to one of us personally, please let one of the Moderator's know, and he/she will do their best to contact the Moderator you wish to speak to.

12. Any Sexual Comments are not permitted.


1. If you break any of the above rules, the Chatroom Moderators will abide by the following...

a. First Offence - Warning
b. Second Offence - Kick
c. Third Offence - Ban for 1 day
d. Fourth Offence - Permanate Ban

2. There is a way to get out of a permanate ban. If you are genuinly sorry for your conduct, or if you feel that you have been incorrectly judged, then please, contact us at and the Head Moderator will do her best to justify the situation. Please be advised, however, that just because you apologize to us, does not mean that you will be allowed back in the room.

3. The above list of Disciplinary Actions do not apply to the following...

a. Personal Attacks upon another chatter (Including Moderator) = Immediate Permanate Ban
b. Excessive Swearing = Immediate Kick
c. Any sexual comment = Immediate Kick
d. Attempted Hacking = Immediate Permanate Ban