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Accept Credit Cards! Increase Sales 200%! Get a "Pre-Approved" MERCHANT ACCOUNT No One Turned Down!* *Good Credit   *Bad Credit *Slow Credit   *No Credit Internet  New   Homebased Mail-order   Mobile    PC's YOU WILL BE APPROVED* Accept credit cards from anywhere in the world via your website and our state-of-the-art service. To do business in the information age, you MUST have an Internet  presence, and you MUST be able to take payment for your goods and services online. Credit Cards Online allows you to make the most of every opportunity and maximize your profit potential. We represent one of the largest direct processors for Visa and MasterCard -- a well established firm  who is currently the leader in the non-cash transaction industry. Our credit card processing system is state-of-the art and the finest available anywhere. Our discount rates are among the lowest in the industry. You'll be able to instantly and automatically take credit card orders over the internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,  with a form embedded in your website acting as a "virtual" terminal.  Your funds will be electronically transferred into your regular business account within 48 hours.   Credit Cards Online is able to provide online virtual card processing systems for almost any type of business.  Whether new or established -- large or small -- mail order or storefront -- online or offline -- cottage industry or big business -- you will be approved*. *Prices and approval stipulations may vary depending on your credit and/or type of business. Credit card merchant status helps increase your sales by 200% or more. Credit card customers on average spend 250% MORE than non-credit customers... in part because of greater confidence. Be paid at once!   Credit Card Online will deposit your funds directly to your own bank account within 48 hours.  Secure online check processing and traditional retail terminals are available if desired.  The difference between traditional merchant accounts and Credit Cards Online's real-time "virtual terminal" card processing system is vast. There is absolutely no comparison between the old-fashioned "swipe" terminal and the virtual terminal provided with Credit Cards Online's online card processing system. With Credit Cards Online,  everything is fast and automatic.  Your online sale is made instantly.  This means, for example,  that if you need to charge for access to a certain part of your website, you can do so easily... in "real time".  A customer simply enters their credit card information into your online virtual terminal (the connection to this terminal is actually embedded in your website). When their credit card clears, a process which usually takes 15 seconds or less, they are automatically taken to the appropriate webpage. Compare this to "traditional" services which require you to enter the credit card information manually, and then wait for an emailed approval.   The drawbacks to this "old-fashioned" process were numerous. 1) It could take up to an hour or more depending upon the speed of email.  2) You had to physically be there to read the email. 3) It was impossible to give"instant access" to a customer.  4) It was slow, and there was an upper limit to how many transactions you could physically handle. With Credit Cards Online, your credit card processing terminal is a "virtual" terminal* which operates in conjunction with your merchant website ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD... automatically.  Your virtual terminal never sleeps. It can handle any number of transactions simultaneously, around the clock. The money it is helping you make is automatically deposited into YOUR business checking account in YOUR city or town within 48 hours. (Many providers force you to use their bank accounts -- often in a location far from where you do business.) You can actually set up a business on auto pilot where your website does all the selling and your virtual credit card processing terminal does all the order taking and bank deposits.  That leaves you free to do whatever you feel like... even travel the world on your ATM card if your choose!  And while you're travelling, if you wish to make an "on the spot" credit card sale you can do so from anywhere in the world.  All you need is a computer, a phone line, and internet access. Credit Cards Online's Services and Prices:   Here's What You Receive: A State of the Art Credit Card Processing System with an Online Real Time "Virtual Terminal" built into your merchant site. You will be provided with a state of the art "Virtual Terminal" which comes with its own secure server so that your customers can feel comfortable giving you their credit card information over the internet. Having the ability to accept secure transactions over the internet greatly increases your company's credibility and profitability. Live 24 Hour Customer Support: Unlimited live 24 hour customer service - including weekends and holidays. Our representatives speak fluently in several different languages. Automatic Funds Transfer: Funds from all sales will be automatically transferred directly to your current business checking account within 48 hours of the online transaction.  You will receive an itemized monthly statement showing all transactions that have taken place. Merchant status acceptance rate: 99%.  Prices and approval stipulations may vary depending on your credit and/or type of business Application Approval: From 5 -14 days (and as little as 48 hours). Why not begin right now by filling out the Express Online Merchant Account Application using our secure online server.   Here's What Your Costs Will Be: Application and Setup Fees: $25 deposit, refundable if your signed application is returned within the timeframe requested*. This is our way of saying "thank you" for helping us operate efficiently... and for helping keep our discount rates among the lowest in the industry. Transaction Fee:$.20-$.30 per transaction. Daily Closeout/Batch Fee:$.20 per day (applies only to those days when actual credit card transactions are made). "Gateway fee" to access secure server: $15.00 per month. (This eliminates your need to lease a secure server on your own at a typical cost of $30 to $40 a month.) Visa/MC Monthly Minimum: $25 per month. (This is not a "fee" per se.  If the combined total of   your transaction fees and your "discount" reach this minimum during any given month, you will not be charged anything.  However, if you don't attain this minimum, you will be charged the difference between the total and the $25 minimum for that month.) Customer Support Fee: $10 per month for round the clock 7 day a week unlimited customer support.  Cost to lease your state-of-the-art "virtual" terminal: $59.99 per month for 48 months. $69.99 a month if you wish to add a secured way to take checks online. These costs are 100% tax deductible. Your first and last month's lease payment is due upon approval of your merchant account. This approval usually takes place within 48 hours after you fax back your signed application. Your $25 refundable application fee can be deducted from this first and last month payment sum if you have complied with eligibility requirements*. Lease prices and terms only apply to an individual or business with a satisfactory credit rating who has been accepted by our leasing company. Other options include lump sum and installment cash payments.for those whose credit rating is less than satisfactory and who have been declined by the leasing company. Visa/MC Discount Rate: 2.25% Mail order (when card is not present at transaction), otherwise as low as 1.59%. Our rates are not based on volume. We can also set you up with American Express, Discover Card, Diners Card, Bravo, Carte Blanche, and JCB at no additional charge, but they determine their own rates with you (upon separate approval). Shipping Charge for Equipment: No charge. FAQ's  Some frequently-asked questions. *Your $25 application fee is fully refundable if you sign and fax back your application form within 24 hours of receiving the completed form (exclusive of weekends and holidays). If eligible, you may deduct it from your first and last month's lease payment or from your cash payment or downpayment if your lease is declined.

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