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Here you will find my talented students works of art
and time schedules of when the next class begins...


Beginners class

July 8th 8:00 pm central time

July 12th 10:00 am central time

July 20th 8:00 pm central time

July 23rd 10:00 am central time

Advanced Classes

July 13th 10:00 am central time

July 15th 8:00 pm central time

July 22nd 10:00 am Central time

July 26th 8:00 pm central time

Super Advanced Classes

These classes will be something new in every class...sign up for as many as you like. I will be doing these classes only for the people that understand PSP completely and want to learn what to do with plug ins and everything else you can do with PSP.

July 6th 8:00 pm central time

July 16th 10:00 am central time

July 19th 10:00 central time

See you there~!

First...Let me start by introducing myself and telling you alittle bit about me...
My name is C.J and I love ART...
        My name is C.J and I teach the PSP classes. I am going to tell you in this letter the dates and times. Now you will have to follow the direction to the "T." There are so many and I only have space for 23 in a class. I think that is all I can handle at a time I am a good teacher and I have lotz of patience and I will teach from step one. I have been asked so many times if I charge for my classes. The answer is no but if you would like to throw me a couple bucks feel free to I would gladly take C.J 1181 Tram Road Marbury, AL 36051. I love to do this and I do it on my free time and because I love to see what monsters I can make on PSP. I also help you along and answer any questions you may have after class. You are going to have to write me back and tell me which class you will be there for. Now there are so many people that want in on my classes and I only have room for 23 people at a time. I need to know which class you want, the date and the time. Beginners class is exactly what it means...people that have no understanding of PSP. The ones that want to know the basic of PSP. I will teach you how to make a regular button. The second class called the advanced class will be teaching...tubes...mask and if time layers~! The next step will be Filters, layering, mask, and technical buttons and graphics which will be called super advanced PSP. Right now I am only going to be doing Beginners and the Advanced classes. This is the list of classes and you need to RSVP me on what classes you want and when. Again I can only have 23 to a class. I so sorry I wish I could have more. If you cannot make it to your class for some reason, I know everyone has a life and I understand, please let me know so I can have someone else join. Before the class is over I will make sure you know what I teach and understand what you've learned~! A day or 2 before the class I will send you the class room and all the material. Also if you cannot make it to a class please let me know ASAP. I have so many that want to come and cannot because of there is not enough room. You need to RSVP for each class and you need to tell me 24 hours in advance that you cannot make it. I will be adding classes as I go. Right now I just have these left. The ones who took my beginners class can sign up for the advanced classes.


Here are some samples of my own Art work...



This scroll was made by Spanki...who taught me everything I know...

Classes are once a week for beginners, intermediate
and advanced...
Please write me by clicking the mail tag below if
you'd like to join the fun of learning
Paint Shop Pro...

This Award was given to me by one of my students...JAGGONE2

This Award was given to me also by one of my students...

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