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Scully Files

Dana Sities

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Take a look at the romantic side of Scully

Name: Dana Kathrine Scully

Birth: 2/23/64

Mother: Margert Scully

Father: William Scully

Siblings:William jr, Melissa Scully,and Charels Scully

Address: Apt#402 Goregetown Virginia

Phone:cellular 555-1013home 555-0093


Weight:NA(mostlikely 105-115)



Education:Berkly for one year, then moved on to Maryland University.

Statuse:Singel(though I think there's somthing going on between her and her partner agent Mulder)

Occupation:F.B.I agent(she did teach for 2 years before she started working for the X-Files,and has her Medical digrey)

Started on the X-Files: 1993

Dates?: Well yeah...kind of. Scully has dated 2 times in sixyears one of them was a singel father and the other was a many that is/was insane-he tried to kill her.

Additude: Dosen't take ANY crap!

Other interesting People: Gillian Anderson herself

B'Elanna Torres

Xena and

the Rock the Rock you mite think is not the best of role models. But if you think of the standerds he sets for himself and others you mite think other wise.

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If You have any coments of any more information I could put on this page e-mail me.