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Posted Monday, December 28, 1998


Register to Vote and Vote For Any Party Except BN


Let’s take up the challenge of Mahathir KUTTY and vote for REFORMASI…..But to do that please ask yourself…ARE A REGISTERED VOTER?

If you have not registered as a voter or if you know of anyone (your friend, mother, father, grandmother, cousin etc) who has not done that, please register first as a voter and then, let’s show Mahathir KUTTY and his bunch of GOONS the power of the RAKYAT!!

In the past, most of us did not give much thought to register as a voter. And for some that registered, did not vote. One reason that many people did not vote is because they were so fed up with the political system. Each person felt that he or she alone could not make any sort of change, so he or she ceased to try.

It is easy to see why the Rakyat then felt like that they could not make a change. After all, with what Mahathir KUTTY did to our beloved country….. The problems simply seem to escalate now. For this reason, many still feel that no difference can be made. Yet not to vote, simply to give up, seems so hopeless. It is giving up the chance that we will ever be able to change. Not to vote is to throw away all hopes of there ever being justice and freedom again and getting rid of Mahathir KUTTY and his bunch of GOONS.

A second reason that people don't vote is sheer laziness: unwillingness to educate themselves about the issues at hand, or the best candidate/party to vote for. This too, is throwing away the right to freedom.

What is the Choice?

Join the REFORMASI Movement.


What Malaysians need now is a system of government in which the people rule and this we do not see that with the present government. So fellow Rakyat, you can change that.


Be a voice of choice. Word of mouth is the most powerful way to spread news and ideas. Use your vocal power to stand up for justice and change and let those who are in the dark know what the REFORMASI Movement is all about. REFORMASI is justice and freedom – and we let individuals make their own decisions when they are faced with choices in their lives. Without government intrusion! It's time to say so, strongly, without apology.

Since now Mahathir KUTTY has a great deal of power, he no longer listens to what the Rakyat says or gives little regard for our true desires.

We can change that because we want change and we can make that change.


