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Defendant's Special Power of Attorney

I, ________________________, residing at ___________________________, married and being in full enjoyment of my civil rights, do hereby constitute and appoint ___________________ or his designee attorney, practicing before the Courts of the _________________(country’s name) , as my lawful attorney to represent me in the legal proceedings instituted or to be instituted by my _________________ against me for an absolute divorce. I grant this SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY in order that said attorney may accept for me, in my name, personal service in the suit for divorce filed against me put in for me a personal appearance in said Court, manifest to the Court my express recognition and acceptance of its jurisdiction to hear and try said suit for divorce and for which I am a party.
I authorize my attorney to state to the Court my acceptance of Plaintiff’s legal submission to its jurisdiction and waiver of any other law that could be applied to this case, and also my acceptance of the validity and regularity of the proceedings in said suit for divorce in which I am expressly putting in my personal appearance through my
duly constituted attorney and that I shall hold as forever valid any decree that is handed down therein.
I direct my said attorney to petition the Court for approval of a settlement agreement entered into between myself and the Plaintiff and dated ________ and to request that the Court ratify and affirm the said agreement and direct each of the parties to comply with the terms therein.
I grant to the attorney herein named such other powers as may be necessary in the divorce proceedings above described, including the right to file any appeals required, file cross actions, and that I hereby ratify any and all things that may be legally done for me in the use of this POWER OF ATTORNEY which may not be used for any other purpose in order that the same may be effective and legal in all countries involved.

SIGNED__________________________ DATED_______________

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