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Quick Divorce

Our Creed
"to provide our customers, the low cost quick divorce in the most professional and expedited manner"

Shalimar International Ltd., is an international legal arrangement service which gathers, coordinates and expedites applications for overseas divorce. Currently we offer choice of four countries (based on court load and availability), Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico and Pakistan. We serve individuals contacting us directly or through referrals from attorneys or service agencies.

We specialize in inexpensive and quick divorces Worldwide. A divorce can be obtained as quickly as one day if needed. Otherwise, your divorce will be obtained by mail in as short time as two weeks.

If you are seeking a divorce and want it handled professionally and without spending lots of time in the courts and money, we can help.
In the United States, even the simple uncontested divorce can take months and sometimes over a year, depending on a court schedule, not to forget the horrendous amount of legal fees.

Regardless of where you got married, one can get a divorce in a foreign country, which is legally recognized by the U.S. courts. A legal divorce in one jurisdiction is honored in all other jurisdictions under the legal principle known as "COMITY." Under this principle of law, a divorce legally obtained in one state or another country receives "full faith and credit" in all other states and countries that recognize divorce.

The legality of these foreign divorces were tried three times in the United States court: Twice in the Supreme Court of Appeals, Rosenstiel v. Rosenstiel, 16 NY 2nd 70 and Wood v. Wood, 16 NY 2nd 64, 65 and once in a single ruling rendered by the State of Illinois. All foreign divorces were upheld as valid and binding.

The divorce procedure is fast and legal and inexpensive. There are basically two types of foreign divorces. If both the husband and the wife sign papers agreeing to the divorce, the divorce is called a mutual consent divorce (2-party). If only one of the parties signs, the divorce granted will be a Unilateral divorce (single party).

This is a simple divorce that does not deal with :
  • (a) division of personal assets
  • (b) child custody
  • (c) Alimony.

Procedure for proxy divorce ( with no court appearance ) : All paper work is sent by mail, courier or telefax. Divorce is granted the next business day, after the receipt of paperwork.

Final decree: Following the granting of the official decree, together with an official English translation, is sent to us by courier within 7 - 10 days. Decree is then sent by mail to the client. Accordingly, client receives the final decree of divorce within approximately two weeks of filling with us.

Remarriage: If that is one of the concerns, plaintiff or defendant, depends on the jurisdiction where the marriage is to take place. In the United States, each state sets its own waiting period for remarriage. In Massachusetts there is a 3-day waiting period, In New York there is one 1-day waiting period. There is no waiting period in Rhode Island and Nevada.

Your satisfaction is our main concern. Attorneys handling your divorce will be qualified, licensed, and very experienced and able to represent you in court promptly and efficiently per your instructions. If your divorce is not granted for any reason, your money will be refunded.

If our service meets your requirements we will be delighted to provide you with our service. Unlike some other services, we charge one simple fee and do not entice our clients with different fees or hidden costs and time frames. The list below shows the cost of quick divorce:

  • Final - Two ( 2 ) weeks Unilateral Divorce ( single party)----US $ 975
  • Final - Two ( 2 ) weeks Mutual consent divorce ( 2 party)-----US $ 950

Select the type of divorce desired and send the payment to our office, final payment must be received by us before we can get your divorce finalized. Upon receipt of appropriate fee ( $950 or $975 )or at your request, following forms will be mailed or faxed to you, which can be mailed or faxed to us after completion.

  1. Information Sheet
  2. Plaintiff's Power of Attorney; if single party decree is desired.
  3. Defendant's Power of Attorney; only for two party divorce, and spouse is available to sign the defendants power of attorney. Both power of attorneys do not have to be notarized, but can be if you desire for your protection.
  4. Select the type of divorce desired and send payment to our office. Full payment must be received by us before we can get your divorce finalized.
  5. A certified copy of your marriage certificate and minor children's birth certificate must also be included.

We accept cashier's check, money orders and if the fee is paid by personal check we must wait until the check has cleared, NO CASH PLEASE, payable to Shalimar International Ltd.,

We accept only money orders or bank checks in U.S. funds from countries other than United States, payable to Shalimar International Ltd.,

Shalimar International Ltd., is a legal arrangement service. We are not attorneys, but divorce proceedings are handled by experienced attorneys who are certified in the jurisdiction where they practice law. The information on this page should not be taken as legal advice. Before taking any legal action, you should always speak with your lawyer.

President, Shalimar International Ltd.,

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Information Sheet

Plaintiff's Power of Attorney

Defendant's Power of Attorney

Our e-mail address

Copyright © 1998-99 Shalimar International Ltd., All rights reserved

Since March 1, 1999, this page has been visited DivorceQuick times

This page last updated on June 1, 1999.

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