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Resume of Ronald Smith of Virginia Beach, VA

Ronald Smith was born in Richmond, Virginia into the home of a Country Musician.  His father was a hired Musician Bass Player that played with many famous country music singers and musicians of the day including "Hank Williams", "Roy Clark", "Buck Owens" and other Country Music Legends.  He also played bass in the band "Horace Smith and the Country Boys".   In the mid sixties his father changed careers and, after a period of training and internship, went into an industrial business for himself in the field of  heating and air conditioning.  In the early 70's his father began to study to be in the Ministry, graduated with a degree in Theology, held various pastoral positions, and later was sent to Japan as a Baptist Missionary.  In Japan, Ron studied Japanese and taught English to 10 classes.  In the late 70's, Ron's father became sick with heart trouble, and was brought back to the United States.  Upon their return, his father returned to his prior business.  Today his father's business is very successful in its field with his brother Ken as the President of the company.  The company became one of the largest residential heating and air conditioning contractors in the Hampton Roads Metropolitan area, a 1.5 million population market with over 1,000 competitors.  (   His father has had several major heart surgeries since then but is still living today and has not had to work in the business in any capacity for over 17 plus Years.

After returning to the United States, Ronald finished High School and went to College while at times working in his father's business and other family businesses.  In his sophomore year, Ron began a private practice of Accounting in the Hampton Roads area.    Later, while taking a sabbatical from his private practice, Ron went to his father's business and worked for 7 years.  During the time that he was at his father's company, Ron built a management team starting with bringing in his brother Ken and one of his past business accountants, and began to develop others to run the company.  After a few months, his father became very sick and Ron was appointed general manager of the firm, and with the team he had assembled, began a plan to expand the company.  Over the next 6 years he took the company from 7 employees to over 60, until his move from the family company back to his previous Accounting Firm in 1998.   During the time he was absent, his accounting firm had continued to flourish in Hampton Roads.  Upon his return in 1998, Ron worked in partnership with two other Accountants that had been involved with the Firm over the years.  After a short time that he was back at the firm, the company signed up more than 4 times it's previous client size in new clients under Ron's supervision.  In 1999, Ron left the firm and took his plans to expand a spin-off national consulting firm that had already been in development while at the firm This new firm, an outgrowth of the other firm, would eventually offer Specialized Accounting Services Nationally across the United States.  Eventually he developed a specialized computer software program that was successfully marketed nationally in the United States.

Ronald Smith,  graduated with a Bachelors Degree  (B.A.) in Business Administration from Virginia Wesleyan College with an MBE (Management, Business & Economics) with additional Federal and Income Tax Studies , had supplemental studies  in Accounting and Federal Taxation as well as additional studies for the CPA  with Louisiana State University, is also Graduate of Berean University, and in addition completed Graduate Requirements for an MBA Degree (Master of Business Administration) in 2000.

 In 1979, while still in High School, Ronald Smith was awarded Second Place in the United States in National Competition held at Temple University in Tennessee in the field of Accounting, as well as winning First Place in Accounting for the School Competition, First Place in the Regional Competition and First Place in the State of Virginia Competition.

 In 1985 Ronald Smith pioneered and developed a system of Loans on Tax Returns used extensively by H.& R. Block  the largest income tax preparer in the United States.   The system that he pioneered was an Advance Refund Program and Tax Refund Anticipation Loan more commonly referred to as the "Rapid Refund Program" that quickly spread and became very popular and successful. This program increased H.& R. Block's business many times over and created the highest Profits that the company had ever seen as reported  by the firm in the Wall Street Journal.   

Today Thousands of Income Tax Preparation Companies across the United States use this same system to give loans to Clients on Tax Refunds due them from the Federal Government.  Today H.& R. Block uses this system in over 40,000 locations throughout the United States.   Jackson-Hewitt Tax Service used this same system in  their Va Beach Locations to carry their company into one of the fastest growing franchises in the United States as reported by Entrepreneur Magazine...  Then Mr. Hewitt of Jackson-Hewitt Tax Service sold the firm for over $500 Million and started a new firm in Canada named Liberty Tax Service, using the same Tax Loans System designed by Ronald Smith, which today has locations all over Canada as well as all over the United States.  Today they are one of the largest Tax Preparers in the United States ranking second only to H.&R. Block.  Ronald Smith's tax firm was the first firm in the United States to offer this type of service.  Also Ronald Smith developed the spin-off idea for Car Dealerships to use anticipated refunds as down payments for automobile purchases.   Charlie Falk's Auto on Virginia Beach Blvd in Virginia Beach, Virginia was the first car dealership in the United States to offer tax refunds to be used as down payments on car purchases.  This practice started with Ronald Smith's tax firm working in cooperation with the car dealership as an expansion of his tax loan business.  Ron's Tax firm in Virginia Beach was the first in North America to develop, offer and fund these type of loans.  Today these loans are offered by almost every car dealership in the entire United States.  Both Jackson-Hewitt Tax Service and Liberty Tax Service originated with their Corporate Headquarters in Virginia Beach today, less than half a mile from Ron's original office location.  The impact of this idea and system has been massive and cannot be overstated.  It has literally increased the income of the largest tax firms in the United States and Canada many times over and created an entire industry as reported in the Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine and USA Today.

In 1986, Ronald Smith was accepted into The National Society of Public Accountants

In 1986 and 1987, Ronald Smith developed, produced and wrote Seven Volumes of over 100 pages, each fully documenting and outlining in detail the Advance Refund Loan System as a Manual of Procedures for the Tax Refund Anticipation Loan Program.  This set included contributions from six of Ron's highest level management team employees in his tax firm A. A. &T., including his wife, at that time, and his brother, who were also very active in the firm.  The seven volume set was:  "Interoffice Proceedures Manual for Accounting and Taxes Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7" (each approximately  107 pages bound volumes Copyright © 1986, 1987 All Rights Reserved.)  This set of books were the blueprint for the Refund Anticipation Loan System and were used extensively in the Advance Refund Loan industry as an extensive guide, reference and training manual for employees that worked in that type of business.

In 1999, Ronald Smith and his firm, handled corporate development for the now famous Blair Witch Movie.

In 2000, Ronald Smith researched, developed and wrote three University Text Books which were subsequently donated as Educational References in the University Library.  These three Books are:   "The U.S. Federal Tax System and It's Debtors and the Solution to Overwhelming Tax Debt for Individuals and Businesses" (a 276 page bound volume dissertation Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved), "The Primary Concerns of Small Business Accounting and the Issues that Surround the Practice of a Specialized Accounting Firm" (a 170 page bound volume thesis Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved) and "Small Business Consulting & Advising and the Practice of Administering Consultation Services & Advice to Small Business Concerns" (165 page bound volume thesis Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved).  All three books are an in-depth textual reference and teaching on the development of a specialized Accounting firm based on Ron's own Tax and Accounting Firms.  All three books were accepted by the University Reference Library.

In 2001, Ronald Smith was shown on MSNBC,  CNN,  Dateline  and also Weekend with Stone Phillips,  one week after the Sept. 11th Terrorist Attack in  New York City, in relation to a meeting where Ron was there to Volunteer Consulting and Advising Services in Contribution to the help with the rebuilding of destroyed businesses in the World Trade Center attack.  Also his firm made a donation at that time to the Red Cross Fund to help the victims of the attack.  

In 2002 Ronald  Smith was chosen to hold one of the positions of Chairman on the Congressional Committees Business Advisory Counsel, which votes on measures that are given to the President by the congressional committee.  At that time in the capacity of that position he was involved in working hard in that capacity to lower taxes and help advise the President in regard to business issues.

Also, in 2002, Ronald Smith was given an Award as "Republican of the Year" in Washington, DC in a ceremony held by the National Republican Congressional Committee.

In 2003, Ronald Smith began to write, organize, develop and produce a number of Specialized Accounting Software products based on services provided by his previous accounting firm practices, to be sold nationally in the United States.

In April of 2004, Ronald Smith introduced over 85 Accounting and Business Software Products into the U.S. National Market. 

In July of 2005, Ronald Smith had over 10,000 websites, and 8 Organizations and Corporations that handled the Sales, Support, Service, Marketing, Development, Distribution and Finances including an International Finance and Leasing Corporation with offices and staff located in New York City, Las Vegas, Virginia and in the Greater Vancouver Area of Canada.  He then began concentrating on developing an immense distributor network to handle his products in every city in the United States.

In 2006 Ronald Smith began to write books on business subjects that he had experienced over his extensive business career. 

In June of 2012 Ronald Smith completed his 30th book on business development,  business planning, small business funding, startups and many other business related subjects.




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