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Families Help Line's Parents in Need Listing Service - Rates Info./Sign Up Form

The advertised rate shown below is for a "Limited Time Offer" and may
be subject to change at any time.

Nanny-share, nanny & household domestic listings are all the same rates.


$99.00 (Regular Rate $149) - 30-Day Listing

To view sample listings and to get an idea of how much text will be allowed in each listing, click here!

We accept Personal or Business Checks & U.S. Money Orders. Payment must be paid in advance to use this service. User's of this service should complete the Enrollment/Questionnaire Form, print it out and send form along with payment to our company. Your listing will be posted "live" on our website within 24 hours once our company receives payment for your listing.

Families Help Line's Parents in Need Listing Service--ENROLLMENT/QUESTIONNAIRE FORM


Please fill in the blank spaces on the Questionnaire Form (typed information preferred) that applies to your nanny-share or other household domestic listing, print out completed form and send form along with payment to our company by using the address as shown above. After you print out the completed Questionnaire Form, please click on the "Reset" button at the bottom of form so your information will be deleted. Before you enlist in this service, we require your signature on the statement below, affirming you have read and agree to Families Help Line's User Agreement/Advertising Acceptance Policy and their Disclaimer/Indemnity Statements.

I affirm that I have read and agree to Families Help Line's User Agreement/Advertising Acceptance Policy and their Disclaimer/Indemnity Statements shown on their website.

User's Signature____________________________________________________________


Print User's Name:__________________________________________________________

Day Time Telephone Number:________________________________

City ______________________________________State_______ ZipCode_________________


Please only answer questions that pertain to your listing.
User's Listing Information
Pertains to ALL listings - Today's Date:
Pertains to ALL listings - List start date pertaining to your opportunity:
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE Listings - Which applies to your nanny-share arrangement? List only one: Nanny Wanted - Family Wanted - Nanny & Family Wanted
Pertains to ALL listings - List "TYPE" of listing such as nanny-share, nanny, sitter, nanny/housekeeper, Housekeeper, Day Worker, Cook, Housekeeper/Cook, House Manager or Adult Care:
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE Listings - Which nanny-share "type" applies to your situation? List either Nanny-Share/Separate Household Arrangement or Nanny-Share/One Household Arrangement:
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE Listings - List preferred host home location for nanny-share as "your" home, "other" home, alternate between homes or either home - If your home is preferred, list your home location:
Pertains to All listings except NANNY-SHARE Listings - List your home location (city, state & neighborhood - No personal information):
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE Listings - If you plan on dropping your child/ren to the other families' home, list up to three locations you will consider as being the host home:
Pertains to ALL istings - List schedule you require assistance - days (M-F, etc.) and hours, part-time (P/T), full-time (F/T, live-in (L/I), live-out (L/O) short-term or long-term - (15 Word Minimum!):
Pertains to ALL listings - List how many of your children require care and their ages & for adult care list number of adults requiring care and type of care needed (No personal information):
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE listings - If a nanny is to care for children together in one household, how many children would you prefer the "other" family have? List children's preferred ages:
Nanny or Household Help Information
Pertains to ALL listings - List required nanny or household domestic qualifications - (Be brief - 25 Word Limit!):
Pertains to ALL listings - List nanny or household domestic duties - (Be brief - 25 Word Limit!):
Pertains to ALL listings - List nanny or household domestic salary - If you prefer, type in
"to be discussed" or "negotiable":
Information About "Your" Family
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE listings - List helpful information on what you feel is important for others to know about "your" family - (Be brief - 25 Word Limit!):
Information About "Other" Family
Pertains to only NANNY-SHARE listings - List information on what you would like to see in the "other" family - (Be brief - 25 Word Limit!):
Additional Comments
Pertains to only NANNY WANTED & HOUSEHOLD DOMESTIC WANTED listings (No Nanny-Share listing info here) - If needed, list additional comments in this space about household help, child/ren or family topic - (Be brief - 25 Word Limit!):
Contact Information
Pertains to ALL listings - How do you want others to contact you? List up to two contact methods - name (optional), e-mail, telephone, voice mail, fax, etc:

Once you have printed out the above form, don't forget to click on the
"Reset" button to delete your information on this form.

Click here to return to Families Help Line's Parents in Need Listing Service.