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Families Help Line's Parents in Need Listing Service--USER AGREEMENT

All persons who wish to advertise their nanny-related or household listings on this website must read and agree to Families Help Line's User Agreement and Advertising Acceptance Policy viewed on this site and the Disclaimer/Indemnity Statements prior to using this service. When individuals use Families Help Line's Parents in Need Listing Service, they agree that Families Help Line is only providing them advertising space displayed on its website. Families Help Line is not required to provide guidance or advice of any kind when individuals advertise their nanny-related or household listings on this website.

Individuals who anticipate hiring nannies or other household applicants, or engages in nanny-sharing practices with others who reside or works in the locations shown below are eligible to advertise their Nanny-Share, Nanny and other household listings on Families Help Line's website.

Washington, DC & Close-in Surrounding Counties

Maryland Counties:
Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George's

Virginia Counties:
Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun

We have recently extended this service to individuals who reside anywhere in the U.S.

Individuals who wish to have their nanny-related listings posted on this website are required to pay fees as shown under Advertising Rates. Families Help Line accepts personal or business checks and money orders for payment.

It is FREE for job seekers and everyone to view nanny-share, nanny and household listings on this website. However, only individuals who have nanny-share, nanny and other household requirements will be able to advertise listings on this website by paying reasonable listing fees. Job seekers will not be allowed to advertise their available positions on this website.

No third party will be allowed to advertise nanny-share listings on this website. This includes all persons or business entities dealing directly or indirectly in all areas of employment, placement, referral, recruitment, staffing or listing industries.

Advertisements posted on this website must conform with U.S. laws that prohibit discrimination practices.

There is a no refund policy when individuals advertise listings on this website.

To have a listing removed from this website, families need to e-mail Families Help Line a request in this regard.

At all times, Families Help Line reserves the right to determine who is eligible to use its Parents in Need Listing Service and reserves the right to reject or revise all content that is displayed on its website.

Please take a look at the sample listings to help you get an idea of how much information will be accepted in each listing. It is important that you not give lengthy answers when completing the Online Questionnaire Form. We prefer individuals complete the Enrollment/Questionnaire Form online, print out the form and send form along with payment to our company. We will post individual's listing on our website within 24 hours once our company receives payment for their listing.

It is important for individuals to check their listings for errors the first day it is displayed on this website and report such errors to our company within the first three days of having their listings posted.

Individuals who wish to use this service agree this is not a secured site. It is important for individuals to use precautions when posting personal information about themselves and their family members on this website. Any time individuals leave this site, they should click on the "Reset" button at the bottom of the Questionnaire Form so their information will not be available to others. Families Help Line advises individuals to not give out personal information (your name, home telephone, children's names, etc.) about their family members on the questionnaire form. The information Families Help Line collects on its questionnaire forms will be transferred to families'listings posted on Families Help Line's website. This information will be made available to the general public. When using this service, individuals may want to open free e-mail accounts or designate non published telephone lines specifically for screening applicants and family members for possible employment and nanny-share agreements.

Click here to sign up for Parents in Need Listing Service/Sign Up Page.

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