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Welcome to our place, our sanctuary from the humdrum and the routine

We hope you find it as entertaining as you do weird

What's New?
Apart from now being a DotCom, you mean? How about:
A complete re-vamp,
A new section for Kirsty to ramble on in,
The Guide and, of course,
Updated Gallery and Life In The Day pages...

What we have to offer...

The real world - spooky, huh??
Scarily enough, we all exist in Real Life too... (Remember? - the things that DON'T involve a computer?)

Pictures. Of us.
More Pics of us. Vainity? Pah! We merely wish to share.

The First Lady of Manchester wishes to have her say...

The TangledTruth Guide To The World

Replacement for sKoT's Death and How To Do It page. Much more fun. And you might not get arrested.

Trouser-tighteners 'R' Us
sKoT and Dale rate the world's hottest birds. Again.

Any suggestions? You know the address
Things that should go on forever and those which should cease to be. NOW.

There is often a black car parked opposite our offices. We fear they are a result of this page
A paranoid tribute to the most famous old person in the world.

Find out more about our editors-in-chief. If you're that way inclined...
Meet those who dreamt up this place...

The message board. But not many Messages.
A place where you, the public, get to have your say on any of a number of topics.

We trawl the (hnnng) .Net for the benefit of you, our readers.
Some of sKoT and Dale's favourite sites.

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