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Far before Hindu, Islam, Christian, Catholic, came to Kalimantan the Dayak had has its own religion or belief, a belief focuses is called Kaharingan, means 'life'. For the believers of Kaharingan the above power is considered as God, the Supreme God. According to the faithers, Kaharingan it self came to Kalimantan together with the first Dayak man rules and or systems to arrange the relationship among human being, and human being with the creator, God, and among human being with the universe.

In its spreading the Kaharingan faith has not any holy bible like another religions have, but it was inherited from mouth to mouth and through some ritual ceremonies. Such kind on condition makes the Kaharingan faith is not possible to become one of the official religions in Indonesia since one conditions of religion may become an official religion if it has got a holy bible. In 1983, based on the similarities of priciples and perceptions then Kaharingan was called Hindu Kaharingan The integration of course has political impact in the existence, spreadness, and development of the Kaharingan in the future.

At the present day, the Dayak of Central Kalimantan are crossspreeded with new comers. The Dayak also welcome the new religions, many Dayak converted to Moslem, Protestant, Catholic, and Budha, where all those religions get the same attention from the government. The available data in the Local Government of Central Kalimantan shows that there were 931,595 people or 67,65% Moslems, 221,426 people or 15,35% were is Hindu Kaharingans, 189,847 people or 14,44% were Protestants, 30,971 or 2,25% Catholics, and 4,271 or 0,3% were Buddhists.

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