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For the most part, craft has not been taken seriously as an important economic activity in Jamaica. It has been regarded more as a social welfare pursuit, as therapy for the handicapped even, and as a hobby. Yet it recommends itself as the ideal industry for Jamaica as it impacts positively on tourism, agro-industry and rural development, small business and export. It utilizes a high percentage of local, mostly renewable, raw materials. It is labour intensive, engaging many of both genders, both urban and rural, with a high level of self-employment. Most importantly, it is a net earner of foreign exchange.

Xaymaca Craft Limited came into being in 1985 to develop and market quality Jamaican craft to retailers and consumers, allowing artisans and producers to concentrate on production. Beginning with one customer in Ocho Rios, the company grew in its fourteen years of operation to attain the position of leading distributor of select Jamaican craft goods to better shops in the capital and the resort areas, with a growing volume of exports to the Caribbean, USA and Japan.

The Jamaican tourist trade provided the largest market segment for Xaymaca whose products were found in shops from the Blue Mountains to YS Falls, as well as in the traditional Jamaican resorts. However, increasing competition from new players in the industry, the influx of imports, and changing market demands due to globalization and growing environmental awareness, led to the demise of the company. Although the company attempted to shift its emphasis, working even more closely with its producers to develop a number of exclusive lines of branded products to international standards of design and quality, the shrinking Jamaican economy and flat tourism market affected sales beyond the point of viability.

So a chapter in the history of the Jamaican craft industry has been closed.*


endeavours to present to the market the very best Jamaican craft, carefully selected for design, originality, workmanship and beauty. In so doing, we thereby encourage as well:

The retention of traditional skills and the development of new techniques.

The use of indigenous materials as renewable resources.

The fostering of micro-enterprises and sustainable economic activities.

*Footnote: The above mission statement represents the philosophy also of Xaymaca's founder and principal, Laurence Chang, who now works as a consultant in craft and community development.
He may be contacted at
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