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Installation and Configuration: U.S. Robotics Sportster Winmodem(1125) 28.8/33.6/56K (U.S. or Canada only)

Installing the Modem

Use the following procedure to install an internal modem:

  1. Turn off the computer and peripherals, and disconnect them from their power sources. Remove any diskette in the computer's diskette drive.
  2. Remove the computer cover.
  3. Touch an unpainted metal surface on the computer chassis to discharge static electricity.
  4. Unscrew the bracket at the back of any available expansion slot.
  5. Insert the modem into the slot, placing the leads on the modem's card-edge connector firmly in the slot's groove.
  6. Screw the vertical bracket at the back of the modem firmly to the computer's back panel. This helps block radio frequency emissions from the computer and keeps the modem firmly in place.
  7. Replace the computer cover, and reconnect the computer and peripherals.
  8. If a telephone is plugged into the wall jack, disconnect it. Plug one end of the telephone cable that came with the modem into the jack labeled with a telephone jack icon (the lower jack) at the back of the modem. Plug the other end of the cable into the wall jack.
  9. You can connect a telephone, if desired, to the upper jack labeled with a telephone icon.

The modem software, if not previously installed, can now be installed on the hard-disk drive.

Connecting the Modem for Sound

To take advantage of the modem's speakerphone features, follow these cabling instructions:

  1. Insert the connector of the microphone included with your computer or modem kit into the connector labeled with a microphone icon on the modem.
  2. Locate the audio cable included with your computer or modem kit and use one of the following methods to connect the modem:

Installing the Microsoft Windows 95 Driver

After installing the modem, turn on the computer and follow these steps:

  1. When the Update Device Driver Wizard indicates it has found a U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice, insert the installation diskette that came with your modem and click Next.
  2. When the wizard finds the updated U.S. Robotics driver, click Finish to verify this is the correct driver. If a dialog appears asking if you want to reboot, click No.
    The wizard installs the driver and then configures the voice chip on the modem. The wizard also installs a virtual COM port.
  3. Reboot the system.
  4. After Windows 95 reboots, click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  5. Double-click the U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice icon.
  6. If the installation was corrupted or the modem was not uninstalled properly before reinstallation, the Modem COM Port box in the Properties for U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice window is deselected, as shown in the following illustration:

    1. Deselect the Use Automatic Settings option if you want to change the COM port in the Modem COM Port pull-down menu (open ports are labeled Free).
    2. Select the Enable DOS Boxes option if you want to use the modem on MS-DOS(r)–based games that are run in Windows 95 in an MS-DOS box.
    3. Click the Uninstall button if you want to delete all Winmodem files and uninstall the modem.
  7. To test the modem, double-click the Modem icon in the Control Panel window.
  8. Click the Diagnostics tab, click the COM port associated with the modem, and click the More Info... button.
    If the modem is installed correctly, the follow window appears:

  9. If there was an error in the installation or you did not reboot after installation, the following window appears:

    Reboot your system if you did not reboot after installation. If you have rebooted, perform the steps in Cleaning a Corrupt Installation or a Bad Uninstallation.

Winmodem Diagnostics

    Diagnostics information.

    CONNECT 48000/ARQ/x2/LAPM/V42BIS


    Sportster Winmodem 56K RS Rev. 1.41.016


    Sportster Winmodem 56K Settings...

    B0 E1 F1 L2 M1 Q0 V1 X4 Y0



    &A3 &C1 &D2 &G2 &H1 &I0 &K1

    &M4 &N0 &P1 &R2 &S0 &T5 &U0 &Y1

    S00=001 S01=000 S02=043 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002

    S07=060 S08=002 S09=006 S10=007 S11=070 S12=050 S13=000

    S15=000 S16=000 S18=000 S19=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019

    S25=020 S27=001 S28=008 S29=020 S30=000 S31=128 S32=002

    S33=000 S34=000 S35=000 S36=014 S38=000 S41=000



    Sportster Winmodem 56K Link Diagnostics...

    Chars sent 0 Chars Received 48

    Chars lost 0

    Octets sent 0 Octets Received 48

    Blocks sent 0 Blocks Received 3

    Blocks resent 0

    Retrains Requested 0 Retrains Granted 0

    REJs Received 0 Blers 0

    Link Timeouts 0 Link Naks 0

    Data Compression V42BIS 2048/32

    Equalization Long

    Fallback Enabled

    Protocol LAPM

    Speed 48000/26800

    Last Call 00:00:04


    Configuration Profile...

    Product type International Internal

    Options V32bis,V.34+,X2

    Fax Options Class 1/Class 2.0

    Voice Options Speakerphone,TAD

    DSP Freq 46.0Mhz

    DSP Ram 32k

    VXD date 10/09/97

    VXD rev 1.41.016


    Sportster Winmodem 56K Link Diagnostics...

    Modulation x2/V.34

    Carrier Freq (Hz) 1920/1829

    Symbol Rate 8000/3200

    Trellis Code OFF/64S-4D

    Nonlinear Encoding ON/ON

    Precoding ON/ON

    Shaping ON/ON

    Preemphasis (-dB) 0/0

    Recv/Xmit Level (-dBm) 27/12

    SNR (dB) 57

    Near Echo Loss (dB) 24

    Far Echo Loss (dB) 12

    Roundtrip Delay (msec) 2

    Status 0000,0011,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,0000,

Uninstalling the Modem

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice icon.
  3. Click Uninstall, and click OK to confirm you want to remove the device.
    The U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice icon remains visible until you refresh the window.
  4. Reboot your system.

Cleaning a Corrupt Installation or a Bad Uninstallation

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice icon.
  3. Click Uninstall, and click OK to confirm you want to remove the device.
    The U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice icon remains visible until you refresh the window.
  4. Double-click the System icon in the Control Panel window and click the Device Manager tab.
  5. Delete every U.S. Robotics x2 Winmodem Voice icon by clicking on the icon and then clicking Remove.
    The modem can be listed under the Modem category, the Sound, Video and Game Controllers category, or the Other Devices category, and the modem can be listed in more than one category.
  6. In Windows Explorer, go to the c:\windows\inf directory and delete all .bin and oem*.inf files.
  7. Delete all files in the c:\windows\inf\other directory.
  8. Click OK on any error messages or warnings that appear.
  9. Restart your system and reinstall the modem.

Installing the Windows NT Driver

After installing the modem, turn on the computer and follow these steps:

  1. After Windows NT boots, insert the installation diskette that shipped with your modem into drive A.
  2. Run a:\setup.exe.
  3. Click Install.
  4. After the files are installed, click OK in the Winmodem window (shown below) to confirm the Winmodem settings:

    NOTE: The Winmodem uses a virtual COM port, so the base I/O port address and IRQ line do not apply.
  5. Reboot the system.

Uninstalling the Windows NT Driver

  1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Winmodem icon.
  3. Click Uninstall, and click OK to verify.
  4. Click OK to reboot the system.

Software Overview

Communications software allows the modem settings to be changed and commands to be issued to the modem. Be sure to install communications software after the modem is installed.

Configuring the Modem Through Software

If your software asks you to select a modem type from a menu, select the appropriate U.S. Robotics Sportster high-speed modem. If there is not an appropriate modem listed, try a courier dual-standard, V.32 bis, V.FC, or V.34.

If your software asks you to enter an initialization string in the Modem Setup screen, type the following string to initialize the modem with the optimal settings for the system and press :


Optimal settings include hardware flow control, a fixed serial port rate, and full result codes.

If software flow control must be used, type the following and press :


Configuring Other Communications Software

  1. Turn on the system.
  2. Install the communications software (refer to the software documentation).
  3. Start the communications software program (refer to the software user's manual).
  4. Set the software's serial port (baud) rate based on the UART type. Also, fix or lock the serial port rate (if referred to as autobaud, select OFF).
    NOTE: Do not select an option offering 12,000 bps as a serial port rate; the modem will not function properly with that setting. All internal Sportster modems have a 16550 UART on the modem; select either 115.2 or 57.6 Kbps.
  5. Specify the serial (COM) port used by the modem in the communications software. The default configuration on internal modems from Dell is COM2, IRQ3.
  6. Specify the modem's flow-control setting:
  7. Disable the flow-control method that is not being used.

Testing the Installation

  1. To test the modem and software installation, perform the software function that puts the computer in terminal mode. In terminal mode, a cursor appears on the screen, allowing commands to be sent directly to the modem.
  2. To determine if the computer and modem are communicating properly, type the following and press :

AT E1 Q V1

If the COM port and IRQ settings are correct on the modem and in the software, the modem responds OK. If the characters you typed do not appear, OK does not appear, or double characters appear, see Troubleshooting.

Changing Settings in Windows NT

  1. Click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and click Windows NT Diagnostics.
  2. Click the IRQ button and note which IRQ settings are already taken by other devices. In the following example, IRQ settings of 3, 5, 7, and 9 are available for the Winmodem:

  3. Click the I/O Port button and note which addresses are already taken by other devices. In the following example, addresses starting at 110, 210, 270, 2F0, and 370 are available for the Winmodem:

  4. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
  5. Double-click the Ports icon and note which COM ports are available.
  6. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Winmodem icon.
  7. Change all options to available settings.
  8. Click OK, and click Yes to reboot.
  9. After the system reboots, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and click HyperTerminal.
  10. Type a test name (any text string will work) and click OK.
  11. Type a test phone number (such as 1234) in the Phone Number box.
  12. Ensure the Connect Using option is set to Winmodem with x2 and click OK.
  13. Click Cancel at the Connect window.
  14. In the HyperTerminal window, type at and press .
    If the modem responds with an OK, the modem should be functioning correctly; however, because a Winmodem is 60% software-based, you can double-check the test by dialing a real number in step 11. If the modem has trouble dialing, check the phone line, and uninstall and reinstall the modem if necessary.