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# KEL 1952a

# KEL 1952b # L 509
Mammie Wall Plaque Mammie Utensil Holder Sm Mammie Candy Jar
10" T 10" T 7" T
$ 7.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
# LIL 25 # R 386 # R 389
Mammie Salt & Pepper Mammie Cookie Jar Mammie Salt & Pepper
4" T 12" T 5 1/2" T
$ 14.00 $ 18.00 $ 12.00
# R 483 # R 484 # R 505
Sm Head Mammie Cookie Jar Old Fashion Mammie String Holder Mammie Sugar Cannister
7" T 10" T 10" T
$ 15.00 $ 7.00 $ 15.00
# R 506 # R 507
Mammie Coffee Cannister Mammie Tea Cannister
8" T 6" T
$ 14.00 $ 12.00


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