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El Dorado County Wine Grape Growers Association

To Gary and Sherry Waldsmith's Homepage
1441 Hound Hollow Rd.
Pilot Hill, California 95664

100 % Foundation Plant Materials Service ( FPMS)

Registered Stock, University of California Davis

California Certified Vines, Cuttings, Budwood, and Grapes.

SP3 Vineyard Nursery,Presenting the marriage of Solar, Soils, Vines, and Wines.

The vineyard and state certified nursery are nestled on the westerly slopes of a 1,600 foot north/south ridge overlooking Folsom Lake to the west. The unique location bathes the vineyard in cooling breezes from the lake from noon until early evening every day. This natural cooling assures each vine a slower, longer ripening process that allows each of our 25 plus "CERTIFIED VARIETALS" to fully develop their unique characteristics. This location, coupled with the latest canopy/trellising management assures any winemaker a unique opportunity. Free crushing and pressing "of course."

Page 2. Click here to see step one for propagating new grapevines and prunning and gathering of the cuttings or canes from the mature vines in the early spring.

Page 3. Click here to see bundles of cuttings ready for callousing.

Page 4. Click here to see our new vineyard dedicated to premium Italian varietals.

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E-mail: sp3@inreach.com