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We present for your attention commonly accepted way of dealing with inquires:


  1. Buyer issues a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Banking Information and faxes it to Seller at 00.603.75.77.230 (Agents will be protected by Pre Fee Agreement and NCNDA).
  2. Seller issues a Pro-Forma offer.
  3. If the price and terms are acceptable, Buyer issues an Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order ICPO issued in the Buyer's Letterhead and Bank Endorsed or with Banking Information.
  4. Seller will then issue a complete corporate offer FCO, with proof of product, visits to Mill, Plantation or manufacturing plant etc. (Depending on the product).
  5. Buyer returns signed offer (FCO) to Seller.
  6. Seller then issues a Draft Contract with full Banking Information.
  7. Buyer returns signed Contract to Seller or desired amendments. (All Intermediary Commissions will be protected by Fee Agreement).
  8. Buyer and Seller sign Contract. Buyer signs and returns Contract via fax. Seller sends hard copy of Contract via DHL, Buyer signs and returns within 3 banking days.
  9. Buyer's Bank opens Letter of Credit (All LC's have to issued and confirmed by a Prime Bank, or to be issued by one Bank satisfactory to Seller's operating Bank.) and opens the Bank Guarantee, if required.
  10. Seller posts Performance Bond in favor of Buyer. This step may be before Buyer depending on Seller opens LC.
  11. Shipments commence as per contract.
  12. Seller pays for Inspection at loading (depending on the importing country's government regulations).



Note that these procedures may vary depending on the product or Supplier.