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The author is
a member of

The HTML Writers Guild 

I specialize in Open Source systems along with Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX either stand-alone or utilizing SMB (Microsoft) or TCP/IP networking. This includes Internet/Web Servers and Remote Access Computing.

I am available for consultation on most aspects of computing for small and medium-sized businesses and individuals from microcomputers to UNIX workstations. This includes, but is not limited to, Specification; Purchasing Recommendation;  Hardware and Software Maintenance, Upgrade and  Disaster Recovery Planning; Training Programs; Telecommuting; Network Design and Web Design and Promotion.

System Integration
I can handle all aspects of System Integration including, Operating System Setup, Hardware and Software Installation and Upgrades, Disaster Recovery, and Network Implementation.

Network and System Administration
If you are in need of a part-time System or Network Administrator please contact me for a quote on an outsourcing basis. I can arrange for most management functions to be automated or handled remotely so that you need not have the expense of a full-time Administrator.
I can offer training in general computer use and maintenance.  I can refer you to other sources for specific application and advanced maintenance and troubleshooting training.  You can access some of my Tutorials & Training Outlines on Computers and the Internet for free.  These are the same outlines I use when doing training seminars with my clients.


I offer programming services only on a referral basis and depend on the availability of contract programmers for the language involved. If you really need programming services in a language I am familiar with and scheduling allows I will try and accommodate you.

Internet/Web Services

Please visit my companion site, Web Taming, for information on the Internet services I can provide to your business including:

  • Web Page Design & Creation Services
  • Web Page Promotion Services

If you have any computing needs not addressed above please contact me for a quote.

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Last modified: Thursday, May 12, 2005