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OSS/FS for Windows

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An Introduction to OSS/FS

Open Source Software (and Free Software as defined by the Free Software Foundation ) is software that is "Free" in the sense of "Free Speech". It is the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software for personal, academic, software development, or business use. The open-source model has one overwhelming advantage for the software customer: you aren't a prisoner to a proprietary system of software with no choice in how that software relates to your application.  With open-source you have control over all aspects of the application which can be modified by you to conform to your needs.

Software Licenses

Using most commercial software involves software licenses, and legal risk to businesses and individuals.  Most/all open-source software can be freely copied and used. There is no tracking of licenses and thus no related costs, or legal risks. The open-source license allows modifications and derived works, and also allows them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.

Source Code

The application must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form. Because you can get access to the source, you can survive if your vendor is no longer around. You're no longer at the mercy of unfixed bugs. You're not bound by every design or feature decision your vendor makes to appease the market. And if your vendor's support fees become exorbitant, you can get support from any number of other sources.


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