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Super Mario 64

• Different Views

First get 120 stars. Then, go outside of the castle and jump into the cannon. When the screen changes from outside of the cannon to the inside of the cannon press A. (Try to press it exactly when the view changes). It has to be exact or the trick won't work. If done correctly, this trick will make your view be looking from the bottom of the cannon out at the castle. Move your analog control stick around and your view will move slightly. If you press A then Mario will shoot out of the cannon and your view will be normal again.

• 1-up Racing

Go to Bomb-omb Battlefield and run to the cannon under the floating island. Climb up the far tree and get ready to run! As you reach the top a 1-up should appear. Quickly leap off and run away! The 1-up will be following you through the whole course! If you think you lost it look behind walls (with caution!) in case it got stuck. You can warp, fly, shoot out of a cannon, and surf on the shell and it will still follow! The only way to lose it is to die. Put the hold cam on to check the position of the 1-up behind you! This is a fun thing to take a break for if your bored with the game. Also look for 1-ups that follow you (to get the ones that follow you must climb a tree) in other stages like Whomp's Fortress (on the pole) Snowman's Land (top of the snowman) and Tiny-Huge Island (on the far side of the hill)!

• Gravity and invisible Mario

This is more a camera trick than a glitch (like you usually find in SM64) but it's pretty cool anyway. First have the moat drained. When you start outside the castle, go inside or to the Blue ! place and change the camera to Lakitu-Stop. Now come back out and into the lake. Now go across to the side without the cannon that has a brownish type color looking wall. Now, get this-walk up the wall.(crawling also looks cool too) After you're done messing around with that, find a spot on the wall that you can stand still and not fall down. Face away from the wall, and hit up-C so it's "Turn Mario's Head Camera." Turn so you can see inside the wall.Then hold R for stop camera. get out of "TMHC," but still hold R. Now run around, and it should look like Mario's running on thin air! Now, still holding R, run over to the trees by the castle. They should be floating also. Now climb one. Go to the top and do a handstand. Mario is invisible! Now, if you jump off, Mario will reappear the instant he leaves the tree!!

• Big glitch on Bowser's Sub

On the Bowser's Sub course, collect 100 coins. Make sure the last coin you collect is a red coin in the air among the ropes and not on a platform. When the star appears catch it and you will find Mario standing on the bottom of the lake! And just before you are exiting the course Mario will pop up to the water surface!

• Get stuck in the ceiling, with teleporter effects

This is a VERY hard trick to do, but well worth the time to see it. Go to Course 5 (Big Boo's House) and run into the little house off to the left. Take the elevator down, and then get back on it. As the elevator goes up, switch the camera to behind Mario (this is for the purpose of clear directions). Watch for when the ceiling pops into view. About a second before the elevator stops, run toward the black strip it follows and jump and kick the wall. Your goal is to bounce as far back as possible so that Mario's head gets caught between the elevator and the ceiling when the elevator stops. Make sure to hold the direction you ran all the way through the end of the trick.

• Dizzy camera

Enter level 1 star 1. go to the big bob-omb and pause. set camera to "set with R". then hold r. holding r, pick up the big bob-omb and bring him towards the camera. keep holding down and the camera starts to spin.

• Breathe Underwater

Go to any point in the game where there is fairly deep water, and jump in. Make sure the camera goes behind mario. Now, push and hold UP on the control stick. Mario should stick his face way below the water's surface, but he will be able to breathe through his shoes!!

• Exercising Mario

Go into any coarse and pause it. Now go to the bottom of the menu and turn the camera settings to Lakitu - Stop. Un pause it and hold down the R button. Face Mario towards you and hit C-Up. DON'T LET GO OF THE R BUTTON! Now move the joystick around in circles SLOWLY! Mario's head moves around and it looks like he is exercising his neck!

• Cannon Glitch

In wet-dry world go over to the cannon and aim for the top of the sun and shoot and you will bump the invisable wall and you should land on the the cannon platform and into the cannon. Do it one more time and you should be dead but you can still shoot.

• Easy way to slide backwards

At the edge of a slide (beginning),turn around so Mario is facing you, then jump/A, kick/B and push backwards and you will land on the slide backwards!!

• The Tree of Life

When you start the game and are outside, go to the left, near the waterfall. Go to the third tree from the waterfall and climb it. If you do a handstand on the top of the tree you will get a life. Next, go into the castle's first floor. Then go back outside and to the same tree you got the life from. Climb it and do a handstand. You'll get another life. You can do this a many times as you like.

• Ride on the Penguin

In Course 10, go to the big snowman's bridge and jump on the penguin's head. You can ride him across to the other side of the bridge.

• Beating Bowser Tips

When you meet the third bowser, try to make him run toward you by running around in front of him. When he begin to dash toward you, run toward the bomb. When you and the bowser are very near the bomb, do the flip-back jump. The bowser will have a hard time trying to balance himself. During that time, go behind him as quick as possible, and pick him up. You will be able to throw him at the bomb easily. But if you do not throw the bowser near the bomb enough, he still need some time to get up. During that time, go pick him up and throw him to the bomb again.

• Use Your Hat as a Weapon

Go to Snowman's Land (Course 10) and get to the snowman's head. Instead of crossing the bridge with the penguin's help, let the snowman's breath blow you off the bridge. Your hat will fall off. Don't go pick it up -- leave it there! Lead your hatless Mario past the gray star spot; the small, pop-up snowman; and toward two pine trees. The second tree of the two is in the corner and it's a teleport. Take the teleport. Now step back and teleport yet again -- in fact, do this at least three times. Once you've teleported a few times, go back to your hat and look at it carefully. Examine it from all sides. What you'll see is a bunch of hats stacked up on each other. Slowly approach the hats. Pick up the one hat and Mario will put it on his head, and the other hats will stay there on the ground! Now, pick up the other hat(s), and Mario will put the hat in his hand and carry it around with him! He can whack baddies with it, and he won't put it back on until you either teleport with him, get a star, or leave the level. One warning: When Mario has his hat in hand, he will take double damage.

• A Funny Trick

A neat trick on cool, cool mountain is to take the baby to it's mother. She will give you a star. Then you pick the baby back up and carry it away from the mother. The mother will get upset and follow you. Put the baby down, then run and slide on your stomach. The baby thinks it looks neat, and will mimic you.

• Short Cut

• For tiny huge island, if you have trouble getting up with the wind thing to blow you up (I did), this is a short cut to pass it and get to where the wind would take you but up the hill. When you start off, kill the goombas. Then, do a long jump on to the next island. As soon as you land, do a U-turn jump and you should go through the overhang and be over the second island. By -Duder4567

• Control the Ending Camera

During the ending sequence after you beat Bowser, you can control the camera if you have a second controller plugged in. Using controller two's analog control stick, you can move the camera in many different ways during the sequence with the Princess and during the tour of levels!

• Carry the Rabbit to Other Areas

Find a door which you can easily go in and out of. After going through the door, quickly execute a jump kick back at the door. Usually you'll go through the door completely without opening it. However, if you time it right, you can "merge" Mario with the door, i.e. half of Mario will be on one side and the other half will be on the other side.

There is a situation in which you can actually do something weird with this trick. If you manage to find the rabbit in the basement and catch him, don't collect his star. Instead, carry him to a door and set him down just in front of it. Now go through the door and try the jump kick trick mentioned above until you get Mario "merged" with the door (don't be surprised if it takes a while to get the timing right). Now pick the rabbit back up and set him down on the other side of the door. Go through the door and now you can carry the rabbit to some other parts of the castle. This trick may be just "for kicks", but it is kind of fun to do.

• Turn Butterflies into One-Ups

This works for Course 2, Course 12 and Course 13. Sometimes as you walk along, a bunch of butterflies will come out of the grass or trees. If you punch the butterfiles, they will turn into black round bombs that chase you. They will either explode or turn into one-up mushrooms! I thought it was kind of a neat trick. Not too impressive, but neat!

• Mario's Hat Factory

Go to any level where Mario loses his cap (the desert or the last snow zone) and make the plumber lose his hat. Watch where the hat lands, but don't pick it up. Instead, go to a warp (use it) and then go back to your hat. Once you're there, tip-toe slowly to the headgear and Mario will grab it, but there'll be another hat underneath it!

Be careful not to run into these two hats, or you'll pick both of them up. Now there will be two hats (one left and one on your head!), so repeat the hat loss routine (get the hat blown off, watch where it lands, warp and return again), pick up the second hat and you'll find another under it! You can repeat this fifty times for fifty hats, when, finally, the game shuts down!

A variation on this cheat enables Mario to continue his merry way around the snow level with his hat in hand! Do the routine for obtaining two hats (explained above), and when you're creeping to collect the hats, grab both of them at the same time. With luck you'll pick one, then Mario stops in the middle of putting on the other hat!

Mario can then hit enemies with his hat, and he won't put it back on his head until you either use the warp again, get a star or leave the level. Be forewarned: When Mario has his hat in hand, he will take double damage.

• Mario's Hat Factory Part 2

Have you ever wanted to do the hat trick in other levels besides Stage 10? Now, you can do the trick even earlier in the game. First, go into Stage 8 and make sure that you select Star 2 or higher. Go to the area where the pink Bob-omb is standing and let the bird steal your hat (you know, the bird that looks like Mini-Necky from DKC.) Now get on top of one of the obelisks and jump to knock the hat away from the Mini-Necky when he swoops by. Don't take the hat! Just leave it there and stand next to the palm tree so that you warp to the area near the cannon. Warp back and forth as many times as you like (well, don't do it too much ...) and there will be another new hat each time. If you pick up too many hats at once, Mario will hold one in his hand! This is similar to the trick on Stage 10.

There are a few things you can do with the hat trick on Stage 8 that you couldn't do on Stage 10. One cool trick is to go ahead and create a large pile of hats, but leave them there. Then, look for a Wing Cap and fly back over to the pile of hats. Now pick up a bunch of them, and Mario will hold the Wing Cap in his hand! You can now fly around without wearing the Wing Cap!! (Peter Pan, eat your heart out.)

• Hidden passageway into the castle

After you get 120 stars, go find Yoshi and talk to him. Then grab the winged cap out of the red box and go back to that cannon. Pull all the way back so you launch as high as possible, and then fly onto the red brick ledge just before the highest grating on the castle. Now, standing on the ledge facing the grating, run forward towards the grating. If it doesn't work first time just run at it again. Sometimes you will run up the wall this means you have to do it again. Eventually you will just run through the wall and fall into the castle without going through the main door. Now you appear to be stuck in a dark black room with the main doorway leading back out into the courtyard. Run through the door and the whole outside turns into a black box but the whole of the inside is now visible. This is mostly likely just a glitch, but it's still pretty neat. For those of you that haven't figured it out yet, you can do a back-flip to turn things back to normal (when you are facing the opposite direction, so you'll back-flip right above the door.) This way, you don't have to press reset every time you feel the urge to try this trick.

• Get on top of the Castle without 120 Stars

When you first start the game, go up to the path, make a right and follow the path across the bridge and head for the last tree. Start doing a triple jump, making sure your second just is right at the corner before the hills goes up vertically. The third jump should get you to the top of the hill, and you'll start sliding down. Quickly jump while you're sliding, and with luck you'll grab the top of the castle wall. Yoshi isn't up there yet, but you can get three extra lives and the flying cap to play around with.

• Have Snowman wear Mario's Hat

Let your hat get knocked off, and don't go back to get it. Get a star, and turn the game off. When you come back to the level, a snowman will be wearing Mario's hat.

• Whomp Secrets

In Whomp's Fortress, there are two cool little things you can do with the Whomps. Instead of killing them, jump on their backs, and they will give you a coin (up to five). Also, when they are about to fall, you can jump up through their faces (it takes a bit of practice, mind you).

• Clock Times Cheat

Enter the clock at 1:30, and you'll notice that the objects stop and sometimes get faster. Enter at 1:35, and all of the objects get faster.

• Twin Penguins

In Course 4, grab the baby penguin and jump down towards the area where the house is, then throw him over the side. Once you have done this, go down where the other house is and there on top the penguin should be. Go back up and the baby penguin should be there. Grab him and walk towards the warp. You should not be able to warp, so then slide off with the baby penguin. You should end sliding where the red coin and the extra life are. Then walk with the baby penguin towards the right, or the direction of the red coin. Then slide off the side and you should slide all the way down to the other house.

Once you have done this, give the mother penguin the babies, and when you give her the second baby, she should tell you, "That's not my baby! She looks nothing like me! Her parents must be worried sick!"

• Tiny/Huge Island Blue Cloin Trick

Enter Tiny/Huge Island so that Mario is tiny. If Mario butt-stops the Goombas instead of punching or just bouncing off them, you will receive one blue coin for each rather than one gold coin.

• Slower Descent

If you are wearing the Wing Cap and you run into to something or press the Z button and start to fall, hold down both the A and B buttons to slow your descent, and save you from loosing some health.


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