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Herb Kingsland -- Genealogy Mainlines ... page 3

. . . new edits, mar 2013 pOOq

@---> March 2oo9 ...MAJOR Clean-UP To Do Here, and Link "these" OLD Angelfire pages, To & From my NEW Angelfire pages:
. . . To Be Finished, in a Few Years..

TO GET my Real e-address, put the d, on my Last Name.

@---> MOST of the Links below this line, are DeDD..
. . . working on Fix'z ... March 2oo9
... HK

BACK To: "Temporary" ... unfinished ... OLD Contents Page

@---> MOST Links on these OLD pages, are DeDD Any "" pages are completely DeDD.. Any Angelfire pages, are slowly being Fix'd.. ALL Fix'd Links, will show: 2oo9 (.and 2o10, etc.)

... END of New Blabbling, March 2oo9

o o o o o o

MY WebTV Genes List page: ... ALL DeDD pages, New COMING ... 2oo9

All of MY web-pages, have Hot Links at Bottom of the Contents Page..

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@---> ... MY Kingsland mainLine & sideBranches ... @---> ... dec 2009 . . . BAD URL, New To Come, Aug 2010

... All NUMBERS, To Fix Oct 2oo9 ... I am NOT Sure, how they Fit.?

# K--6 Gustavus KINGSLAND Sr, 1658--1716 ... age 58

From England,to Holland (.?.) to America, mid/late 1600s
+ 1680, Sarah FERRIS ... New Amsterdam (New York City)
... dau of Peter Ferris + ____ Reynolds(.?.), Greenwich CT ... New Ferris page LINK, To Come 2oo9

# K--7 Gustavus KINGSLAND Jr, 1683--1773 ... age 90

New Barbados Neck, NJ
+ 1715, Sarah (Sarry) __________ [.Mine, HK.] ... DRC Records.?, Hackensack NJ
+ 2nd-- 1723, Rachel MAKLEEN (.MACKLEEN ?.) ____________ NJ ?

# K--8 William KINGSLAND Sr, 1716--____

shipwright, Belleville NJ
+ 1742, Anna DALLY ... Belleville NJ
... SEE bottom of This Page: @---> ... JUMP-code, to come

# K--9 William KINGSLAND Jr, 1745--1809 ... age 64

Newark NJ (.Conn.?.)
+1781, Margaret (.Peggy.) JORALEMON
... dau of Hellmach Joralemon and Rachel CADMUS
. . . New Links To Come, Oct 2oo9


Information on my DUTCH BRANCHES, to come, on separate pages ... New Links to come, Oct 2oo9

My Dutch Mainlines... NOT Complete

La Baddie (.Badie.), Verdon [.French.]
Brackenhoengie (.Braconie.)
Clementson, Mey
Adam Pieter Berckhoven Brouwer
Clyne (.Clein, Klein.)...

Van Brestede
Van Schoenderwoert (.aka Rutgers or Jacobs.)
Van Deursen (.Van Deusen.)
Thomas Frederick de Kuyper CADMUS
[.some CADMUS descendants, used as Surnames: Thomas, Thomasee, Thomassen, Tomas.]

MOST of My Dutch Lines information, comes from, and is on the web-site of Miz Carol Swinehart.. Large List of Surnames, other pages of Dutch Information, and Links..
[..Carol is a Distant Cousin of Kingsland's --
.via. "The Other" Margaret Joralemon married into the Family of Isaac Kingsland SR.. With connections to Cadmus and Brouwer..

@---> New -- My Dutch Forest . . . March 2001

@ Most of My Dutch main-Lines, in one place ... @--->

@---> MY DUTCH Mainlines, end here <---@

# K--10
John Joralemon KINGSLAND 1786--1870
m-- Catherine SMITH (.no dates.) NJ & CT -- no details

# K--11
John KINGSLAND, b 1828 CT -- d 1864.. Newark NJ, merchant
... + Adeline SPEAR 1842--1913, Belleville NJ
. . . Adeline m 2nd-- Willard AUSTIN ... details:
... added 4 Mar 2011, HK

# K-12 Joseph J KINGSLAND 1862--d before 1900, Newark NJ
... + ____ Agnes BROEDEL 1854--1910 . . . brother, Frank Jr (.1880 census.)
@---> NEW, July 2010 ... 1900 US Census, Newark NJ USA
... Agnes Kingsland, daus May & Minnie, NO son Herbert F Kingsland, (.Herbert Ferdinan Kingsland.) HFK-1,
No Husband Joseph Kingsland (.K-825.)
... Living with Frank Broedel & Agnes Broedel,
... and brother William Broedel (.all 3, b Germany.)
... Frank Broedel & William Broedel, Barbers..

# K-13 Herbert Ferdinan KINGSLAND ... 1893--1943,Newark NJ
...Policeman (.have partial personnel records.)
...+ Irene GROEL 1895--1988
..... dau of Wm Henry Groel + Harriet Kelley

# K-14 Herbert Frank KINGSLAND Sr ... 1919--1996, Newark/Long-Branch NJ
@ "H F Kingsland" -- "Amusement Devices"
... Electrician--Mechanic, 1940s--1970s ... Pin-Ball machines, early mechanical and electric "Arcade Machines" (.Newark NJ, and "NJ Shore" & Boardwalks; ? NY and Deleware ?.)
... lived in Newark, South Orange, and Ocean Twp, New Jersey

... + 1943 - Doris LUNGSTROM ... 1922--2007.?, dec 2009 ... Direct JUMP-code, To Come
... @ Haspital (.Newark.) & Monmouth Co NJ Heatth Dept, Visiting Nurse
... @ Retired School Nurse ... various Newark NJ Schools, 1951--1992
... @ Nursey Training at Halstead KansOZ, early 1940s ... See L page, above
... @ RN Nurse Training with Sis's ... Gloria (.Pieschl.) and Melba (.Morris.)
... @ The Famous Team of "Stinky, Pinky, & Dinky"
. . .

ME... # K--15 ... BAD Numbers...!!!, dec 2009
Herb KINGSLAND, b 1944, Newark NJ ... alive & surviving, Granada Hills CA, 2011
... [.birth name: "Herbert F Kingsland Jr" -- but Never used.]

...RETIRED ... Artist, Designer, Publisher, Krafter, Tinker, Inventor, Improvisario
Los Angeles, Califunya (.Granada Hills.)
not married, no children, The End

@ Create'd, Design'd, Research'd
... dedd page:" >THE Hollywood Walk of Fame MAP Book

@ Designed the "Construction" of The Genealogy of the Kingsland Family book
... dedd page:"> ... (.compiled by Louis Kingsland Jr.)

The END of My KINGSLAND Mainline

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THIS is only my Mainline--Outline.. all generations had more than one child -- most gens had many children..

I have basic info on most side-branches, in all generations.. they well be on other web-pages..
(.when = Ha Ha.)

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MORE Familys & Pages To Come...

"WALK With The Stars"... click on:

[ NO relation ]

The GREAT de Beixedon MYSTERY(s) ?

@ Outline of Known de Beixedon Connections / Questions..

MY KINGSLAND--Connections Missing Links
(.and Broken Branches.), on Next Page

It NEEDs repairs... TO Come. HK

@ These pages are UNder REconstruction.

BACK To: Contents Page

All of MY web-pages, have Hot Links at Bottom of the Contents Page..

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@---> BACK... To Contents Page
MY Kingsland mainline -- page One
deBeixedon Connections
