July     Summers here, its raining almost all the time
         NOT a good time to be handling the stamps.

june     Things are quiet , were getting ready

May      I just recieved about 5,000 topicals
         I'll be busy checking to see if I can
         make up enough packs to put them up here.
         If Not look on ebay for our auctions. 

May      We have finished testing the software
         top allow us to use 7 different languages.
         The package FAILED. It used too much drive 
          space and slowed down the systems way too
         much. The next project will be to build pages
         in different languages. I think I may    
         try Chinese first. 

May      Lowered lots of prices and have been adding
         more 3¢ singles. 

April    Added more blocks , the scanning goes
         very slowly. 

March    Added lots of new single stamps.

Feb 2000  So much new stuff in the works
          I don't know where to start. 
1. I'm working on scanning all our stamps.
2. The stamp and block lists will be set up as a data base and you will be able to see how many stamps are in stock. 3. The country packets will be expanded and have their own page. 4. Were looking for new suppliers of topicals, we'll keep you informed 5. Since lycos joined angelfire the system has slowed down , and we now get those annoying pop up ads. So we will be looking for a new home. 6. We will be working on a new home page. I want to make it a little more professional. 7. We will be expanding the singles and block line. Will be adding stamps daily. 8. We will be adding block and single packets to help the beginners get started. 9. OF COURSE WE WISH YOU WOULD EMAIL US WITH ANY OF YOUR IDEAS. with out you we wouldn't exist.
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12/99  The drop down menues are partially complete
       some of the links are not working correctly
       if you find one, please let me know where it is...

12/99  were working with a site that may allow us to 
       bring you this site in 7 different languages.
       we'll let you know... 

12/99  packs of stamps make great christmas gifts.

12/99  i've just added drop down menues to help
        you move thru the site.....

11/99  happy thanksgiving

10/99 i'm still looking for more DMM stamp pages.
      If you have any old DMM pages please email me

9/99 i'm busy scanning pages of the DMM to be added to
the site

8/20/99 I'm working on a major site overhaul.
     I'll be adding lots of stamp scans.
       Also will have a new opening screen ...AND
      we'll have writers adding stamp info....

         Interested in writing for us?  Contact me in email.

8/4/99 added a few singles today. Started looking thru a
        Canadian collection. Will sell it as packets I think.

Well I have actually been on vacation for a few days.
Came home to find the specials  link was down.
well its up now and the special for august has been
added. If y0u collect precancels then this is for you.

7/24/99  Its the weekend  I should  be out doing something fun\
          not this.

7/23/99   getting tired of looking at stamps.

7/22/99  recieved  aprox  15,000 world stamps today.
          now I need some one to look thru them.
         these will start being listed  over the next 

7/21/99  Yup I changed the opening screen color.
      WHY? I'm experimenting with colors plus i'm tired
         of that blue screen.
          If your having a problem reading it,please email me.

7/20/99  Very quiet here . Every one must be on vacation
         added a few plate blocks today.

7/19/99  took sunday off.... today i'm just filling
         orders. Nothing new added today.

7/17/99  added a few plates still too hot in NJ

7/16/99  Added about 50 more plate blocks today
         VERY VERY hot here in NJ

7/15/99 Its a beautiful,warm evening here in NJ
         Theres a nice breeze blowing and I should be
         out by the pool. INstead I have spent an hour
         adding more stamps to the single stamp section.
         I hope someone out there appreciates this.

7/14/99 The pre cancels arrived today....
         all back orders will go out  on the 15th.

7/14/99  Today I added 75+ single stamps .....
         I have about 200 more to add, then its on to
         the plate blocks.

7/13/99  worked on adding plate blocks tonight
         The way i'm going, i'll never get them
         all listed.... 

7/12/99   well heres something very different for us....
          soon we'll have Russian sheets for sale.
          I have no idea what they look like or
          or what they are, but WE WILL HAVE THEM.
          Stay tuned.....

7/10/99  Started scanning stamps. someday you will
          be able to see the stamps.....
          Very time consuming!

7/9/99   Temp out of precancels... more were ordered....

7/6/99    All PNC's are sold out...one person 
          bought them all. 

7/5/99    Just added PNC's in the packet section

     Things are always changing  here on the stamp site.
I'm sure you already see that the opening page is different.
I looked great when I was writing it, when it made it to the site
it was a mess. I don't really know why.
     I do hope that it will be easier for you to move thru the site
Why did I change it?  

    Well first to make it easier to move through.
Second, soon I will start adding graphics of the stamps.
with this new format I now have a wider page onwhich to place the



     I'm still adding new stamps  every day....
if your looking for something and don't see it listed  
just ask and i check and see if i have it....