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          Stamp Issuing Entity                       Years of Issue                                              Notes                                          Catalog Reference (Scott)
                                                                                              Abbreviations found at the end of the list
Abkhazia                                 1993                                  .  Georgian seceding state                                               nl?
Abu Dhabi                                1964-1972                             Emirate  .                                                               %
Aden                                     1937-1963                             Br  .                                                                    %
Adigey                                   1993                                  .  Rus local ovpts                                                       nl?
Aegean Islands                           1947                                  Greek occ  aka Dodecanese I's, ovpt SDD                                  Greece N239-N248
Aegean Islands                           1912-1944                             It  .                                                                    Italy Aegean Islands
Afars and Issas                          1967-1977                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Afghanistan                              1890-1973                             K  .                                                                     % 177-882
Afghanistan                              1973-                                 R  .                                                                     % 883-
Aguera, La                               1920-1923                             Sp  .                                                                    %
Aitutaki                                 1903-1932, 1972-                      NZ  .                                                                    %
Ajman                                    1964-1972                             Emirate  .                                                               %
Aland Islands                            1984-                                 .  .                                                                     Finland %
Alaouites                                1925-1930                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Albania                                  1913                                  Provisional Gvt  .                                                       % 1-40
Albania                                  1939-1943                             It K  .                                                                  % 299-331
Albania                                  1943-1944                             Ger occ  .                                                               % 332-344
Albania                                  1914, 1928-1939                       K  .                                                                     % 41-52, 210-298
Albania                                  1919-1928, 1945-                      R  .                                                                     % 84-209, 354-
Albania                                  1902-1916                             It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Alderney                                 1983-                                 .  .                                                                     Great Britain %
Alexandretta                             1938                                  .  .                                                                     %
Alexandria                               1899-1930                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
Alexandria                               1846                                  .  .                                                                     US 1X...
Algeria                                  1924-1958                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-285
Algeria                                  1962-                                 R  .                                                                     % 286-
Allenstein                               1920                                  .  .                                                                     %
Alsace                                   1940-1941                             Ger occ  .                                                               France N27-N42
Alsace-Lorraine                          1870-1871                             North Ger occ  .                                                         France N1-N14
Alwar                                    1877-1902                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Amur Province                            1921                                  .  .                                                                     Far Eastern R 42-46
Ancachs                                  1884                                  Chilean occ  aka Alerta                                                  Peru 1N...
Andalusian Provinces                     1868-1870                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Spain 114a-128a
Andorra                                  1931-                                 Fr PO  .                                                                 % French Administration
Andorra                                  1928-                                 Sp PO  .                                                                 % Spanish Administration
Angola                                   1870-1975                             Port  .                                                                  % 1-593
Angola                                   1975-                                 R  .                                                                     % 594-
Angra                                    1892-1905                             Port  .                                                                  %
Anguilla                                 1967-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Anhwei Province                          1949                                  China  .                                                                 China %
Anjouan                                  1892-1912                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Annam and Tonkin                         1888                                  Fr  .                                                                    %
Antigua                                  1862-1981                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-632
Antigua and Barbuda                      1981-                                 .  .                                                                     Antigua 633-
Antillas                                 1855-1871                             Sp  .                                                                    Cuba 1-53 with exceptions
Antioquia                                1868-1904                             .  .                                                                     Colombia %
Apurimac                                 1885                                  Chilean occ  .                                                           Peru 2N1
Arbe                                     1920-1921                             It occ  aka Rab                                                          Fiume 122-127
Arequipa                                 1881-1885                             .  .                                                                     Peru 3N...
Argentina                                1858-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Armenia                                  1919-1923, 1992-                      R  .                                                                     %
Aruba                                    1986-                                 Neth  .                                                                  %
Ascension                                1922-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Asturias Province                        1868-1870                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Spain 117d, 122d
Athens                                   1861                                  .  GA                                                                    US CSA 5X...
Atlantic City                            1884-1887                             Faunce's Penny Post  US local [sce]                                      US 152L1 !
Atlantic City                            1886                                  H & B Penny Post  US local Hackney & Bolte [sce]                         US 153L1 !
Aunus                                    1919                                  Finnish occ  aka Olonetz                                                 Russia N1-N8
Australia                                1913-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Australian Antarctic Territory           1957-                                 .  .                                                                     Australia L...
Austria                                  1850-1867, 1868-1918                  E  .                                                                     % 1-26, 34-175
Austria                                  1918-1938, 1945-                      R  .                                                                     % 176-389, 455-
Austria                                  1945                                  Allied occ  .                                                            % 4N...
Austria                                  1919                                  It occ  .                                                                % N64-N74
Austria-Hungary                          1867-1868                             .  .                                                                     % 27-33
Ayacucho                                 1881                                  .  .                                                                     Peru 4N1
Azerbaijan                               1919-1923, 1992-                      .  .                                                                     %
Azores                                   1868-1931, 1980-                      Port  .                                                                  %, Portugal %
Baden                                    1851-1871                             GD  .                                                                    German States %
Baden                                    1947-1949                             Fr occ  .                                                                Germany 5N...
Baden NR 16                              1905                                  .  Ger local official                                                    Germany oL16-oL21
Baden rural delivery                     1862                                  .  .                                                                     German States Baden LJ1-LJ3
Bagdad                                   1917                                  Br occ  .                                                                Mesopotamia N1-N27
Bahamas                                  1859-1973                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-347
Bahamas                                  1973-                                 .  .                                                                     % 348-
Bahawalpur                               1948-1949                             .  .                                                                     Pakistan %
Bahrain                                  1933-1971                             Br Prot  .                                                               % 1-181
Bahrain                                  1971-                                 Emirate  .                                                               % 182-
Baja California                          1915                                  .  Mex civil war local                                                   Mexico 401-404
Baku                                     1922                                  .  .                                                                     Azerbaijan 300-333
Baltimore                                1864                                  Mearis' City Despatch Post  US local [sce]                               US 103L... !
Baltimore                                1856                                  One Cent Despatch  US local [sce]                                        US 112L... !
Baltimore                                1857                                  Ricketts & Hall  US local [sce]                                          US 127L1 !
Baltimore                                1850                                  Stringer & Morton's City Despatch  US local [sce]                        US 134L1 !
Baltimore                                1856-1857                             Wood & Co. City Despatch  US local [sce]                                 US 148L1 !
Baltimore                                1845, 1850-1857                       .  prov 1845, carrier 1850-7                                             US 3X..., 1LB...
Baltimore                                1851                                  City One Cent Dispatch  US local                                         US 47L1 !
Baltimore                                1853                                  Cook's Dispatch  US local [sce]                                          US 51L1 !
Baltimore                                1852                                  Davis's Penny Post  US local [sce]                                       US 57L1 !
Baltimore                                1856                                  Grafflin's Baltimore Despatch  US local [sce]                            US 73L1 !
Baltimore                                1848                                  Johnson & Co.'s City Despatch Post  US local [sce]                       US 90L1 !
Bamra                                    1888-1894                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Banat-Bacska                             1919                                  Serb occ  .                                                              Hungary 10N...
Bangkok                                  1882-1885                             Br PO  .                                                                 %
Bangladesh                               1971-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Baranya                                  1919-1920                             .  .                                                                     Hungary 7N..., 8N...
Barbados                                 1852-1966                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-289
Barbados                                 1966-                                 .  .                                                                     % 290-
Barbuda                                  1922, 1968-                           .  .                                                                     %
Barnesville                              1877-1884                             Friend's Boarding School  US local "F.B.S." OH [sce]                     US 151L1 !
Barwani                                  1921-1948                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Basel                                    1845-1850                             Canton  .                                                                Switzerland 3L1
Basutoland                               1933-1966                             Br  .                                                                    %
Baton Rouge                              1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 11X...
Batum                                    1919-1920                             Br occ  .                                                                %
Bavaria                                  1849-1919                             K  .                                                                     German States % 1-135
Bavaria                                  1919-1920                             R  .                                                                     German States % 136-275
Bayonne City                             1883                                  Bayonne City Dispatch  US local NJ [sce]                                 US 9L1 !
Beaumont                                 1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 12X...
Bechuanaland                             1885-1897                             Br  .                                                                    %
Bechuanaland Protectorate                1888-1965                             Br  .                                                                    %
Beirut                                   1905                                  Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices Turkey 39
Beirut                                   1909-1914                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 161-169
Belarus                                  1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Belgian Congo                            1909-1960                             .  .                                                                     Congo 31-322
Belgium                                  1849-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Belgium                                  1914-1916                             Ger occ  .                                                               % N1-N25
Belize                                   1973-1981                             Br  .                                                                    % 312-562
Belize                                   1981-                                 .  .                                                                     % 563-
Benadir                                  1903-1922                             It  .                                                                    Somalia 1-27, 40-50
Bengazi                                  1901                                  It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Benin                                    1892-1894                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-45
Benin                                    1976-                                 R  .                                                                     % 342-
Bequia                                   1984-                                 Saint Vincent  .                                                         Saint Vincent Grenadines %
Berford & Co.'s Express                  1851                                  .  US local New York-Panama-Pacific ports [sce]                          US 11L... !
Bergedorf                                1861-1867                             .  .                                                                     German States %
Berlin                                   1948-1991                             Allied occ  .                                                            Germany 9N...
Berlin-Brandenburg                       1945                                  Sov occ  .                                                               Germany 11N...
Bermuda                                  1865-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Bhopal                                   1876-1949                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Bhor                                     1879-1901                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Bhutan                                   1962-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Bijawar                                  1935-1937                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Birobaijan                               1992                                  .  ovpt on U.S.S.R.                                                      nl?
Bluefields                               1904-1911                             Nicaraguan  .                                                            Nicaragua 1L1-1L108
Bogata                                   1889                                  Colombian  .                                                             Colombia LX1-LX3
Bohemia and Moravia                      1939-1945                             Ger Prot  .                                                              Czechoslovakia %
Bolivar                                  1863-1904                             .  .                                                                     Colombia %
Bolivia                                  1866-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Bophuthatswana                           1977-1994                             R  Homeland                                                              South Africa %
Boscawen                                 1846?                                 .  New Hampshire                                                         US 4X1
Bosnia-Herzegovina                       1992?-                                .  have they been issuing?                                               %
Bosnia-Herzegovina                       1879-1918                             Austrian PO  .                                                           %
Bosnia-Herzegovina                       1918                                  Yugoslav  .                                                              Yugoslavia 1L...
Boston                                   1844                                  W. Wyman  US local                                                       US 149L1 !
Boston                                   1846-1850                             Cheever & Towle  US local [sce]                                          US 37L1 !
Boston                                   1849-1850                             .  carrier                                                               US 3LB...
Boston                                   1844                                  American Letter Mail Co.  US local Lysander Spooner [sce]                US 5L... !
Boston                                   1845-1847                             Barnard's City Letter Express  US local [sce]                            US 7L... !
Boston                                   1849                                  Hill's Post  US local [sce]                                              US 81L1 !
Boston                                   1848-1851                             Bigelow's Express  US local [sce]                                        US noted nl
Botswana                                 1966-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Boyaca                                   1899-1904                             .  .                                                                     Colombia %
Brattleboro                              1846                                  .  .                                                                     US 5X1
Brazil                                   1843-1889                             E  .                                                                     % 1-98
Brazil                                   1889-                                 R  .                                                                     % 99-
Bremen                                   1855-1867                             Free City  .                                                             German States %
Bridgeville                              1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 13X...
British Antarctic Territory              1963-                                 .  .                                                                     %
British Central Africa                   1891-1908                             .  .                                                                     %
British Columbia                         1865-1871                             .  now Canada                                                            % 7-18
British Columbia and Vancouver's Island  1860-65                               .  now Canada                                                            British Columbia 1-2
British East Africa                      1890-1903                             .  .                                                                     % 38-109
British East Africa Company, Imperial    1890                                  .  .                                                                     British East Africa 1-37
British Guiana                           1850-1966                             .  .                                                                     %
British Honduras                         1866-1973                             .  .                                                                     %
British Indian Ocean Territory           1968-                                 .  .                                                                     %
British New Guinea                       1901-1906                             .  .                                                                     Papua New Guinea 1-8
British South Africa                     1890-1925                             .  .                                                                     Rhodesia 1-81
Brooklyn                                 1862?                                 Pips Daily Mail  US local Geo. Abrahams                                  US 116L... !
Brooklyn                                 1855-1856                             Robison & Co.  US local [sce]                                            US 128L1 !
Brooklyn                                 1846                                  Walton & Co.'s City Express  US local [sce]                              US 142L1 !
Brooklyn                                 1848                                  Bush's Brooklyn City Express  US local [sce]                             US 157L1 !
Brooklyn                                 1851-1864                             Brooklyn City Express Post  US local [sce]                               US 28L... !
Brooklyn                                 1845                                  Jones' City Express  US local [sce]                                      US 91L1 !
Brooklyn                                 1882                                  Ledger Dispatch  US local "Edwin Pidgeon" [sce]                          US 95L1 !
Brunei                                   1906-                                 Sultanate  .                                                             %
Brunei                                   1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          % N...
Brunswick                                1852-1867                             Duchy  .                                                                 German States %
Buenos Aires                             1858-1862                             .  .                                                                     Argentina %
Buffalo                                  1848                                  Spaulding's Penny Post  US local [sce]                                   US 156L... !
Buffalo                                  1847                                  Cutting's Despatch Post  US local [sce]                                  US 56L1 !
Bulgaria                                 1879-1908                             Ottoman P  .                                                             % 1-75
Bulgaria                                 1946-                                 R  .                                                                     % 154-
Bulgaria                                 1908-1946                             K  .                                                                     % 77-153
Bundi                                    1894-1947                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Burgos                                   1936-1937                             .  .                                                                     Spain 7L...
Burkina Faso                             1984-                                 R  .                                                                     % 669-
Burma                                    1937-1948                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-84
Burma                                    1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          % 2N1-2N50, 2N58-2N64
Burma                                    1948-1990                             R  .                                                                     % 85-300
Burma Independence Army                  1942                                  .  .                                                                     Burma 1N...
Burundi                                  1962-1967                             K  .                                                                     % 1-158
Burundi                                  1967-                                 R  .                                                                     % 159-
Bushire                                  1915                                  Br occ  .                                                                %
Bussahir                                 1895-1901                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
C\^ote d'Ivoire                          1959-                                 R  .                                                                     Ivory Coast 167-
Cabo Gracias                             1904-1911                             Nicaraguan  Zelaya local                                                 Nicaragua 2L...
Cadiz                                    1936                                  .  .                                                                     Spain 8LB...
Caicos Islands                           1981-                                 Br  .                                                                    Turks and Caicos %
Calino                                   1912-1932                             It  Aegean Island, aka Kalymnos                                          Italy %
Cambodia                                 1951-1971, 1993-                      K  .                                                                     % 1-262, ??-
Cambodia                                 1954-1957                             IC Indo-China  .                                                         India ICIC %
Cambodia                                 1990?-1993                            R?  interim Gvt                                                          nl?
Camden                                   1853                                  Jenkins' Camden Dispatch  US local [sce]                                 US 89L... !
Cameroons Expeditionary Force            1915                                  Br  .                                                                    Cameroons 53-65
Cameroons UKTT                           1960-1961                             Br  .                                                                    Cameroons 66-77
Cameroun                                 1897-1914                             Ger  .                                                                   % 1-25
Cameroun                                 1915-1921(occ), 1921-1960             Fr  .                                                                    % 101-335
Cameroun                                 1960-                                 .  .                                                                     % 336-
Campeche                                 1875                                  .  .                                                                     Mexico %
Canada                                   1851-1867                             Province  .                                                              % 1-20
Canada                                   1867-                                 .  .                                                                     % 21-
Canal Zone                               1904-1979                             US  .                                                                    US %
Canary Islands                           1936-1938                             .  .                                                                     Spain 9L...
Canton                                   1901-1922                             Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices
Cape Juby                                1916-1948                             Sp  .                                                                    %
Cape of Good Hope                        1853-1910                             Br  .                                                                    %
Cape Verde                               1877-1975                             Port  .                                                                  % 1-364
Cape Verde                               1975-                                 R  .                                                                     % 365-
Carchi                                   1912-1932                             It  Aegean Island, aka Karki, aka Calchi                                 Italy %
Carinthia                                1920                                  Austrian  plebiscite issue                                               Austria B11-B29
Carinthia                                1920                                  Yugoslav  plebiscite issue                                               Yugoslavia 4L...
Carnaro                                  1920-1921                             It occ  aka Kvarner                                                      Fiume 104-121
Caroline Islands                         1899-1915/1919                        Ger  .                                                                   %
Carpatho Ukraine                         1939                                  .  .                                                                     Czechoslovakia 254B
Cartagena                                1899-1900                             .  Colombian provisional [sce]                                           nl?
Carupano                                 1902-1903                             Venezuelan  provisionals                                                 Venezuela %
Caso                                     1912-1932                             It  Aegean Island, aka Kasos                                             Italy %
Castellorizo                             1920                                  Fr  .                                                                    % 1-38
Castellorizo                             1922-1932                             It  .                                                                    % 51-89
Cavalla                                  1913                                  .  .                                                                     Greece N167-N178
Cavalle                                  1893-1914                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
Cayes of Belize                          1984-1985                             Belize  .                                                                Belize %
Cayman Islands                           1901-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Cefalonia and Ithaca                     1941                                  It occ  .                                                                Ionian Islands N1--N17
Central African Empire                   1976-1979                             .  .                                                                     Central Africa 259-390
Central African Republic                 1959-1976, 1979-                      .  .                                                                     Central Africa 1-258, 391-
Central China                            1949                                  Central China People's Post  [y CC53-CC123, CCP...]                      China PR 6L1-6L16, 6L33-6L62, 6L90-6L109, 6LQ...
Central Lithuania                        1920-1922                             .  .                                                                     %
Ceylon                                   1857-1948                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-299
Ceylon                                   1948-1972                             .  .                                                                     % 300-469
Chachapoyas                              1884                                  Chilean occ  .                                                           Peru 5N1
Chad                                     1922-1937                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-63
Chad                                     1959-                                 R  .                                                                     % 64-
Chala                                    1884                                  .  .                                                                     Peru 6N...
Chamba                                   1886-1950                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Channel Islands                          1948                                  .  .                                                                     Great Britain 269-270
Charkhari                                1894-1943                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Charleston                               1849-1860                             .  carrier                                                               US 4LB...
Charleston                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 16X...
Chechenia                                1992                                  .  Rus seceding state aka Chechensbaya                                   nl?
Cheng-yang-kwan                          1949                                  East Chinese local SW of Pengpu [y LEC41]                                nl
Chester                                  1863-1865                             Westerveldt's Post  US local NY [sce]                                    US 144L... !
Chiapas                                  1866                                  .  Mexican provisional                                                   Mexico %
Chicago                                  1855                                  McMillan's City Despatch Post  US local [sce]                            US 100L1 !
Chicago                                  1856                                  Moody Penny Dispatch  US local [sce]                                     US 110L1 !
Chicago                                  1857-1858                             Whittley's Express  US local [sce]                                       US 146L1 !
Chicago                                  1855-1858                             Bronson & Forbes City Express Post  US local [sce]                       US 27L... !
Chicago                                  1862-1863                             Chicago Penny Post  US local [sce]                                       US 38L1 !
Chicago                                  1882                                  Allen's City Dispatch  US local [sce]                                    US 3L... !
Chicago                                  1860                                  Floyd's Penny Post  US local [sce]                                       US 68L... !
Chiclayo                                 1884                                  Chilean occ  .                                                           Peru 7N...
Chihuahua                                1872                                  .  Mexican provisional                                                   Mexico %
Chile                                    1853-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Chimarra                                 1914-1916                             Epirus  .                                                                Epirus 1-4, 34-41
Chin-Cha-Ki Border Area (Shansi-Chahar-Ho1937-1949                             .  North China [y NC1-NC147]                                             China PR 3L1-3L23, nl
China                                    1878-1912                             E  .                                                                     % 1-133
China                                    1949-                                 R  R on Taiwan                                                           % 1007-
China                                    1912-1949                             R  .                                                                     % 146-1006
China                                    1901                                  British Railway Administration  ovpt on China 98                         % noted
China                                    1949-                                 PR  .                                                                    China Peoples Republic
China                                    1894-1922                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
China                                    1898-1917                             Ger PO  .                                                                Germany Offices
China                                    1917-1930                             Br PO  .                                                                 Great Britain Offices
China                                    1900-1922                             Japanese PO  .                                                           Japan Offices
China                                    1899-1920                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices
China Expeditionary Force                1900-1921                             Br  .                                                                    India M1-M33
Chios                                    1913                                  .  .                                                                     Greece N1
Christmas Island                         1958-                                 Australian  usually subtitled "(Indian Ocean)"                           %
Chungking                                1903-1922                             Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices Tchong-King
Cilicia                                  1919-1921                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Cincinnati                               1853                                  Sullivan's Dispatch Post  US local [sce]                                 US 135L... !
Cincinnati                               1852-1855                             Brown[e] & Co.'s City Post  US local [sce]                               US 29L... !
Cincinnati                               1883                                  Cincinnati City Delivery  US local                                       US 39L1 !
Cincinnati                               1845-1851                             Frazer & Co.--City Despatch  US local [sce]                              US 69L... !
Cincinnati                               1849                                  Baker's City Express Post  US local [sce]                                US 6L1 !
Cincinnati                               1854                                  Williams' City Post  carrier                                             US 9LB1
Ciskei                                   1981-1994                             R  homeland                                                              South Africa %
Cleveland                                1854                                  Bishop's City Post  carrier                                              US 10LB...
Cleveland                                1853                                  Kellog's Penny Post  US local [sce]                                      US 92L1 !
Coamo                                    1898                                  US  .                                                                    US Puerto Rico 201
Cochin                                   1892-1950                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Cochin China                             1886-1892                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Cocos (Keeling) Islands                  1963-                                 Australian  .                                                            %
Colima                                   1914                                  .  Mex revolutionary provisional [sce]                                   nl?
Colombia                                 1862-                                 .  .                                                                     % 19-
Colombia                                 1920-1932                             SCADTA  .                                                                % C12-C82
Colombia                                 1950-1952                             LANSA  Lineas A\'ereas Nacionales S.A.                                   % C166-C185, C200-C207
Colombia                                 1950-1954                             AVIANCA  Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia S.A.                            % C186-C198, C208-C216
Colombia                                 1920                                  Compania Colombiana de Navegacion Aerea  .                               % C2-C11
Colombia interior                        1909                                  .  .                                                                     Colombia L1-L25
Comoros                                  1950-1976                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-130
Comoros                                  1976-                                 R  .                                                                     % 131-
Confederate States of America            1861-1864                             .  .                                                                     US %
Congo                                    1960-1971                             R  .                                                                     % 323-749
Congo                                    1959-                                 R  .                                                                     Congo Republic 89-
Congo                                    1962                                  UN India Congo Force  .                                                  India M56-M61
Congo Free State                         1886-1908                             .  .                                                                     Congo 1-30
Constantinople                           1909-1910                             It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Constantinople                           1919                                  Romanian PO  .                                                           Romania Offices Turkey 7-11
Constantinople                           1909-1914                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 61-70
Cook Islands                             1892-1900                             K  .                                                                     % 1-25
Cook Islands                             1900-1919, 1931-                      NZ  .                                                                    % 26-44, 84-
Cordoba                                  1858                                  .  .                                                                     Argentina %
Corfu                                    1923                                  It occ  .                                                                % N1-N14
Corfu and Paxos                          1941                                  .  Corfu                                                                 Corfu N15-N34
Corrientes                               1856-1858                             .  .                                                                     Argentina %
Cos                                      1912-1932                             It  Aegean Island, aka Coo                                               Italy %
Costa Rica                               1863-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Council of Europe                        1958-                                 .  .                                                                     France 1o...
Crete                                    1900-1910                             .  .                                                                     %
Crete                                    1903-1914                             Austrian PO  .                                                           Austria Offices
Crete                                    1902-1903                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
Crete                                    1900-1911                             It PO  aka La Canea, aka Cania                                           Italy Offices
Crimea                                   1992-1993                             .  ovpt "KRIM." on U.S.S.R.[lsn]                                         nl?
Crimea                                   1919                                  .  .                                                                     South Russia 51-52
Croatia                                  1941-1945, 1992-                      R  .                                                                     %
Croatia-Slavonia                         1918                                  Yugoslav  .                                                              Yugoslavia 2L...
Cuautla                                  1867                                  .  Mexican provisional                                                   Mexico %
Cuba                                     1899-1902                             US  .                                                                    % 176-231
Cuba                                     1873, 1902-                           R  1873 in [97]                                                          % 232-, nl
Cuba                                     1871-1898                             Sp  .                                                                    % 54-175
Cucuta                                   1900-1906                             .  local                                                                 Colombia noted
Cuernavaca                               1867                                  .  Mexican local                                                         Mexico %
Cundinamarca                             1870-1904                             .  Colombian state                                                       Colombia %
Cura\c cao                               1873-1948                             Neth  .                                                                  Netherlands Antilles 1-202
Cuzco                                    1881-1885                             .  .                                                                     Peru 8N...
Cyprus                                   1880-1960                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-182
Cyprus                                   1960-                                 R  .                                                                     % 183-
Cyprus                                   1974-1983                             Turkish Federated State  .                                               Turkish R of Cyprus 1-137
Cyrenaica                                1923-1939                             It  .                                                                    % 1-64
Cyrenaica                                1950                                  Br occ  .                                                                % 65-77
Czech Army in Russia                     1919-1920                             .  aka Czech Legion Post                                                 Czechoslovakia %
Czech Republic                           1993-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Czechoslovakia                           1918-1939, 1945-1992                  R  .                                                                     %
Dagestan                                 1993                                  .  Rus regional local                                                    nl?
Dahomey                                  1899-1942                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-136
Dahomey                                  1960-1975                             R  .                                                                     % 137-341
Dairen                                   1946-1947                             Liao Ning Post  Port Arthur & Darien (China) [y AD1-AD28]                China PR 2L1-2L28 more or less
Dakar--Abidjan                           1959                                  Fr  .                                                                    French West Africa 86
Dalmatia                                 1919-1922                             It occ  .                                                                %
Danish West Indies                       1855-1917                             .  .                                                                     %
Danville                                 1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 21X...
Danzig                                   1920-1939                             .  .                                                                     %
Danzig                                   1925-1939                             Polish PO  Gdansk                                                        Poland 1K...
Dardanelles                              1910-1914                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 171-179
Dedeagatch                               1913-1916 pd                          .  aka Alexandroupolis                                                   Greece N179-N201
Dedeagh                                  1893-1914                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
Denmark                                  1851-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Dhar                                     1897-1901                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Diego-Suarez                             1890-1896                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Djbouti                                  1977-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Djbouti                                  1894-1902, 1941, 1943                 Fr  .                                                                    Somali Coast 1-33F
Dominica                                 1874-1978                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-583
Dominica                                 1978-                                 .  .                                                                     % 584-
Dominican Republic                       1865-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Don Cossack Government                   1918-1919                             .  .                                                                     South Russia 1-10
Dubai                                    1963-1973                             Emirate  .                                                               %
Durazzo                                  1909-1915                             It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Duttia                                   1893-1920                             .  aka Datia                                                             Indian States %
East Africa and Uganda                   1903-1919                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-62 Kenya Uganda and Tanz 1-11
East Africa Forces                       1943-1948                             Br  or Somalia (Br occ)                                                  Great Britain Offices
East China                               1949                                  East China People's Post  [y EC332-EC454, PEC...]                        China PR 5L10-5L95, 5LQ...
East India                               1860-1877                             Br  .                                                                    India 19-35
East Liao-ning Area                      1945-48                               Northeast China [y NE41-NE75H]                                           nl
East of Jordan                           1920-1925                             .  Arab Government of the East                                           Jordan 1-144
East Szechuen                            1950                                  East Szechuen People's Post  Southwest China [y SW34-SW44]               China PR 8L21-8L29
Easter Island                            1992                                  Chilean  [lsn]                                                           Chile 1010-1011
Eastern Arabia                           1948-1963                             Br PO  .                                                                 Oman 16-93
Eastern Karelia                          1943-1948 or 1940-1947                .  It\a-Karjala"                                                         Karelia N...
Eastern Postal Areas                     1916-1918                             Ger occ  Postgebiet Ober-Ost                                             Lithuania 1N...
Eastern Rumelia                          1880-1884                             .  aka Eastern Roumelia                                                  % 1-19
Eastern Saxony                           1945-1946                             Sov occ  Bundesland Sachsen                                              Germany 15N...
Eastern Silesia                          1920                                  .  .                                                                     %
Ecuador                                  1865-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Ecuador                                  1928-1930                             SCADTA  .                                                                % C1-C6, C16-C25
Ecuador                                  1938-1940                             SEDTA  Sociedad Ecuatoriano de Transportes Aeros                         % C64
Egypt                                    1866-1914                             Ottoman Khedive  .                                                       % 1-59
Egypt                                    1953-1958, 1971-                      R  .                                                                     % 322-419, 872-
Egypt                                    1914-1925                             Br Prot  .                                                               % 60-76
Egypt                                    1922-1953                             K  .                                                                     % 78-321
Egypt                                    1936-1951                             Br Forces  .                                                             % M...
Egyptian Expeditionary Force             1918                                  .  .                                                                     Palestine 1-14
El Salvador                              1867-                                 R  .                                                                     Salvador, El
Elobey, Annobon, and Corisco             1903-1909                             Sp  .                                                                    %
Emory                                    1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 24X...
Epirus                                   1914-1915                             .  .                                                                     %
Epirus                                   1914-1916                             Greek occ  .                                                             % N1-N32
Equatorial Guinea                        1968-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Eritrea                                  1893-1938                             It  .                                                                    %
Eritrea                                  1993?-                                R  .                                                                     %?
Eritrea                                  1948-1950                             Br  .                                                                    Great Britain Offices
Estonia                                  1918-1940, 1991-                      R  .                                                                     %
Estonia                                  1918, 1941-1942                       Ger occ  Estland                                                         % N..., nl
Ethiopia                                 1894-1936, 1942-1974                  E  .                                                                     % 1-711
Ethiopia                                 1974-                                 R  .                                                                     % 712-
Ethiopia                                 1936-1938                             It  .                                                                    % N...
Ethiopia                                 1907                                  Fr PO  Levant but in Eth.                                                France Offices Turkey 29, 32-33
Eupen                                    1920-1921                             Belgian  .                                                               Germany 1N25-1N41
Eupen-Malmedy                            1920-1921                             Belgian  .                                                               Germany 1N18-1N24
Falkland Islands                         1878-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Falkland Islands Dependencies            1946-1963                             Br  .                                                                    %
Far Eastern Republic                     1920-1923                             .  .                                                                     %
Faridkot                                 1879-1931                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Faroe Islands                            1919, 1975-                           Danish  .                                                                % 1, 7-
Faroe Islands                            1940                                  Br occ  .                                                                % 2-6
Fernando Poo                             1868-1929, 1960-1968                  Sp  .                                                                    %
Fezzan                                   1943-1951                             Fr occ  .                                                                Libya 2N...
Fezzan-Ghadames                          1943-1951                             Fr occ  .                                                                Libya N...
Fiji                                     1870-1871                             Fiji Times  [b]                                                          % 1-10
Fiji                                     1870-1874                             K  .                                                                     % 11-20
Fiji                                     1874-1970                             Br  .                                                                    % 21-296
Fiji                                     1970-                                 .  .                                                                     % 297-
Filipino Republic                        1898-1901                             .  Sp/US seceding state [sce][b]                                         Philippines Y... !
Finland                                  1856-1917                             Rus GD  .                                                                % 1-82
Finland                                  1917-                                 R  .                                                                     % 83-
Fiume                                    1919-1924                             .  .                                                                     %
Fiume                                    1918-1919                             Allied occ  .                                                            %
Fiume                                    1924                                  It  .                                                                    %
Fiume                                    1945                                  Yugoslav occ  Fiume/Rijeka [mks]                                         nl?
Fiume and Kupa                           1941                                  It occ  [m]                                                              Yugoslavia noted
Formosa                                  1945                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Japan Taiwan
France                                   1849-1852, 1870-1940, 1944-           R  .                                                                     % 1-11, 38-395, 477-
France                                   1852-1870                             E  .                                                                     % 12-37
France                                   1944-1945                             Allied occ  .                                                            % 2N...
France                                   1940-1944                             State  .                                                                 % 396-474
Frankford                                1854                                  Deming's Penny Post  US local PA [sce]                                   US 58L1 !
Fredericksburg                           1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 26X...
French Colonies                          1859-1910                             .  .                                                                     %
French Committee of National Liberation  1942-44                               .  .                                                                     French Colonies B1-B38
French Congo                             1891-1907                             .  .                                                                     %
French Equatorial Africa                 1936-1958                             .  .                                                                     %
French Guiana                            1886-1947                             .  .                                                                     %
French India                             1892-1954                             .  .                                                                     %
French Oceanic Settlements               1892-1956                             Fr  .                                                                    French Polynesia 1-180
French Polynesia                         1958-                                 Fr  .                                                                    % 181-
French Soudan                            1894-1944                             .  .                                                                     %
French Southern and Antarctic Territories1955-                                 .  .                                                                     %
French West Africa                       1945-1959                             .  .                                                                     %
Fujeira                                  1964-1972                             Emirate  .                                                               %
Fukien Province                          1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Funafuti                                 1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Funchal                                  1892-1905                             Port  .                                                                  %
Gabon                                    1886-1936                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-147
Gabon                                    1959-                                 R  .                                                                     % 148-
Galapagos Islands                        1957-1959, 1973                       Ecuador  .                                                               Ecuador L1-L3
Gambia                                   1869-1965                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-192
Gambia, The                              1965-                                 .  .                                                                     Gambia 193-
Gaza                                     1965                                  UN India Force  UNEF                                                     India M62
Geneva                                   1843-1850                             Swiss  .                                                                 Switzerland 2L...
Geneva                                   1950-1963, 1969-                      UN PO  .                                                                 Switzerland 7o..., UN %
Georgia                                  1919-1923, 1992-                      .  .                                                                     %
German Democratic Republic               1949-1991                             .  .                                                                     %
German East Africa                       1893-1916                             .  .                                                                     %
German East Africa                       1915                                  Br occ  G.E.A.                                                           % N106-N122 Tanganyika 1-9
German East Africa                       1916-1922                             Belgian occ  .                                                           % N17-N29
German Federal Republic                  1949-1991                             .  aka West Germany                                                      Germany 665-1611
German New Guinea                        1897-1916                             .  .                                                                     %
German New Guinea                        1914-1918                             Br occ  .                                                                New Britain 1-29C, 43
German Southwest Africa                  1897-1915                             .  .                                                                     %
Germany                                  1871-1919                             E  .                                                                     % 1-102
Germany                                  1919-1945, 1991-                      R, Reich  .                                                              % 105-529, 1612-
Germany                                  1948-1949                             Sov occ  .                                                               % 10N...
Germany                                  1919-1921                             Belgian occ  .                                                           % 1N1-1N17
Germany                                  1945-1949                             Anglo-US occ  .                                                          % 3N...
Germany                                  1945-1946                             Fr occ  .                                                                % 4N...
Germany                                  1945-1949                             Allied occ  .                                                            % 530-664
Ghadames                                 1949                                  Fr occ  (Fezzan)                                                         Libya 3N...
Ghana                                    1957-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Gibralter                                1886-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Gilbert and Ellice Islands               1911-1976                             Br  .                                                                    %
Gilbert Islands                          1976-1979                             Br  .                                                                    %
Glen Haven                               1854-1858                             US  US carrier local NY [sce]                                            US 71L... !
Gold Coast                               1875-1957                             Br  .                                                                    %
Goliad                                   1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 29X...
Gonzales                                 1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 30X...
Graham Land                              1944-1946                             Br  .                                                                    Falkland Islands 2L...
Granada Confederation                    1859-1860                             .  .                                                                     Colombia 1-12
Grand Comoro                             1897-1923                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Great Lebanon                            1924-1927                             Fr  Grand-Liban                                                          Lebanon 1-71
Greece                                   1861-1924, 1935-1973                  K  .                                                                     % 1-315, 383-1092
Greece                                   1917                                  Venizelist Provisional Gvt  .                                            % 249-259
Greece                                   1923                                  Revolutionary Admin  .                                                   % 260-315
Greece                                   1924-1935, 1973-                      R  .                                                                     % 316-382, 1093-
Greenland                                1938-                                 Danish  .                                                                %
Greenland                                1905-1938                             Royal Greenland Trading Company  Danish local [b]                        % Q1-Q11
Greenville                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 33X...
Greenwood                                1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 35X...
Grenada                                  1861-1974                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-546
Grenada                                  1974-                                 .  .                                                                     % 547-
Grenadines of Grenada                    1973-                                 Grenada  .                                                               Grenada %
Grenadines of St. Vincent                1973-                                 St. Vincent  .                                                           Saint Vincent %
Griqualand West                          1874-1880                             .  .                                                                     %
Grodno District                          1919                                  Lithuanian  ovpt on Russia                                               Lithuania L...
Grove Hill                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 36X...
Guadalajara                              1867-1868                             .  Mexico local iss                                                      Mexico %
Guadeloupe                               1884-1947                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Guam                                     1899, 1930                            US  .                                                                    US %
Guanacaste                               1885-1889                             Costa Rica  .                                                            Costa Rica
Guatemala                                1871-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Guayana                                  1903                                  .  seceding state [ssa]                                                  Venezuela %
Guernsey                                 1958-                                 .  .                                                                     Great Britain %
Guernsey                                 1941-1944                             Ger occ  .                                                               Great Britain % N...
Guinea                                   1959-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Guinea                                   1892-1944                             Fr  .                                                                    French Guinea
Guinea-Bissau                            1974-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Guyana                                   1966-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Gwalior                                  1885-1951                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Haiti                                    1881-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Halletville                              1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 37X1
Hamburg                                  1859-1867                             Free City  .                                                             German States %
Hamilton                                 1848-1861                             .  .                                                                     Bermuda X1-X3, X5
Hannover                                 1850-1866                             K  .                                                                     German States Hanover
Hartford                                 1844                                  Mail Route  US local [no inscription] [sce]                              US 80L... !
Hatay                                    1939                                  .  .                                                                     %
Hawaii                                   1851-1893                             K  .                                                                     US % 1-52
Hawaii                                   1893-1899                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       US % 53-82
Hejaz                                    1922-1925                             .  .                                                                     Saudi Arabia L14-L186
Hejaz-Nejd                               1926-1934                             .  .                                                                     Saudi Arabia 69-137
Helena                                   1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 38X...
Heligoland                               1867-1890                             Br  .                                                                    %
Heraklion                                1898-1899                             Br PO  aka Iraklion, aka Candia                                          Crete 1-5
Herzeg Bosna                             1993-                                 .  Croatian-controlled areas in Bosnia-Herzegovina [lsn]                 nl?
Hillsboro                                1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 39X...
Hoi-Hao                                  1901-1922                             Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices
Holkar                                   1886-1892                             .  .                                                                     Indian States Indore 1-7
Holstein                                 1864-1867                             Duchy  .                                                                 German States Schleswig-Holstein 15-25
Honan                                    1941-1945                             Japanese occ  aka Che-Nan                                                China 3N...
Honan                                    1949                                  Honan People's Post  Central China [y CC124-CC156]                       China PR 6L63-6L87
Honduras                                 1866-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Hong Kong                                1862-1997                             Br  .                                                                    %
Hong Kong                                1945                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          % N...
Hopei                                    1941-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          China 4N...
Horta                                    1892-1905                             Port  .                                                                  %
Huacho                                   1884                                  Chilean occ  .                                                           Peru 9N...
Hungary                                  1871-1918, 1919-1945                  K, Regency  .                                                            % 1-132, 306-630
Hungary                                  1919-1921, 1946-                      R  .                                                                     % 153-222, 631-
Hungary                                  1919-1920                             Fr occ  Arad region, ceded to Romania                                    % 1N...
Hungary                                  1919                                  Romanian occ  .                                                          % 2N... through 6N...
Hungary                                  1919                                  Serbian occ  .                                                           % 9N...
Hungary                                  1919-1921                             Szegedin R  .                                                            % Szeged
Hupeh Province                           1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Hyderabad                                1869-1949                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Icaria                                   1912-1913                             .  .                                                                     Greece N2-N15
Iceland                                  1873-1944                             Danish K  .                                                              % 1-239
Iceland                                  1944-                                 .  .                                                                     % 240-
Idar                                     1939-1944                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Ifni                                     1941-1969                             Sp  .                                                                    %
Independence                             1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 41X...
India                                    1854-1864                             Br East India Company  .                                                 % 1-18
India                                    1947-                                 .  .                                                                     % 200-
India                                    1877-1946                             Br E  .                                                                  % 36-199
Indian Expeditionary Force               1914                                  .  .                                                                     India M34-M43
Indochina                                1889-1946                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Indonesia                                1949-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Indonesia                                1948-1949                             Neth  .                                                                  Netherlands Indies 294--332
Indonesia                                1945-1950                             R  Anti-Dutch Nationalists                                               Netherlands Indies N38, nl
Indore                                   1904-1947                             .  .                                                                     Indian States % 8-33
Ingermanland                             1920                                  .  .                                                                     North Ingermanland
Inhambane                                1895-1920                             Port  .                                                                  %
Inini                                    1932-1946                             Fr  .                                                                    %
International Bureau of Education        1944-                                 .  .                                                                     Switzerland 4o...
International Court of Justice           1934-                                 .  .                                                                     Netherlands o...
International Labour Organization        1923-                                 .  .                                                                     Switzerland 3o...
International Organization for Refugees  1950                                  .  .                                                                     Switzerland 6o...
International Telecommunications Union   1958-                                 .  .                                                                     Switzerland 10o...
Ionian Islands                           1859-1864                             Br  .                                                                    %
Ionian Islands                           1941-1943                             It occ  .                                                                % N18--N25
Iran                                     1979-                                 R  .                                                                     % 2000-
Iran                                     1935-1979                             E  .                                                                     % 794-1999
Iraq                                     1923-1958                             K  Br mandate 1920-1932                                                  % 1-187
Iraq                                     1958-                                 R  .                                                                     % 188-
Iraq                                     1918-1923                             Br occ  .                                                                Mesopotamia N28-N41, N50-N53
Ireland                                  1922-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Isle of Man                              1958-                                 .  .                                                                     Great Britain %
Israel                                   1948-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Istria and the Slovene Coast             1945-1947                             Yugoslav occ  Istra Slovensko Primurje                                   Yugoslavia %
Italian Colonies                         1932-1934                             .  .                                                                     %
Italian East Africa                      1938-1941                             .  .                                                                     %
Italian Post Offices Abroad              1874-1881                             .  .                                                                     Italy Offices
Italian Socialist Republic               1943-1944                             .  .                                                                     Italy %
Italy                                    1862-1946                             K  .                                                                     % 1-477
Italy                                    1943-1944                             Allied occ  .                                                            % 1N1-1N13
Italy                                    1946-                                 R  .                                                                     % 478-
Italy                                    1918                                  Austrian occ  .                                                          % N...
Italy-Greece-Turkey-Rhodes               1926                                  Aeroespresso Co  Greek air semi-official                                 Greece C1-C4
Ivory Coast                              1892-1944                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-166
Jaffa                                    1910-1914                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 71-80
Jaipur                                   1904-1948                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Jamaica                                  1860-1962                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-180
Jamaica                                  1962-                                 .  .                                                                     % 181-
Jammu                                    1867-1877                             .  .                                                                     Indian States Jammu and Kashmir 6-60
Jammu and Kashmir                        1878-1894                             .  .                                                                     Indian States % 1-5, 74-127
Janina                                   1909-1910                             It PO  aka Yaninna, aka Ioannina                                         Italy Offices
Japan                                    1871-                                 E  .                                                                     %
Japan                                    1946                                  Br Commonwealth Occ Force  .                                             Australia M...
Japanese Naval Control Area              1943                                  .  .                                                                     Netherlands Indies N27-N37
Jasdan                                   1942                                  .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Java                                     1908                                  Neth  .                                                                  Netherlands Indies 81-98
Java                                     1943-1944                             Japanese occ  .                                                          Netherlands Indies N5-N14
Java and Sumatra                         1943                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Netherlands Indies N1-N4
Jersey                                   1958-                                 .  .                                                                     Great Britain %
Jersey                                   1941-1944                             Ger occ  .                                                               Great Britain % N...
Jerusalem                                1909                                  It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Jerusalem                                1909                                  Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 81-90
Jetersville                              1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 44X...
Jhalawar                                 1887-1900                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Jind                                     1874-1950                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Johore                                   1876-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Johore                                   1942-1943                             Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % NJ1-NJ10
Johore                                   1963-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Jordan                                   1949-                                 K  .                                                                     % 245-
Juan Fernandez Islands                   1910                                  Chilean  [sce]                                                           Chile 79-82
K\'erassunde                             1910                                  Rus PO  aka Gireson                                                      Russia Offices Turkey 91-100
Kabul                                    1870-1890                             K  .                                                                     Afghanistan 1-179
Kansu Province                           1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Kansu-Ningsai-Tsinghai Area              1949                                  People's Post  Northwest China [y NW65-NW82]                             China PR 4L45-4L60, nl
Karelia                                  1922                                  .  Karjala                                                               %
Kashmir                                  1866-1870                             .  .                                                                     Indian States Jammu and Kashmir 62-73
Katanga                                  1960-1962                             R  short lived Congo seceding state                                      %
Kathiri State                            1942-1967                             .  .                                                                     Aden %
Kazakhstan                               1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Kedah                                    1912-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Kedah                                    1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N15
Kedah                                    1963-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Kelantan                                 1911-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Kelantan                                 1943                                  Thai occ  .                                                              Malaya % 2N...
Kelantan                                 1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N22
Kelantan                                 1963-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Kenya                                    1963-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Kenya and Uganda                         1922                                  Br  .                                                                    Kenya Uganda and Tanzania 18-41C
Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika             1922-1964                             .  .                                                                     Kenya Uganda and Tanzania 42-143
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania               1966-1977                             .  .                                                                     % 148-323
Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar   1965-66                               .  .                                                                     Kenya Uganda and Tanzania 144-147
Khmer Republic                           1971-1975                             .  Lon Nol regime                                                        Cambodia 237-??
Kiangsi                                  1949                                  Kiangsi People's Post  Central China [y CC157-CC197]                     China PR 6L17-6L32
Kiangsi Province                         1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Kiautschou                               1900-1914                             Ger  .                                                                   %
King Edward VII Land                     1908                                  NZ  .                                                                    New Zealand 121a
Kionga                                   1916                                  Port  .                                                                  %
Kiribati                                 1979-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Kishangarh                               1899-1947                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Klaipeda                                 1923-1925                             .  aka Memel (Lithuanian occ)                                            Memel N...
Knoxville                                1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 47X...
Korea                                    1884-1905                             K  .                                                                     % 1-54
Korea                                    1946-1948                             US occ  .                                                                % 55-79
Korea                                    1948-                                 R  aka South Korea                                                       % 80-
Korea                                    1953                                  Indian Custodial Force  .                                                India M44-M55
Korea                                    1900-1901                             Japanese PO  .                                                           Japan Offices
Korytsa                                  1917-1918                             R  Kor\c c\e" Albanian seceding state                                    Albania 52A-81
Kouang-Tcheu                             1906-1944                             Fr PO  China aka Kwangchowan                                             France Offices
Kuban Cossack Government                 1918-1920                             .  .                                                                     South Russia 20-49
Kume Island                              1948                                  US occ  local                                                            Ryukyu Islands noted
Kurland                                  1945                                  Ger occ  aka Courland                                                    Latvia noted
Kuwait                                   1923-1961                             Br Prot  .                                                               % 1-172
Kuwait                                   1961-                                 Emirate  .                                                               % 173-
Kwangsi Province                         1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Kwangtung                                1949-1950                             South China Post  [y SC1-SC10]                                           China PR 7L1-7L5, 7L19-7L23
Kwantung                                 1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          China 1N...
Kwantung                                 1947-1949                             Kwantung Post  Port Arthur & Darien (China) [y AD29-AD55]                China PR 2L29-2L55
Kwei-Chow                                1949-1950                             Kwei-Chow People's Post  Southwest China [y SW1-SW8]                     China PR 8L12-8L16
Kyrgyzstan                               1992-                                 .  .                                                                     %
L\"ubeck                                 1859-1868                             Free City  .                                                             German States %
Labuan                                   1879-1905                             Br  .                                                                    %
Lagos                                    1874-1905                             Br  .                                                                    %
Lancaster                                1855                                  Barr's Penny Dispatch  US local [sce]                                    US 8L... !
Laos                                     1951-1975                             K  .                                                                     % 1-271
Laos                                     1975-                                 R  .                                                                     % 272-
Laos                                     1954-1957                             IC Indo-China  .                                                         India ICIC %
Laos and Vietnam                         1965-1968                             IC Indo-China  ICC                                                       India ICIC %
Las Bela                                 1897-1907                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Latakia                                  1931-1935                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Latvia                                   1918-1940, 1991-                      R  .                                                                     %
Latvia                                   1919, 1941                            Ger occ  .                                                               % 1N... (1919), noted (1941)
Latvia                                   1940-1941                             Sov occ  .                                                               % 2N45-2N57
League of Nations                        1922-1944                             .  .                                                                     Switzerland 2o...
Lebanon                                  1927-                                 R  .                                                                     % 27-
Leeward Islands                          1890-1956                             Br  .                                                                    %
Lemnos                                   1912-1913                             .  .                                                                     Greece N16-N52A
Lenoir                                   1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 49X...
Lero                                     1912-1932                             It  Aegean island                                                        Italy %
Lesotho                                  1966-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Levant                                   1942                                  Free French Forces  .                                                    Syria M...
Liberia                                  1860-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Liberty                                  1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 74X1
Libya                                    1912-1941                             It  .                                                                    % 1-101
Libya                                    1951-1970                             K  .                                                                     % 102-365
Libya                                    1970-                                 R  .                                                                     % 366-
Liechtenstein                            1912-1918                             Austrian PO  .                                                           % 1-10
Liechtenstein                            1918-                                 P  .                                                                     % 11-
Lima                                     1871-1873                             .  .                                                                     Peru 19-20 et al.
Limestone Springs                        1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 121X1
Lipso                                    1912-1932                             It  Aegean Island aka Lisso                                              Italy Lisso
Lithuania                                1918-1940, 1991-                      R  .                                                                     %
Lithuania                                1940                                  Sov occ  LTSR                                                            % 2N...
Livingston                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 51X...
Ljubljana                                1943-1945                             It occ  Slovenia                                                         Yugoslavia N1-N35
Ljubljana                                1943-1945                             Ger occ  Slovenia "Laibach"                                              Yugoslavia N36-N70
Lockport                                 1846                                  .  .                                                                     US 6X1
Lombardy-Venetia                         1850-1864                             Austrian K  .                                                            Austria %
Lorraine                                 1940-1941                             Ger occ  .                                                               France N43-N58
Louisville                               1857-1858                             .  carrier                                                               US 5LB...
Lourenco Marques                         1895-1921                             Port  .                                                                  %
Luxembourg                               1852-                                 GD  .                                                                    %
Luxembourg                               1940-1942                             Ger occ  .                                                               % N...
Lynchburg                                1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 52X...
Macao                                    1884-1999                             Port  .                                                                  %
Macedonia                                1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %?
Macon                                    1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 53X...
Madagascar                               1889-1958                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-27 (PO), 28-299
Madagascar                               1958-                                 R  .                                                                     % 300-
Madagascar                               1884-1887, 1895                       Br  Consular '84-7, Inland '95                                           %, nl
Maderia                                  1868-1929, 1980-                      Port  .                                                                  %, Portugal %
Madrid                                   1853                                  .  Sp local [sce]                                                        Spain 17-18
Mafeking                                 1900                                  .  [b]                                                                   Cape of Good Hope 162-180
Magdalena                                1901                                  .  Colombian local provision for Rio Hacha [sce]                         Colombia noted
Majunga                                  1895                                  .  Madagascar local                                                      Madagascar 22A-22D
Malacca                                  1948-1963                             Br  .                                                                    Malaya %
Malacca                                  1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N14
Malaga                                   1937                                  .  .                                                                     Spain 10L...
Malawi                                   1964-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Malay States, Federated                  1900-1934                             Br  .                                                                    Malaya 1-79
Malaya                                   1943                                  Thai occ  aka Syburi- Ked., Kel., Perl., Treng.                          % 2N...
Malaya                                   1957-1963                             Federation  .                                                            % 80-115
Malaya                                   1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          % N30-N43
Malaya                                   1945-1948                             BrMA  .                                                                  Straits Settlements 256-271
Malaysia                                 1963-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Maldive Islands                          1906-1968                             Sultanate  .                                                             % 1-291
Maldives                                 1968-                                 R  .                                                                     % 292-
Mali                                     1960-                                 R  .                                                                     % 10-
Mali Federation                          1959-1960                             .  .                                                                     Mali 1-9
Malm\'edy                                1920-1921                             Belgian occ  .                                                           Germany 1N42-1N58
Malta                                    1860-1964                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-302
Malta                                    1964-                                 .  .                                                                     % 303-
Manchukuo                                1932-1945                             .  .                                                                     %
Manchuria                                1927-1929                             .  aka Kirin and Heilungkiang                                            China %
Manizales                                1909                                  .  Colombian local [b]                                                   Colombia noted
Mariana Islands                          1899                                  Sp  .                                                                    % 1-6
Mariana Islands                          1899-1919                             Ger  .                                                                   % 11-31
Marienwerder                             1920                                  .  .                                                                     %
Marion                                   1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 55X...
Marshall Islands                         1897-1916                             Ger  .                                                                   % 1-27
Marshall Islands                         1984-                                 US  .                                                                    % 31-
Marshall Islands                         1914-1915                             Br/NZ occ  G.R.I.                                                        New Britain 30-42, 44-45
Martinique                               1886-1947                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Mauritania                               1906-1944                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-115
Mauritania                               1960-                                 R  .                                                                     % 116-
Mauritius                                1847-1968                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-320
Mauritius                                1968-                                 .  .                                                                     % 321-
Mayotte                                  1892-1914                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Mecca, Sherifate of                      1916-1918                             .  .                                                                     Saudi Arabia L1-L13
Mecklenburg-Schwerin                     1856-1867                             GD  .                                                                    German States %
Mecklenburg-Strelitz                     1864-1867                             GD  .                                                                    German States %
Mecklenburg-Vopommern                    1945-46                               Sov occ  aka Mecklen\-burg-Western Pomerania                             Germany 12N...
Medellin                                 1888                                  .  Colombian regional                                                    Colombia Antioquia 69-72
Medellin                                 1903-1914                             Sociedad de Mejores Publicas  Colombian local [sce][b]                   Colombia Antioquia noted
Melaka                                   1963-                                 Malaysia  aka Malacca                                                    Malaysia %
Memel                                    1920-1922                             Fr Mandate  .                                                            %
Memphis                                  1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 56X...
Mengkaing                                1941-1945                             Japanese occ  aka Inner Mongolia                                         China 2N...
Merida                                   1916                                  .  Mexican provisional                                                   Mexico %
Mexican seaports                         1875-1879                             .  .                                                                     Mexico JX...
Mexico                                   1856-1864, 1867-                      R  .                                                                     % 1-25, 35-
Mexico                                   1864-1867                             E  .                                                                     % 26-34
Micronesia                               1984-                                 US  .                                                                    US %
Middle Congo                             1907-1937                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Middle East Forces                       1942-1947                             Br  .                                                                    Great Britain Offices
Milford                                  1849-1854                             Hopedale Penny Post  US local MA [sce]                                   US 84L... !
Millbury                                 1846                                  .  .                                                                     US 7X1
Mobile                                   1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 58X...
Modena                                   1852-1859                             Duchy  .                                                                 Italian States % 1-9
Modena                                   1859-1860                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Italian States % 10-14
Moheli                                   1906-1914                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Moldavia                                 1858-1862                             P  early Romania                                                         Romania 1-10
Moldavia-Wallachia                       1862-1865                             Principalities  early Romania                                            Romania 11-21
Moldova                                  1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Monaco                                   1885-                                 P  .                                                                     %
Mongolia                                 1924-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Mongtseu                                 1903-1922                             Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices
Montenegro                               1874-1914                             .  .                                                                     %
Montenegro                               1917                                  Austrian occ  .                                                          % 1N...
Montenegro                               1941-1943                             It occ  .                                                                % 2N...
Montenegro                               1943-1944                             Ger occ  .                                                               % 3N...
Montevideo                               1859-1860                             Uruguay  .                                                               Uruguay 7-17
Montreal                                 1967                                  UN PO  Canada                                                            UN-NY 170-174
Montserrat                               1876-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Moquegua                                 1881-1885                             .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 10N...
Morocco                                  1956-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Morocco                                  1891-1914                             Fr PO  .                                                                 French Morocco 1-37
Morocco                                  1914-1955                             Fr  .                                                                    French Morocco 28-327
Morocco                                  1912-1913                             Sherifan posts  Cherifien [b]                                            French Morocco noted
Morocco                                  1899-1914                             Ger PO  .                                                                Germany Offices
Morocco                                  1898-1956                             Br PO  all Morocco                                                       Great Britain Offices Morocco 1-48, 201-280
Morocco                                  1903-1914                             Sp PO  .                                                                 Spanish Morocco 1-25
Morocco                                  1914-1955                             Sp  .                                                                    Spanish Morocco 26-360
Morocco French Prot                      1917-1937                             Br PO  .                                                                 Great Britain Offices Morocco 401-440
Morocco Northern Zone                    1956                                  .  .                                                                     %
Morocco Spanish Prot                     1914-1956                             Br PO  .                                                                 Great Britain Offices Morocco 49-108
Morvi                                    1931-1948                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Mosul                                    1919                                  Br  .                                                                    Mesopotamia N42-N49
Mount Athos                              1909-1914                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 101-117
Mount Lebanon                            1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 60X1
Mountainous Karabakh, Republic of        1993                                  .  Azeri seceding state aka Nagorno-Karabakh                             nl?
Mozambique                               1876-1975                             Port  .                                                                  % 1-515
Mozambique                               1975-                                 R  .                                                                     % 516-
Mozambique Company                       1892-1941                             Port  .                                                                  %
Muscat                                   1944-1948                             Sultanate  .                                                             Oman 1-15
Muscat and Oman                          1966-1971                             Sultanate  .                                                             Oman 94-131
Myanmar                                  1990-                                 R  .                                                                     Burma 301-
Mytilene                                 1912                                  .  .                                                                     Greece N53-N72
Mytilene                                 1909                                  Rus PO  Metelin                                                          Russia Offices Turkey 181-189
Nabha                                    1885-1950                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Namibia                                  1990-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Nandgaon                                 1892-1895                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Nanumaga                                 1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Nanumea                                  1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Naples                                   1858-1862                             K of the Two Sicilies  .                                                 Italian States Two Sicilies 1-9
Nashville                                1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 61X...
Natal                                    1857-1909                             Br  .                                                                    %
Natal Field Force                        1899-1902                             .  on Br iss "NFF"                                                       nl?
Nauru                                    1916-1968                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-71
Nauru                                    1968-                                 R  .                                                                     % 72-
Neapolitan Provinces                     1861                                  Sardinian  .                                                             Italian States Two Sicilies 19-27
Negri Sembilan                           1891-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Negri Sembilan                           1942-1943                             Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N31
Negri Sembilan                           1965-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Nejd                                     1925                                  .  .                                                                     Saudi Arabia 1-68
Nepal                                    1881-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Netherlands                              1852-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Netherlands Antilles                     1949-                                 .  .                                                                     % 203-
Netherlands Indies                       1864-1948                             .  .                                                                     % 1-62, 101-293B
Netherlands New Guinea                   1950-1962                             .  .                                                                     %
Nevis                                    1861-1903                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-32
Nevis                                    1980-                                 St. Kitts Nevis  .                                                       % 100-
New Brunswick                            1851-1867                             Br  now Canada                                                           %
New Caledonia                            1860-                                 Fr  .                                                                    %
New Granada, United States of            1861                                  .  .                                                                     Colombia 13-18
New Greece                               1912                                  .  or Ottoman E (Greek occ)                                              Greece N109-N166
New Guinea                               1925-1939                             Br  .                                                                    %
New Haven                                1845                                  US  Postmaster's provisional                                             US 8XU...
New Hebrides                             1908-1980                             Br  .                                                                    %
New Hebrides                             1908-1980                             Fr  .                                                                    %
New Orleans                              1850-1857                             Mason's New Orleans City Express  US local [sce]                         US 102L... !
New Orleans                              1853-1855                             Menant & Co.'s Express Post  US local [sce]                              US 104L1 !
New Orleans                              1847                                  City Dispatch Post Office  US local                                      US 43L... !
New Orleans                              1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 62X...
New Republic                             1886-1887                             .  Boer seceding state                                                   %
New Smyrna                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 63X...
New South Wales                          1850-1913                             Br  .                                                                    %
New York City                            1951-                                 UN PO  USA                                                               UN %
New York City                            1870-1875                             Mercantile Library Association  US book local                            US 105L... !
New York City                            1849                                  Messenkope's Union Square PO  US local [sce]                             US 106L... !
New York City                            1855-1859                             Metropolitan Errand & Carrier Express Company  US local [sce]            US 107L... !
New York City                            1852-1853                             Metropolitan PO  US local Williams & Laws                                US 108L... !
New York City                            1847                                  Mills' Free Despatch Post  US local [sce]                                US 109L1 !
New York City                            1856                                  Bentley's Dispatch  US local [sce]                                       US 10L... !
New York City                            1847                                  New York City Express Post  US local                                     US 111L... !
New York City                            1851                                  Pinkney's Express Post  US local [sce]                                   US 115L1 !
New York City                            1857-1858                             Price's City Express Post  US local [sce]                                US 119L... !
New York City                            1854                                  Price's 8th Ave. Post Office  US local [sce]                             US 120L1 !
New York City                            1854-1858                             Russell 8th Ave. Post Office  US local [sce]                             US 130L... !
New York City                            1849-1853                             Swart's City Dispatch Post  US local [sce]                               US 136L... !
New York City                            1855                                  Third Avenue Post  US local [sce]                                        US 139L... !
New York City                            1846                                  Union Post  US local [sce]                                               US 140L... !
New York City                            1852                                  Union Square P.O.  US local [sce]                                        US 141L... !
New York City                            1846                                  City Dispatch  US local                                                  US 160L1 !
New York City                            1888                                  Blizzard Mail  US local                                                  US 163L1 !
New York City                            1855?                                 Freeman & Co.'s Express  US local                                        US 164L1 !
New York City                            1847                                  Franklin City Despatch Post  US local Bouton                             US 16L1 !
New York City                            1847-1848                             Bouton's Manhattan Express/Bouton's City Dispatch Post  US local         US 17L1, 18L... !
New York City                            1844-1880                             Boyd's City Express  US local [sce]                                      US 20L... !
New York City                            1857-1858                             Brady & Co.  US local [sce]                                              US 23L1 !
New York City                            1848                                  Broadway Post Office  US local [sce]                                     US 26L... !
New York City                            1850-1851                             Adams' City Express Post  US local                                       US 2L... !
New York City                            1876                                  Brown's City Post  US local [sce]                                        US 31L... !
New York City                            1857                                  Bury's City Post  US local [sce]                                         US 32L... !
New York City                            1842-1850                             City Despatch Post  US local                                             US 40L... !
New York City                            1845                                  City Mail Co.  US local                                                  US 46L1 !
New York City                            1857                                  Clark & Co.  US local [sce]                                              US 48L1 !
New York City                            1856                                  Cornwall/PO Madison Square  US local [sce]                               US 52L... !
New York City                            1870-1871                             Crosby's City Post  US local [sce]                                       US 54L1 !
New York City                            1845                                  Cumming's City Post  US local [sce]                                      US 55L... !
New York City                            1879                                  Douglas' City Despatch  US local NY [sce]                                US 59L... !
New York City                            1846-1848                             Dupuy & Schenk Penny Post  US local [sce]                                US 60L... !
New York City                            1854-1865                             East River PO  US local [sce]                                            US 62L... !
New York City                            1852                                  Eighth Avenue Post Office  US local James Price [sce]                    US 63L1 !
New York City                            1881                                  Empire City Dispatch  US local [sce]                                     US 64L1 !
New York City                            1856                                  Essex Letter Express  US local maybe bogus [sce]                         US 65L1 !
New York City                            1848                                  Gordon's City Express  US local [sce]                                    US 72L... !
New York City                            1855                                  Hinkley's Express Co.  US local [sce]                                    US 82L1 !
New York City                            1852                                  Homan's Empire Express  US local [sce]                                   US 83L1 !
New York City                            1854-1880                             Hussey's Post  US local "Bank & Insurance City Post" [sce]               US 87L... !
New York City                            1850                                  Jefferson Market PO  US local [sce]                                      US 88L... !
New York City                            1851-1853                             Kurtz Union despatch post  US local [sce]                                US 94L1 !
New York City                            1859                                  McIntire's City Express Post  US local [sce]                             US 99L1 !
New York City                            1842-1850                             .  prov 1845, carrier 1842-50                                            US 9X..., 6LB...
New Zealand                              1855-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Newark                                   1856                                  Rogers' Penny Post  US local                                             US 162L1 !
Newark                                   1856                                  City Letter Express Mail  US local                                       US 45L... !
Newark                                   1870                                  Mustang Express  US local Jabez Fearey & Co. [sce]                       US 66L1 !
Newfoundland                             1857-1949                             Br  now Canada                                                           %
Nicaragua                                1862-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Niger                                    1921-1944                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-90
Niger                                    1959-                                 R  .                                                                     % 91-
Niger Coast Prot                         1892-1898                             Br  .                                                                    % 37-63
Nigeria                                  1914-1960                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-96
Nigeria                                  1960-                                 .  .                                                                     % 97-
Nisiro                                   1912-1932                             It  Aegean island aka "Nisyros"                                          Italy %
Niuafo'ou                                1983-                                 Tongan  aka Tin Can Island                                               Tonga %
Niue                                     1902-                                 NZ  .                                                                    %
Niutao                                   1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Norfolk Island                           1947-                                 Australian  .                                                            %
North Borneo                             1883-1945                             British North Borneo Company  .                                          % 1-207
North Borneo                             1945-1963                             Br  .                                                                    % 208-296
North Borneo                             1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          % N...
North China                              1941-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          China 8N...
North China                              1949                                  North China People's Post  [y NC304-NC391, NCP...]                       China PR 3L24-3L31, 3L37-3L99, 3LQ...
North China                              1949                                  North China Post & Telegraph Administration  [y NC299-NC303]             China PR 3L32-3L36
North Epirus                             1940-1941                             Greek occ  .                                                             Greece N202-N238
North German Confederation               1868-1871                             .  .                                                                     German States %
Northeast China                          1946-1951                             North East People's Post  [y NE107-NE283, NEP...]                        China PR 1L...
Northeastern Provinces                   1946-1949                             .  .                                                                     China %
Northern Cyprus                          1983-                                 Turkish Republic  .                                                      Turkish R of Cyprus 138-
Northern France                          1940                                  Ger occ  .                                                               France noted
Northern Ireland                         1958-                                 .  UK regional issue                                                     Great Britain %
Northern Nigeria                         1900-1914                             Br  .                                                                    %
Northern Rhodesia                        1925-1963                             Br  .                                                                    %
Northwest China                          1949                                  North West People's Post  [y NW111-NW114]                                China PR 4L65-4L68
Northwest Pacific Islands                1914-1918                             Br  .                                                                    %
Northwest Russia                         1919                                  .  .                                                                     Russia Army of the Northwest
Norway                                   1855-1905                             Swedish K  .                                                             % 1-61
Norway                                   1905-                                 K  .                                                                     % 62-
Nossi-B\'e                               1889-1901                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Nova Scotia                              1851-1867                             Br  now Canada                                                           %
Nowanagar                                1877-1895                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Nui                                      1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Nukufetau                                1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Nukulaelae                               1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Nyasaland                                1908-1953                             Br  .                                                                    %
Nyasaland Force                          1915                                  Br  aka Nyasa-Rhodesian Force                                            German East Africa N101-N105
Nyassa                                   1897-1929                             Port  .                                                                  %
Oakway                                   1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 115X1
Oaxaca                                   1915                                  .  Mex civil war local                                                   Mexico 414-419?
Obock                                    1892-1903                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Oil Rivers Prot                          1892-1898                             Br  .                                                                    Niger Coast Prot 1-36
Oldenburg                                1852-1867                             GD  .                                                                    German States %
Oltra Giuba                              1925-1926                             It  aka Jubaland                                                         %
Oman                                     1971-                                 Sultanate  .                                                             % 122-
Orange Free State                        1868-1900                             .  .                                                                     Orange River Colony 1-43
Orange Free State                        1900                                  Br occ  .                                                                Orange River Colony 44-53
Orange River Colony                      1900-1910                             Br  .                                                                    % 54-73
Orcha                                    1913-1942                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Orense                                   1936                                  .  .                                                                     Spain 11L...
Ostland                                  1941-1944                             Ger occ  Eastern Front                                                   Russia N9-N28
Ottoman Empire                           1867-1914                             Austrian PO  .                                                           Austria Offices Turkey
Ottoman Empire                           1885-1923                             Fr PO  Levant                                                            France Offices Turkey
Ottoman Empire                           1884-1914                             Ger PO  Levant                                                           Germany Offices Turkey
Ottoman Empire                           1885-1914 or 1923                     Br PO  aka Br Levant                                                     Great Britain Offices Turkey
Ottoman Empire                           1874-1908                             It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices Turkey
Ottoman Empire                           1919                                  Polish PO  Levant                                                        Poland 2K...
Ottoman Empire                           1896                                  Romanian PO  .                                                           Romania Offices Turkey 1-6
Ottoman Empire                           1863-1914                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 8-48, 200-231
Ottoman Empire                           1863-1921                             .  .                                                                     Turkey 1-604
Oubangui-Chari                           1915-1933                             Fr  .                                                                    Ubangi-Shari
Outer Indies                             1908                                  Neth  Buiten Bezit.                                                      Netherlands Indies 63-80
Pacific Steam Navigation Company         1857-1858                             .  [sce][b]                                                              Peru 1-2 et al.
Pahang                                   1889-1899, 1935-1963                  Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Pahang                                   1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N21
Pahang                                   1965-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Paita                                    1884                                  .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 11N...
Pakhoi                                   1903-1922                             Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices
Pakistan                                 1947-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Palau                                    1983-                                 US  .                                                                    US %
Palestine                                1920-1944                             Br  .                                                                    % 15-84
Palestine                                1994-                                 .  .                                                                     %?
Palestine                                1948-1967                             Egyptian occ  Gaza                                                       Egypt N...
Palestine                                1948-1949                             Jordanian occ  .                                                         Jordan N...
Panama                                   1878-1903                             Colombia  .                                                              % 1-30
Panama                                   1903-                                 R  .                                                                     % 51-
Papua                                    1906-1937                             Australian  .                                                            Papua New Guinea 11-121
Papua New Guinea                         1952-1975                             Australian  .                                                            % 122-422
Papua New Guinea                         1975-                                 .  .                                                                     % 423-
Paraguay                                 1870-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Paraguay interior                        1922-1942                             .  ovpt "C"                                                              Paraguay L...
Parma                                    1852-1859                             Duchy  .                                                                 Italian States % 1-11
Parma                                    1859-1860                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Italian States % 12-16
Pasco                                    1884                                  .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 12N...
Patiala                                  1884-1951                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Patmo                                    1912-1932                             It  Aegean island aka Patmos                                             Italy %
Peking                                   1918                                  It PO  China                                                             Italy Offices
Penang                                   1948-1963                             Br  .                                                                    Malaya %
Penang                                   1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya %
Peng-lai                                                                       East Chinese local NW of Chefoo [y LEC2]                                 nl
Penhryn Island                           1902-1932, 1973-                      NZ  .                                                                    %
Perak                                    1878-1900, 1935-1963                  Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Perak                                    1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N40
Perak                                    1965-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Perlis                                   1948-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Perlis                                   1963-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Persia                                   1868-1935                             .  .                                                                     Iran 1-794
Persian ports                            1922                                  .  ovpt "Benaders"                                                       Iran 630-631
Peru                                     1858-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Peru                                     1881-1882                             Chilean occ  .                                                           % N11-N23
Petersburg                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 65X...
Petrozavodsk                             1993                                  .  Rus local ovpt Karelia                                                nl?
Philadelphia                             1851                                  Priest's Despatch  US local [sce]                                        US 121L... !
Philadelphia                             1852                                  Teese & Co. Penny Post  US local [sce]                                   US 137L1 !
Philadelphia                             1848                                  Telegraph Despatch P.O.  US local [sce]                                  US 138L... !
Philadelphia                             1851                                  Auner's Despatch Post  US local [sce]                                    US 154L1 !
Philadelphia                             1848                                  Philadelphia Express Post  US local Spence & Brown [sce]                 US 159L... !
Philadelphia                             1841-1843                             D.O. Blood & Co.  US local "Phila. Despatch Post" [sce]                  US 15L... !
Philadelphia                             ?                                     Clinton's Penny Post  US local                                           US 161L1 !
Philadelphia                             184?                                  J.A. Howell's City Despatch  US local                                    US 165L1 !
Philadelphia                             1848                                  Brigg's Despatch  US local [sce]                                         US 25L... !
Philadelphia                             1849-1851                             G. Carter's Despatch  US local [sce]                                     US 36L1 !
Philadelphia                             1860                                  City Dispatch  US local                                                  US 41L1 !
Philadelphia                             184?                                  City Express Post  US local                                              US 44L... !
Philadelphia                             1856                                  Cressman & Co.'s Penny Post  US local [sce]                              US 53L... !
Philadelphia                             1848-1850                             Eagle City Post  US local [sce]                                          US 61L... !
Philadelphia                             1879                                  Guy's City Despatch  US local [sce]                                      US 74L... !
Philadelphia                             1847                                  Hampton's City Despatch Post  US local [sce]                             US 77L... !
Philadelphia                             1847                                  Harris's City Despatch Post  US local [sce]                              US 79L... !
Philadelphia                             1849-1856                             .  carrier                                                               US 7LB...
Philippines                              1854-1898                             Sp  .                                                                    % 1-211
Philippines                              1898-1946                             US  .                                                                    % 212-497
Philippines                              1946-                                 R  .                                                                     % 498-
Philippines                              1942-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          % N1-N39
Pisco                                    1884                                  .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 13N1
Piscopi                                  1912-1932                             It  Aegean Island aka Episkopi                                           Italy %
Pitcairn Island                          1940-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Pittsburgh                               1852                                  Zieber's Dispatch  US local [sce]                                        US 150L1 !
Pittsylvania                             1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 66X...
Piura                                    1884                                  .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 14N...
Pleasant Shade                           1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 67X...
Poland                                   1918-1939, 1944-                      R  .                                                                     %
Poland                                   1860                                  Rus K  .                                                                 % 1
Poland                                   1941-1945                             Gvt in exile  .                                                          % 3K...
Poland                                   1939                                  Ger occ  Post Osten                                                      % N17-N29
Poland                                   1940-1944                             Ger Generalgovernment  .                                                 % N30-N103
Poland rural delivery                    1940                                  Ger occ  .                                                               Poland NL...
Ponce                                    1898                                  US  Puerto Rico local [dws]                                              % 200
Ponta Delgada                            1892-1905                             Port  .                                                                  %
Poonch                                   1876-1894                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Port Arthur & Darien                     1949-1950                             P.A. & D. Post and Telegraph Admin. [y AD56-AD74]                        China PR 2L56-2L76
Port Lavaca                              1861                                  .  unique                                                                US CSA 107X1
Port Said                                1899-1930                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
Port-Lagos                               1893-1898                             Fr PO  city in Greece                                                    France Offices
Portugal                                 1853-1910                             K  .                                                                     % 1-169
Portugal                                 1910-                                 R  .                                                                     % 170-
Portugese Africa                         1898                                  .  .                                                                     %
Portugese Congo                          1894-1920                             .  .                                                                     %
Portugese Guinea                         1881-1973                             .  .                                                                     %
Portugese India                          1871-1961                             .  .                                                                     %
Prednestrova                             1993                                  .  Moldova seceding state aka Trans-Dniester                             nl?
Priamur District                         1921-1922                             .  .                                                                     Siberia 51-115
Prince Edward Island                     1861-1873                             Br  now Canada                                                           %
Providence                               1846                                  US  Postmasters provisional                                              US 10X...
Providence                               1849                                  Providence Despatch  US local [sce]                                      US 124L1 !
Prussia                                  1850-1867                             K  .                                                                     German States %
Prussia NR 21                            1903, 1920                            Germany  local iss                                                       Germany oL1-oL15
Puerto Rico                              1873-1898                             Sp  .                                                                    % 1-172
Puerto Rico                              1899-1900                             US  .                                                                    % 210-216
Pulau Pinang                             1965-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Puno                                     1881-1885                             .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 15N...
Qatar                                    1957-1971                             Br Prot  .                                                               % 1-251
Qatar                                    1971-                                 Emirate  .                                                               % 252-
Qu'aiti State                            1942-1967                             .  .                                                                     Aden %
Queensland                               1860-1911                             Br  .                                                                    %
Quelimane                                1914-1922                             Port  .                                                                  %
Rajasthan                                1949                                  .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Rajpipla                                 1880-1886                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Rarotonga                                1919-1931                             NZ  .                                                                    Cook Islands 45-83
Ras al Khaimah                           1964-1972                             Emirate  .                                                               %
Retymnon                                 1899                                  Rus PO  District of Crete                                                Crete 10-46
Reunion                                  1852-1947                             Fr  .                                                                    France %
Rheatown                                 1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 69X...
Rheinland Pfalz                          1947-1949                             Fr occ  .                                                                Germany 6N...
Rhodes                                   1912-1935                             It  Aegean Island "Rodi"                                                 Italy %
Rhodesia                                 1965-1979                             .  .                                                                     %
Rhodesia                                 1909-1917                             Br  .                                                                    % 82-140
Rhodesia and Nyasaland                   1954-1964                             Br  .                                                                    %
Richmond                                 1865                                  Magic Letter Express  US local [sce]                                     US 101L... !
Rio de Oro                               1905-1924                             Sp  .                                                                    %
Rio Muni                                 1960-1968                             Sp  .                                                                    %
Riouw                                    1954                                  Indonesia  .                                                             Indonesia %
Rizeh                                    1910-1914                             Rus PO  aka Rize                                                         Russia Offices Turkey 191-199
Rochester                                1844                                  Hoyt's Letter Express  US local NY [sce]                                 US 85L1 !
Romagna                                  1859-1860                             .  .                                                                     Italian States %
Roman States                             1852-1870                             .  .                                                                     Italian States %
Romania                                  1917-1918                             Austrian occ  .                                                          % 1N...
Romania                                  1865-1947                             K  .                                                                     % 21-677
Romania                                  1916-1917                             Bulgarian occ  Dobrogea strip                                            % 2N...
Romania                                  1917-1918                             Ger occ  M.V.i.R. and other ovpts                                        % 3N...
Romania                                  1947-                                 R  .                                                                     % 678-
Ross Dependency                          1957-                                 NZ  .                                                                    New Zealand L...
Rouad, \^Ile                             1916-1920                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Ruanda                                   1916                                  Belgian occ  .                                                           German East Africa N1-N8
Ruanda-Urundi                            1916-1962                             Belgian  .                                                               %
Russia                                   1855-1917                             E  .                                                                     % 1-118
Russia                                   1917-1923, 1992-                      R  .                                                                     % 119-241A, 6056-
Russia                                   1920                                  White Russian Corps  not issued                                          Belarus noted
Russia                                   1919                                  Northern Army Special Corps  .                                           Russia Army of the North
Russian Co. of Steam Navigation & Commerc1863-1866                             .  Levant [b]                                                            Russia Offices Turkey 1-7
Russian Poland                           1915-1916                             Ger occ  Russisch-Polen                                                  Poland N1-N5
Rutherfordton                            1861                                  .  unique                                                                US CSA 72X1
Rwanda                                   1962-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Ryukyus                                  1948-1972                             US  .                                                                    %
Saar                                     1920-1935                             League of Nations  .                                                     % 1-154
Saar                                     1945-1956                             Fr  .                                                                    % 155-261
Saar                                     1957                                  Ger  .                                                                   % 262-322
Sabah                                    1964-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Saint Christopher                        1870-1890                             Br  .                                                                    %
Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla         1952-1980                             Br  or St. Kitts-N.-A.                                                   %
Saint Georges                            1860                                  .  .                                                                     Bermuda X4
Saint Helena                             1856-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Saint Kitts                              1980-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Saint Kitts-Nevis                        1903-1951                             Br  .                                                                    %
Saint Louis                              1845-1847                             .  US postmasters provisional                                            US 11X...
Saint Louis                              1883                                  Saint Louis City Delivery Company  US local                              US 131L1 !
Saint Louis                              1859-1860                             Squier & Co.'s City Letter Dispatch  Us local [sce]                      US 132L... !
Saint Louis                              18??                                  Smith & Stephens' City Delivery  US local [sce]                          US 158L1 !
Saint Louis                              1851                                  City Dispatch  US local                                                  US 42L1 !
Saint Louis                              1851                                  Clark & Hall's Penny Post  US local [sce]                                US 49L1 !
Saint Lucia                              1860-1979                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-455
Saint Lucia                              1979-                                 .  .                                                                     % 456-
Saint Pierre and Miquelon                1885-1978, 1986-                      Fr  .                                                                    %
Saint Vincent                            1861-1979                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-568
Saint Vincent                            1979-                                 .  .                                                                     % 569-
Sainte-Marie de Madagascar               1894-1896                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Salamanca Province                       1868-1870                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Spain 117f-122f
Salem                                    1861                                  .  NC                                                                    US CSA 73X...
Salonica                                 1909-1910                             It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Salonica                                 1909-1910                             Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 131-140
Samoa                                    1877-1899                             K  .                                                                     % 1-38
Samoa                                    1877-1880                             Samoa Express  local [b]                                                 % 1-8
Samoa                                    1900-1915                             Ger  .                                                                   % 51-73
Samos                                    1912-1914                             Provisional Gvt  Aegean Island                                           Greece N73-N96
Samos                                    1914-1915                             Greek  Aegean Island                                                     Greece N97-N108
San Francisco                            1853-1854                             Reed's City Despatch Post  US local [sce]                                US 126L... !
San Francisco                            1850s-1860s                           California City Letter Express Co  US local [sce]                        US 33L... !
San Francisco                            1850s-1860s                           California Penny Post Co  US local [sce]                                 US 34L... !
San Francisco                            1864                                  Carnes' City Letter Express  US local [sce]                              US 35L... !
San Francisco                            1864-1870                             Gahagan & Howe City Express  US local                                    US 70L... !
San Francisco                            1868                                  William E. Loomis Letter Express  US local                               US 98L1 !
San Marino                               1877-                                 R  .                                                                     %
San Sebastian                            1937                                  .  Guipuzcoa Province                                                    Spain 12L...
Santa Cruz de Tenerife                   1936                                  .  .                                                                     Spain 13L...
Santander                                1884-1903                             .  .                                                                     Colombia %
Sao Tome and Principe                    1870-1975                             Port  .                                                                  Saint Thomas and Prince Islands 1-410
Sao Tome and Principe                    1975-                                 R  .                                                                     Saint Thomas and Prince Islands 411-
Sarawak                                  1869-1946                             Raj  .                                                                   % 1-158
Sarawak                                  1947-1963                             Br  .                                                                    % 159-212
Sarawak                                  1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          % N1-N22
Sarawak                                  1963-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Sardinia                                 1851-1862                             K  .                                                                     Italian States %
Saseno                                   1923                                  It occ  .                                                                %
Saudi Arabia                             1934-                                 K  .                                                                     % 138-
Saurashtra, United State of              1949-1950                             .  .                                                                     Indian States Soruth 39-42
Saxony                                   1850-1867                             K  .                                                                     German States %
Saxony                                   1945-1946                             Sov occ  Provinz Sachsen                                                 Germany 13N...
Scarpanto                                1912-1932                             It  Aegean island aka Karpathos                                          Italy %
Schleswig                                1920                                  .  Slesvig plebiscite iss                                                % 1-14
Schleswig                                1865-1867                             Duchy  .                                                                 German States Schleswig-Holstein 8-14
Schleswig Zone 1                         1920                                  .  Northern zone, to Denmark                                             Schleswig 15-28
Schleswig-Holstein                       1850-1867                             Duchies  .                                                               German States % 1-7
Scinde                                   1852-1854                             .  Provisional Indian local                                              India A1-A3
Scotland                                 1958-                                 .  UK regional                                                           Great Britain %
Scutari                                  1914-1915, 1919-1920                  .  various "Shkoder" provisionals                                        Albania 105 et al.
Scutari di Albania                       1915                                  It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Selangor                                 1878-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Selangor                                 1942-1943                             Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N...
Selangor                                 1965-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Senegal                                  1887-1944                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-194
Senegal                                  1960-                                 R  .                                                                     % 195-
Senegambia and Niger                     1903                                  Fr  .                                                                    %
Serbia                                   1866-1918                             R  .                                                                     %
Serbia                                   1916                                  Austrian occ  Serbien                                                    % 1N...
Serbia                                   1941-1942/3                           Ger occ  Serbien                                                         % 2N...
Serbian Republic in Bosnia-Herzegovina   1992-                                 .  [lsn]                                                                 nl?
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom of th1921-1928                             .  .                                                                     Yugoslavia 1-62
Seville                                  1936                                  .  .                                                                     Spain 14L...
Seychelles                               1890-1976                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-342
Seychelles                               1976-                                 .  .                                                                     % 343-
Shan States                              1943                                  .  .                                                                     Burma 2N51-2N57
Shanghai                                 1865-1898                             China  treaty port local                                                 %
Shanghai                                 1919-1922                             US PO  China                                                             US K...
Shanghai and Nanking                     1941-45                               Japanese occ  .                                                          China 9N...
Shansi                                   1941-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          China 5N...
Shantung                                 1941-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          China 6N...
Shantung                                 1945-1949                             Shantung Post  East China [y EC81-EC158]                                 China PR 5L1-5L9, nl
Sharjah                                  1963-1971                             Emirate  .                                                               %
Shensi                                   1949                                  People's Post  Northwest China [y NW35-NW64]                             China PR 4L31-4L44, nl
Shensi Province                          1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Area         1946-1949                             .  Northwest China [y NW1-NW34]                                          China PR 4L1-4L30
Shri Lanka                               1972-                                 R  aka Sri Lanka                                                         Sri Lanka
Siam                                     1883-1939, 1945-1949                  K  .                                                                     Thailand 1-237, 260-274
Siberia                                  1919                                  .  Gvt at Omsk                                                           % 1-81
Sicily                                   1859-1862                             K of the Two Sicilies  .                                                 Italian States Two Sicilies 10-18
Sierra Leone                             1859-1961                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-207
Sierra Leone                             1961-                                 .  .                                                                     % 208-
Simi                                     1912-1932                             It  Aegean island                                                        Italy %
Simoor                                   1879-1902                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Sinaloa                                  1929                                  .  Mex revolution iss                                                    Mexico %
Singapore                                1948-1963                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-72
Singapore                                1965-                                 R  .                                                                     % 73-
Sinkiang                                 1915-1949                             .  aka Chinese Turkestan                                                 China %
Sinkiang                                 1949                                  People's Post  Northwest China [y NW97-NW110]                            China PR 4L61-4L64, nl
Slovakia                                 1939-1945                             Ger Prot  .                                                              %
Slovakia                                 1993-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Slovenia                                 1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Slovenia                                 1919-1920, 1945                       Yugoslav  .                                                              Yugoslavia 3L..., nl
Smyrna                                   1909-1910                             It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Smyrna                                   1909                                  Rus PO  .                                                                Russia Offices Turkey 141-150
Solomon Islands                          1907-1978                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-368
Solomon Islands                          1978-                                 .  .                                                                     % 369-
Somali Coast                             1894-1967                             Fr  .                                                                    % 34-309
Somalia                                  1960-                                 R  .                                                                     % 170-
Somalia                                  1903-1936, 1950-1960                  It  .                                                                    % 28-31, 51-169
Somalia                                  1945-1950                             Br occ  .                                                                Great Britain Offices Somalia 10-31
Somaliland Prot                          1903-1960                             Br  .                                                                    %
Sonora                                   1913-1914                             .  Mex civil war local                                                   Mexico 321-400?, 405-413?
Soruth                                   1864-1938                             .  Junagadh                                                              Indian States % 1-38
South Africa                             1910-1961                             .  .                                                                     % 1-253
South Africa                             1961-                                 R  .                                                                     % 254-
South African Republic                   1869-1877, 1882-1900                  .  .                                                                     Transvaal 1-49, 118-201
South Arabia                             1963-1966                             Federation  .                                                            %
South Australia                          1855-1911                             Br  .                                                                    %
South Bulgaria                           1885                                  .  .                                                                     Eastern Rumelia 20-40
South Georgia                            1944-1946, 1963-1979                  Br  .                                                                    % 1-55, Falkland Islands 3L...
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 1986-                                 Br  .                                                                    South Georgia 101-
South Orkneys                            1944-1946                             Br  .                                                                    Falkland Islands 4L...
South Russia                             1918-1920                             .  .                                                                     % 53-71
South Shetlands                          1944-1946                             Br  .                                                                    Falkland Islands 5L...
South West Africa                        1923-1991                             South African  .                                                         %
Southern Nigeria                         1901-1914                             Br  .                                                                    %
Southern Rhodesia                        1924-1953                             Br  .                                                                    %
Southern Yemen                           1968-1970                             R  .                                                                     Yemen PDR 1-64
Southwest China                          1949-1950                             South West People's Post  [y SW9-SW33]                                   China PR 8L1-8L11, 8L17-8L20, 8L30-8L39
Spain                                    1850-67, 1872-3, 1875-1931, 1975-     K  .                                                                     % 1-102, 174-189, 212-448, 1927-
Spain                                    1868-1870                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       % 116-128, 159-173
Spain                                    1873-5, 1931-9                        R  .                                                                     % 190-211, 449-614
Spain                                    1936-1975                             State  .                                                                 % 615-1926
Spain                                    1873-1874                             Carlist K  .                                                             % X1-X7
Spanish Guinea                           1902-1959                             .  .                                                                     %
Spanish Sahara                           1924-1976                             .  .                                                                     %
Spanish West Africa                      1949-1950                             .  .                                                                     %
Spartanburg                              1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 78X...
Stampalia                                1912-1932                             It  Aegean island aka Astypalaia                                         Italy %
Staten Island                            1849                                  Staten Island Express Post  US local [sce]                               US 133L... !
Stellaland                               1884                                  .  .                                                                     %
Stockholm                                1856-1885                             Lokalbref  Swedish city postage [sce]                                    Sweden LX1-LX2
Straits Settlements                      1867-1941                             Br  .                                                                    %
Straits Settlements                      1942-1943                             Japanese occ  .                                                          % N...
Sudan                                    1897-1956                             Br-Egyptian  .                                                           % 1-117
Sudan                                    1956-                                 R  .                                                                     % 118-
Sumatra                                  1943                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Netherlands Indies N15-N26
Sumy                                     1993                                  .  Ukranian local ovpts                                                  nl?
Sungei Ujong                             1876-1895                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Supeh                                    1941-1945                             Japanese occ  .                                                          China 7N...
Surinam                                  1873-1975                             Neth  .                                                                  % 1-423
Suriname                                 1975-                                 R  .                                                                     Surinam 424-
Swatow                                   1949                                  South China Post  [y SC11-SC26]                                          China PR 7L6-7L18
Swaziland                                1889-1968                             Br Prot  .                                                               % 1-138
Swaziland                                1968-                                 K  .                                                                     % 139-
Sweden                                   1855-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Switzerland                              1850-                                 Confederation  .                                                         %
Syria                                    1919-1942                             Fr  Fr occ 1919-23, Fr Mand. 1923-33, R (Fr) 1933-46                     % 1-103, 121-313
Syria                                    1946-1958, 1961-                      R  .                                                                     % 314-
Syria                                    1920                                  Arab K  .                                                                % Arab Gvt
Syria                                    1958-1961                             United Arab R  .                                                         % United Arab R
Syria-Great Lebanon                      1923                                  Fr  .                                                                    Syria 104-120
Szechwan Province                        1933-1934, 1949                       .  .                                                                     China %
Tahiti                                   1882-1915                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Taiwan                                   1945-1949                             .  .                                                                     China %
Tajikistan                               1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Tanganyika                               1920-1931                             Br  .                                                                    % 10-44
Tanganyika                               1961-1964                             .  .                                                                     % 45-60
Tanganyika and Zanzibar                  1964                                  .  .                                                                     Tanzania 1-4
Tangier                                  1918-1924                             Fr PO  .                                                                 French Morocco 72-89
Tangier                                  1927-1957                             Br PO  .                                                                 Great Britain Offices
Tangier                                  1929, 1948-1951                       Sp PO  .                                                                 Spanish Morocco L...
Tanna Tuva                               1926-1944                             .  .                                                                     %
Tanzania                                 1965-                                 .  .                                                                     % 5-
Tasmania                                 1853-1913                             Br  Australian                                                           % 14-117
Tatarstan                                1992                                  .  Rus seceding state                                                    nl?
Tellico Plains                           1861                                  CSA  .                                                                   US CSA 81X...
Teruel Province                          1868-1870                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Spain 117e-126e
Tete                                     1913-1920                             Port  .                                                                  %
Tetuan                                   1908                                  Sp PO  .                                                                 Spanish Morocco %
Thailand                                 1939-1945, 1949-                      K  .                                                                     % 238-259, 275-
Thessaly                                 1898                                  Ottoman occ  .                                                           Turkey M1-M5
Thrace                                   1913                                  .  autonomous Gvt of Western Thrace                                      %
Thrace                                   1920                                  Allied occ  .                                                            % N1-N25
Thrace                                   1920                                  Greek occ  .                                                             % N26-N84
Thuringen                                1945-1946                             Sov occ  .                                                               Germany 16N...
Thurn and Taxis Northern District        1852-1867                             See Footnote 1                                                           German States % 1-32
Thurn and Taxis Southern District        1852-1867                             See Footnote 2                                                           German States % 42-63
Tibet                                    1912-1950                             .  .                                                                     %
Tibet                                    1911                                  Chinese PO  .                                                            China Offices
Tientsin                                 1918                                  Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices
Tientsin                                 1917-1918                             It PO  China                                                             Italy Offices
Timor                                    1885-1975                             Port  .                                                                  %
Tiraspol                                 1992                                  .  Prednestrova 1st iss seceding from Moldova                            nl?
Tlacotalpan                              1856                                  .  Mexican provisional                                                   Mexico %
Tobago                                   1879-1896                             Br  .                                                                    %
Togo                                     1897-1914                             Ger  .                                                                   % 1-23
Togo                                     1914-1956                             Fr  Fr occ 1914-21, Fr Mandate 1921-56                                   % 151-331
Togo                                     1914-1921                             Br occ  .                                                                % 33-91
Togo                                     1957-                                 R  .                                                                     % 332-
Tokelau Islands                          1948-                                 NZ  .                                                                    %
Tolima                                   1870-1903                             .  .                                                                     Colombia %
Tonga                                    1886-                                 K  .                                                                     %
Trans-Jordan                             1920-1947                             K  .                                                                     Jordan 145-244
Transbaikal Province                     1920                                  .  .                                                                     Far Eastern R N1-N4
Transcaucasian Federation                1923                                  .  .                                                                     %
Transkei                                 1976-                                 R  South African homeland                                                South Africa %
Transvaal                                1877-1882, 1900-1909                  Br  .                                                                    % 50-117, 202-284
Travancore                               1888-1949                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Travancore-Cochin                        1949-1950                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Trebizonde                               1909-1914                             Rus PO  aka Trabzon                                                      Russia Offices Turkey 151-160
Trengganu                                1910-1963                             Malaya  .                                                                Malaya %
Trengganu                                1942                                  Japanese occ  .                                                          Malaya % N1-N60
Trengganu                                1963-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Trentino                                 1918                                  It occ  aka Venezia Tridentina                                           Austria N33-N63
Trieste                                  1945                                  Yugoslav occ  some "Trst,Istra"                                          %
Trieste Zone A                           1947-1954                             Allied occ  AMG FTT                                                      Italy %
Trieste Zone B                           1948-1954                             Yugoslav occ  VUJA-STT                                                   Yugoslavia %
Trinidad                                 1847-1913                             Br  .                                                                    %
Trinidad                                 1847                                  Lady McLeod Steamship  private local [b]                                 % noted
Trinidad and Tobago                      1913-1962                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-104
Trinidad and Tobago                      1976-                                 .  .                                                                     % 105-
Tripoli di Barberia                      1910                                  It PO  .                                                                 Italy Offices
Tripolitania                             1923-1935                             It  .                                                                    %
Tripolitania                             1948-1951                             Br  .                                                                    Great Britain Offices
Tristan da Cunha                         1952-1961, 1963-                      Br  .                                                                    %
Trucial States                           1961                                  .  .                                                                     %
Tsingtau Province                        1949                                  .  .                                                                     China %
Tumaco                                   1903                                  .  Colombian province provisionals [sce]                                 nl?
Tunisia                                  1888-1957                             Fr  .                                                                    % 1-270
Tunisia                                  1957                                  K  .                                                                     % 271-311
Tunisia                                  1957-                                 R  .                                                                     % 312-
Turkey                                   1923-                                 R  .                                                                     % 605-
Turkey                                   1920-1923                             .  Nationalist Gvt at Ankara                                             % in Asia
Turkmenistan                             1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Turks and Caicos Islands                 1900-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Turks Islands                            1867-1900                             Br  .                                                                    %
Tuscany                                  1851-1860                             GD  .                                                                    Italian States % 1-16
Tuscany                                  1860-1861                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Italian States % 17-23
Tuvalu                                   1976-1978                             Br  .                                                                    % 1-84
Tuvalu                                   1978-                                 .  .                                                                     % 85-
Uganda                                   1895-1902, 1962                       Br  .                                                                    % 1-82
Uganda                                   1962-                                 .  .                                                                     % 83-
Ukraine                                  1918-1923, 1992-                      R  .                                                                     %
Ukraine                                  1941-1943                             Ger occ  .                                                               Russia N29-N48
Umm al Qaiwain                           1964-1967                             Emirate  .                                                               Umm Al Qiwain
UNESCO                                   1961-                                 .  .                                                                     France 2o...
Union Island                             1984-                                 Grenadines of Saint Vincent  .                                           Saint Vincent Grenadines %
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics      1923-1991                             .  .                                                                     Russia 242-6055
Uniontown                                1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 86X...
Unionville                               1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 87X...
United Arab Emirates                     1973-                                 .  .                                                                     %
United Arab Republic                     1958-1971                             .  .                                                                     Egypt 436-871
United Kingdom                           1840-                                 .  .                                                                     Great Britain
United States of America                 1847-                                 .  .                                                                     %
United States of America                 1844                                  Overton & Co. Letter Express  US local [sce]                             % 113L1 !
United States of America                 1866                                  Penny Express Co.  US local                                              % 114L... !
United States of America                 1844                                  Pomeroy's Letter Express  US local NY [sce]                              % 117L... !
United States of America                 1861                                  Prince's Letter Dispatch  US local Portland ME - Boston [sce]            % 122L1 !
United States of America                 1894                                  Fresno-San Francisco Bicycle Mail  US local [b]                          % 12L... !
United States of America                 1861-1888                             Wells, Fargo and Co.  US local Pony Express [sce][b]                     % 143L... !
United States of America                 1898                                  McGreely's Express  US local Dyea -- Skagway AK [sce][b]                 % 155L1 !
United States of America                 1852                                  Boyce's City Express Post  US local NYC [sce]                            % 19L1 !
United States of America                 1854-1855                             Adams & Co.'s Express  US local CA [sce]                                 % 1L... !
United States of America                 1857                                  Bradway's Despatch  US local Philadelphia-Millville [sce]                % 21L1 !
United States of America                 1844                                  Brainard & Co.  US local NY [sce]                                        % 24L... !
United States of America                 1857                                  Browne's Easton Despatch Post  US local [sce]                            % 30L... !
United States of America                 1857                                  American Express Company  US local Smith & Dobson [sce]                  % 4L1 !
United States of America                 1884                                  Hale & Co.  US local [sce]                                               % 75L... !
United States of America                 1847                                  Hall & Mills' Free Despatch Post  US local NYC [sce]                     % 76L1 !
United States of America                 1845                                  Hanford's Pony Express  US local NYC [sce]                               % 78L1 !
United States of America                 1863                                  Humboldt Express  US local NV [sce]                                      % 86L1 !
United States of America                 1847                                  Kidder's City Express Post  US local Bklyn [sce]                         % 93L1 !
United States of America                 1844                                  Henry Wells  US local "Letter Express" [sce]                             % 96L... !
United States of America                 1847?                                 Locomotive Express Post  US local                                        % 97L1 !
United States of America                 1877                                  Buffalo Balloon  US local airmail rare TN                                % CL1 !
United States of America                 1851-1854                             Fiske & Rice's Express  US local [sce]                                   % noted nl !
Universal Postal Union                   1957-                                 .  .                                                                     Switzerland 9o...
Upper Senegal and Niger                  1906-1921                             Fr  .                                                                    %
Upper Silesia                            1920-1922                             .  .                                                                     %
Upper Silesia                            1921                                  Polish  Gorny Slask unauth. iss                                          % noted
Upper Volta                              1920-1933                             Fr  .                                                                    Burkina Faso 1-69
Upper Volta                              1959-1984                             R  .                                                                     Burkina Faso 70-668
Uruguay                                  1856-1858                             Atanasio Lapido [carrier issues]  .                                      % 1-6
Uruguay                                  1864-                                 R  .                                                                     % 18-
Urundi                                   1916                                  Belgian occ  [ssa]                                                       German East Africa N9-N16
Uzbekistan                               1992-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Vaitupu                                  1984-                                 Tuvalu  .                                                                Tuvalu %
Valladolid Province                      1868-1870                             Provisional Gvt  .                                                       Spain 116c-128c
Valona                                   1915                                  It PO  Albania                                                           Italy Offices
Van Diemen's Land                        1853                                  Br  .                                                                    Tasmania 1-13
Vancouver Island                         1865                                  Br  now Canada                                                           British Columbia 3-6
Vanuatu                                  1980-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Vathy                                    1893-1914                             Fr PO  Samos, in the Aegean                                              France Offices
Vatican City                             1929-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Veglia                                   1920                                  It occ  aka Krk                                                          Fiume 128-133
Venda                                    1979-                                 R  South African homeland                                                South Africa %
Venetia Giulia and Istria                1945-1947                             Allied occ  AMG VG                                                       Italy 1LN...
Venezia Giulia                           1918-1919                             It  .                                                                    Austria N1-N32
Venezuela                                1859-                                 .  .                                                                     %
Victoria                                 1850-1912                             Br  Australian                                                           %
Victoria                                 1861                                  .  .                                                                     US CSA 88X...
Victoria Land                            1911                                  NZ  Scott expedition                                                     New Zealand 130d, 131d
Vienna                                   1979-                                 UN PO  Austria                                                           UN %
Vietnam                                  1945-1959                             E  Fr sponsored empire                                                   % 1-26
Vietnam                                  1955-1975                             R  aka South Vietnam                                                     % 27-516
Vietnam                                  1954-1957                             IC Indo-China  .                                                         India ICIC %
Virgin Islands                           1866-                                 Br  .                                                                    %
Vryburg                                  1899                                  SAR occ  .                                                               Cape of Good Hope N1-N4
Wadhwan                                  1888-1892                             .  .                                                                     Indian States %
Wales and Monmouthshire                  1958-                                 Br  Br regional iss                                                      Great Britain %
Wallis and Futuna                        1920-                                 Fr  .                                                                    %
Warsaw                                   1916                                  Ger occ  Warschau, Gen.-Gouv.                                            Poland N6-N16
Wenden                                   1863-1903                             Rus Z  local [b]                                                         Russia L...
West Irian                               1963-1970                             Indonesia  Irian Barat                                                   % 20--61
West Liao-ning Area                      1945                                  Northeast China [y NE31-NE40]                                            nl
West New Guinea                          1962-1963                             UN  UNTEA                                                                West Irian 1--19
West Russia                              1918                                  Western Army  Avalov-Bermondt@Shavli [sce]                               Latvia 2N1-2N36
West Saxony                              1945-1946                             Sov occ  West-Sachsen                                                    Germany 14N...
West Szechuen                            1950                                  West Szechuen People's Post  Southwest China [y SW45-SW57]               China PR 8L40-8L51
Western Australia                        1854-1912                             Br  Australian                                                           %
Western Front                            1914-1918                             Ger occ  .                                                               France N15-N26
Western Samoa                            1914-1961                             NZ  .                                                                    % 101-222
Western Samoa                            1961-                                 K  Samoa i Sisifo                                                        % 223-
Western Ukraine                          1919                                  .  .                                                                     %
Western Ukraine                          1919                                  Romanian occ  .                                                          % N...
Westtown                                 1853-1870                             .  US local Orange County PA [sce]                                       US 145L... !
Wilayah Persekutuan                      1986-                                 Malaysia  .                                                              Malaysia %
Wilmington                               1850                                  Roche's City Dispatch  US local [sce]                                    US 129L1 !
World Health Organization                1948-                                 .  .                                                                     Switzerland 5o...
World Intellectual Property Organization 1982-                                 .  .                                                                     Switzerland 11o...
World Meteorological Organization        1956-1973                             .  .                                                                     Switzerland 8o...
Wrangel refugee posts                    1921                                  .  .                                                                     Russia Offices Turkey 232-376
Wurttemberg                              1851-1918                             K  .                                                                     German States %
Wurttemberg                              1919-1923                             R  .                                                                     German States %
Wurttemburg                              1947-1949                             Fr occ  .                                                                Germany 8N...
Yca                                      1884                                  .  Peruvian local provisional                                            Peru 16N...
Yeh-Hsien                                                                      East Chinese local SW of Chefoo [y LEC1]                                 .  nl
Yemen                                    1926-1970ff                           K  international recognition ended in 1963                               % 1-143
Yemen                                    1963-                                 R  aka North Yemen                                                       % 144-
Yemen                                    1970-1992?                            PDR  aka South Yemen                                                     Yemen PDR 65-?
Yucatan                                  1924                                  .  Mex revolution iss                                                    Mexico %
Yugoslavia                               1945-                                 R  .                                                                     % 159A-
Yugoslavia                               1941-1945                             Gvt in Exile  .                                                          % 1K...
Yugoslavia                               1929-1941                             K  .                                                                     % 63-159
Yunnan                                   1950                                  .  Southwest China [y SW58-SW66]                                         China PR 8L52-8L59
Yunnan Province                          1926-1934, 1949                       .  .                                                                     China %
Yunnanfou                                1903-1922                             Fr PO  China                                                             France Offices
Zaire                                    1971-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Zambezia                                 1894-1914                             Port  .                                                                  %
Zambia                                   1964-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Zangezur                                 1919                                  .  surch. on Rus [sce]                                                   nl?
Zante                                    1943                                  Ger occ  .                                                               Ionian Islands N26--N29
Zanzibar                                 1895-1963                             Sultanate  Br Prot 1895-1963                                             % 1-280, 281-284
Zanzibar                                 1964-1965                             R  .                                                                     % 285-322
Zanzibar                                 1965-1967                             Tanzanian  .                                                             % 323-357
Zanzibar                                 1894-1904                             Fr PO  .                                                                 France Offices
Zelaya                                   1912                                  Nicaraguan  .                                                            Nicaragua 1L109-1L123
Zil Eloigne Sesel                        1980-                                 Seychelles  various spellings, aka Outer Seychelles                      Seychelles %
Zimbabwe                                 1980-                                 R  .                                                                     %
Zululand                                 1888-1898                             Br  .                                                                    %
Zurich                                   1843-1850                             Swiss  cantonal iss                                                      Switzerland 1L...