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Radio Killinger 98.5 FM

WNQH-FM West Chester, PA, USA

August 30, 1997 - May 1, 1998

Killinger Hall, West Chester University

Now off the air forever!

But call our request line anyway! 610-430-5022


Radio Killinger first took to the air in August 1997. We were an unlicensed, underground radio station playing just about anything for the residents of Killinger Hall on the campus of West Chester University. Radio Killinger's DJ was Dave Rabbit, Jr. Also appearing from time to time was the Butcher and Silent Steve. Besides playing music, we had comedy skits, witty comments, and one lone talkshow - Staks' talkshow, which aired Thursday night at 9 PM.

Technical Information

Radio Killinger operated on a standard carrier frequency of 98.5 MegaHertz (MHz) in the frequency modulation (FM) band and mode. We used to be located at 107.3 MHz, but found 98.5 MHz to be a clearer channel, and we moved there in late November 1997. The transmitter was a Panaxis FME-500 which ran into a homebrew 10 watt amplifier. The amplifier used two 3 amp power supplies that converted AC to DC. The antenna was a rubber duck. Our range was approximately between 500 and 750 feet. We had hoped to soon add a stereo signal and install a new antenna system to help boost the effective radaited power (ERP) from about 2 watts to 20 watts. Those plans never materialized.


Long story short, we existed for a full year and then closed shop the day before graduation. Now here's the long story. After 3 years of being a part of a college station, WCUR, which was AM carrier current and barely on the air, we gave up on any hopes of a school sponsored FM station and started one of our own.

Our second night of broadcasting was highlighted with the news of Princess Diana's death. I remember we ripped Prince Charles and new a-hole and mourned the loss of such a hot chick. That was in late August. The weeks passed, and publicity grew. Also, the resentment of the campus radio station WCUR 680 AM, with a broadcast range of 5 feet, grew (their resentment, not their broadcast range). At the time we were just weekends and playing music on 107.3 FM.

The following semester beginning in January of 1998, we switched frequency to 98.5 FM. We also added some new equipment to the dorm room studios (which by the way were located at 207 Killinger) including a phone interface so we could air phone calls (and evesdrop on cordless phone conversations). It was also during this semester that we began to broadcast daily, 12 hours a day. We had syndicated programming from a pirate station in Florida, and for a time we carried the John and Ken show from KFI in Los Angeles. We also carried Staks' show locally. Staks was a Philosophy major with many stupid ideas, but we enjoyed airing his show since it drew a sizable audience.

Meanwhile, as resentment escallated, we were tipped off one day that FCC field agents were on campus! We immediately killed the power and waited for the dust to settle, returning to the air a short 2 days later. We also vacated the airwaves one weekend for the WZZR reunion, a pirate radio station that existed the year before.

So the weeks marched on, and we continued to serve the audience with all kinds of programming. One night, one of our jocks was playing around with the phone interface and heard a female resident having phone sex! "Let's air it!!" And we did! Our phone lines (all one of them) rang non-stop for the whole hour we aired it. Too bad we didn't get it on tape for a replay. Nobody was ever sure if that resident knew she had an orgasm live on Radio Killinger.

As graduation neared, we wanted to go out with a bang. We tried to move the station for the final show to the top of Schmidt Hall, 8 stories above the ground, but that sissy faggot boy Michael McKenna, the graduate assistant refused. We protested, but the administration also refused. Oh yeah, and that douchebag homo Jarad Spencer the graduate assistant in Killinger refused to allow any announcements over the PA system for Radio Killinger. Poor guy must not have been toilet trained right because he always acted like such a jack off. We're sure he apprecaited us knocking him on the air whenever we got the chance.

So for our last show, we invited a lot of people down and we partied until 3:30 AM. Lots of beer and drunk people. What were they going to do? Write us up? We were going to be moving out the next day! Unfortunately, the last show is the only aircheck of Radio Killinger that I have. It would have been nice to aircheck the times we fell asleep drunk at the controls, but hey what are you going to do?

That is our story. It was our best year in college... being a part of a pirate radio station that had no rules other than to have fun. If you would like to contact any of the old Radio Killinger personalities, their e-mails are listed below.


David Rabbit, Jr. , now resides in Rhode Island far from the West Chester campus. He couldn't bring himself to sell the Radio Killinger transmitter and other equipment despite numberous offers. All the equipment has been stored away in a box we're told for quite some time. Will another radio station pop up? Possibly. Where is he now? Working in professional radio. And he listed Radio Killinger on his resume, believe it or not.

The Butcher was the only person in Radio Killinger history to take a piss on the air. We all thank him for that. His contributions were confusing, but appreciated nonetheless. He currently works in Wayne, PA doing some computer shit or some such. Also he is still at West Chester University. When the hell are you graduating??? The Butcher is no longer on the radio.

Staks was our Thursday night talkshow host. He was known for his tart honesty and bad goutee which we are told he still has to this day. Little known fact - Staks talkshow was recorded weekly at the WCUR studios. Poor guy is trying to get a show on WCUR... still! "WCUR sucks, WCUR sucks, WCUR sucks.... hey Ryan (Smith), can I have a show?" I agree with the sucking part, but.... huh? Today he does some bullshit as a temp or something like that. Also not in radio presently. Demo tapes sent to WWDB and WPHT were bulked.

Silent Steve has no e-mail address. But he lives in some God forsaken part of Pennsylvania (Mundurf, PA) where sheep are considered people (for all intents and purposes... yes, even that). What he lacked as a vocal presence, he made up for with the size of his gut. Silent Steve has made many silent a gesture while on the air. We can't recall Steve ever speaking over the Radio Killinger airwaves. It's a good thing too... the transmitter probably would have gotten confused and caught fire.

It was fun

So that's our story. Any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail us or the West Chester University administration and/or campus police department. I'm sure thay have a file on us somewhere.

RIP, Radio Killinger
WNQH-FM 98.5 West Chester, PA