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 A Quik Shave Body Razor delivers the FASTEST, SAFEST & SMOOTHEST
    wet-bladed shave ever, without nicks or cuts -- contouring to legs, beards, necks,
heads, underarms and bikini lines.  You'll love Quik Shave!!!

QS® fits all TRAC II® disposable razor cartridges

Quik Shave Razors Adjust To All Shaving Surfaces

      In this fast-paced world, Quik Shave™
      is here to save you 18 hours of time each
      year, plus you'll safely shave your legs.

                               Our customers are pleased with their             Safely shave each of your legs in
                             new Quik Shave Body Razors.  QS ®            one minute flat!  Could you do that
                      conforms to all shaving surfaces.  Check             with any other razor?  No way!  And
                           out some of Quik Shave's fan mail.                  for underarms, simply use one blade.

  QS works great for shaving your head

       Remember our no-risk, money-back guarantee:  "If you don't shave faster with a Quik Shave Razor,
just return it and we'll refund your purchase price during QS's 30 day money-back guarantee,
with no questions asked".  Dishwasher safe?  Yes.

Bodybuilders, swimmers, and those who
shave their entire bodies -- all love the
Quik Shave (unisex) Razor system.


"Isn't Your Time Worth Quik Shave?"

Tired of nicks and cuts?  Order a Quik Shave Razor today!!

QS® Razors are now available in:  silver, gold, red, blue, purple, and our newest color -- green


            How to load blades on your Quik Shave                       Legal
                                                                                                                    ..and packaged by

                                                                             people with disabilites         Reviews & Press Releases
            See QS contour to all shaving surfaces
                                                                                                            "Lady Quik Shave" TV commercial
                                                     NBC interview

 Quik Shave, Inc.
                       15455 Point Northwest Blvd. - Ste. 105                    .
Houston, TX  77095 / USA
  Toll-free order line:  1-888-75 SHAVE

Patents, Copyright© & QS® Registered Trademarks Apply Under International Treaties