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Our all-new 'FAST-TRACK SYSTEM" for the acquisition of real wealth, can be the answer to all your money problems... With this new money-making plan, the money you need for monthly obligations... The money you've been wanting, and needing, for the finer things in life... can be yours - almost immediately!!!

This program is definitely...

* A proven low-risk, all profit "Fast Track System" to real riches...

* Automatically self-perpetuating with "up-front" cash from the very first day on...

* Something anyone can do without training, sales experience, or special business knowledge...

This program definitely DOES NOT...

* Involve chain letters, envelope stuffing, name collecting, coupon clipping, or any of those other ridiculous rip-off's that only cost you more and more money!

* Involve the purchase and mailing out of catalogs, product samples, or other "pie-in-the-sky" schemes!

* Involve recruiting friends, relatives and neighbors to join some "thinly-disguised" pyramid program!

This program is designed for operation, and works best, form the comforts and privacy of your own home. In all honesty, it'll probably take you a couple of hours a day for about 3 or 4 days to get everything organized, but after that, it shouldn't take you more than an hour a day to run this business and start realizing some real profits! Everything you'll need is furnished - sent to you via first class priority mail - just as soon as we receive your registration fee.

It's "like a dream come true," and the only thing that will keep you from making "real money" right from the start will be your own inertia! This business actually runs itself with your biggest expenditure of time devoted to making out your deposit slip for the bank and dropping it off!!! It's a "part-time" business that could bring in more money for you in one week, than most people make in a month or two! It's so simple, and so profitable, that most people don't even recognize it's potential...

Our initial testing resulted in $3,160 the first week... $7,570 the second week... $11,410 the third week... and more than $15,000 by the fourth week...

Think about it - what's the number one concern of most people these days? Money to survive, right? You'd better believe it! And making money is what we're all about. This is an opportunity for anybody , and everybody to alleviate the current "money-bind" we're all experiencing... This is your chance to assist your relatives, friends and neighbors to "break-out" or this financial crisis while putting a real bundle of money in your own pockets!

It's gonna cost you $2 to find out if this is what you've been looking for, and if you really can make a mint with this program - Doubt the authenticity if you want - but if you're ready for the really big money, you'll get your $2 in to us right now! Find out about this fabulous money making opportunity that can make you really rich.

OKAY! I'm ready for some extra money, and if your new program is all you claim it is, I'll be a millionaire this time next year! For $2 I'll take a chance and find out for sure - here's my $2, so send me the materials and I'll judge for myself. I understand that I'm under no obligation, and that it won't be necessary to send for more materials to make this thing start paying off big for me... With that in mind, rush the details of this programs to me immediately via 1st class mail!

MEMBER NAME_______________________________________ STREET____________________________________________ CITY______________________ STATE/PROVINCE______ ZIP/POSTAL CODE________

Send to:

L.J. Leduc Publications, 192 Cote des Neiges, Gatineau, QC, Canada, J8V 2S8

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