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Resume - additional information prior to 1980 and 1995

George W. Doherty

Employment Prior to 1980: Educational Media Center. College of Education, North Texas State University, Denton, TX. Graduate Assistant - Assisted Instructor and Students with media projects. 1977 Child Services Demonstration Center. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. Graduate Research Assistant - Research, testing, ran video equipment (taped interview sessions and testing sessions), complied center newsletter, assisted in center administration. 1976-1977. Counseling and Testing Center. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. Veterans Outreach Counselor - Group testing and outreach counseling with veterans on campus. 1975-1976. St. Elizabeth's Youth Counseling Service (Satellite of CORA Services). 23rd & Berks Sts., Philadelphia, PA. Services Coordinator and Psychological Counselor - Responsible for supervision of two counselors, one practicum student (Masters Level), and two Group Counselors. Consulted with staff on counseling techniques, testing, problem-solving, and referrals. Responsible for training and upgrading personnel onboard. This included consultation on adequate use of interview techniques, histories, projective, personality and achievement testing. Supervision also extended over group counseling. Responsibilities also included keeping client statistics and making monthly program reports. Testing and counseling a caseload of approximately 20 pre- delinquent youth and their parents on a short-term basis was an additional responsibility. 1974-1975. CORA Services. 733 Susquehanna Rd., Philadelphia, PA. Psychological Counselor - Responsible for testing and counseling a caseload of approximately 40 pre- delinquent children and their parents an a short-term basis (3-6 months). Also available for crisis intervention and crisis counseling. Responsibilities also included 5 group counseling sessions per week and one parent-training session per week. Group sessions normally ran for six week periods. Other responsibilities included writing reports on clients, giving, scoring and evaluation tests, and making and following-up referrals to other sources when necessary. 1973-1974. CORA Services. 733 Susquehanna Rd., Philadelphia, PA. Parent Training Consultant - Taught and facilitated parent training groups. 1973-1975. Economic Opportunities Advancement Corporation (OEO). Waco, TX. Director - Youth Development Program - Responsible for the supervision and direction of Youth Counselors. Responsibilities also included development and implementation of programs for the operation of Youth Councils and other related youth activities; development and preparation of budgets; development and implementation of in- service training programs for all Youth Development Progran personnel. Also responsible for development of channels of communication with other youth-related programs within the community and for the organization and development of city- wide youth planning program. 1970-1971. Economic Opportunities Advancement Corporation (OEO). Waco, TX. Program Coordinator - Responsible for organizing and developing community planning programs, developing channels of communication within the community among different organizations and agencies, initiating new programs and evaluating the progress of those already in existence. Also served as consultant to all cooperating agencies. 1968-1970. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Waco, TX. Insurance Agent - Collected Insurance premiums and sold Life Insurance. 1968. The United States Air Force (Active Duty). Officer - Served to Captain. Administrative Services Officer - responsible for administrative details and direct supervision of six personnel. Wing Level. Squadron Commander - Responsible for supervision of six personnel. Also responsible for health, welfare, counseling, discipline and work loads of 450 men in the squadron. Headquarters Squadron, Air Base Group. Instructor, Officer training School - Responsible for training 18-20 Officer Trainees. Included personal counseling, instruction, discussion, and evaluation. Reserves until 1975 ***************************************************************************** CERTIFICATIONS: National Certified Counselor - National Board of Certified Counselors. Certificate #1619. Issued 1983. (Lapsed in 1993) Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor - National Academy of Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselors. Certificate #341. Issued 1982. (Lapsed in 1995) Clinical Member - International Academy of Professional Counseling and Psychotherapy. Certificate #132. Issued 1983. **************************************************************************** Organizations prior to 1995: American Psychological Association - Associate Member since 1981. Western Psychological Association - Since 1982 American Association for the Advancement of Science - Since 1982 Air Force Association (Life Member) - Member since 1962 Penn State Alumni Association - Life Member since 1965 World Future Society - Since 1982 Association for Behavior Analysis - Since 1982 Smithsonian Associate - Since 1981 Biofeedback Society of America - Since 1982 O'Dochartaigh Family Research Association - Since 1983 American Legion Nature Conservancy NRA National Audubon Society Wildlife Federation American Association for the Advancement of Science ***************************************************************************** Interests: Disaster Mental Health; PTSD/Traumatology; CISD/CISM; Cross-cultural and International Research in Psychology; Computer Research and Applications in Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Multivariate Analysis, Biofeedback, Relaxation Training, Sports Psychology, Space Psychology, hiking, camping, Anthropology, Archeology and exploration of ruins and ancient civilizations, Geology, Astronomy and exploration of space, travel, hunting, fishing, wildlife photography. **************************************************************************** Use Back Button to Return to Your Place in Resume. 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